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U.S. intelligence believes Putin probably didn't order Navalny to be killed - WSJ (1 Viewer)

Navalny dies without Putin's permission?

putin killed Navalny by putting him in a jail cell in the arctic.

You make dumb threads.
putin killed Navalny by putting him in a jail cell in the arctic.

You make dumb threads.

Putin supporters don't have a lot to work with.
sell they sure ****ed up Libya. France was the leading power but they went right along with it
Parliament did a paper showing how bad they mangled/massaged intel. Russia did not take part in killing Qadaffi

I have little use for western intel - chocked full of Russiaphobia, and goodies like Iraq WMD

Notice the shift in anatta's threads? Before, his defense of putin could have been dismissed as a by-product of his antiwar stance.

Now, he's just openly defending putin, apropos of nothing else.

Exactly. Poison or gun or arctic prison: the method is irrelevant. Everyone knows who is responsible for the death of Navalny.
I have no doubt an Arctic prison for a political prisoner is conducive to good health

If I take what you wrote here at face value, you appear to be writing that an Arctic prison is good for a political prisoner's health.

I would think most people would consider being sent to an arctic prison, especially in Russia, as being bad for one's health.

You say such strangely pro-Russian and anti-Western things sometimes that I must ask:

1. Are you being sarcastic, or

2. Did you not write this sentence correctly, or

3. Do you actually think an Arctic prison, in Russia, is conducive to good health?
thanks for posting the paywalled link.. but that makes no sense. if Putin didnt order it "at that moment"
then who did? -and why is Putin to blame for the order?
what order?
BTW it never made any sense that Putin would have had him killed. I rejected this idea rom teh outset.
what order?
BTW it never made any sense that Putin would have had him killed. I rejected this idea rom teh outset.

Putin often kills people he perceives to be enemies.
Star Wars Revenge of the Sith.

Palpatine's order to kill all the Jedi.

Still lost but thanks.

I never watch movies, especially things like Star Wars, so maybe that's my problem.

If I take what you wrote here at face value, you appear to be writing that an Arctic prison is good for a political prisoner's health.

I would think most people would consider being sent to an arctic prison, especially in Russia, as being bad for one's health.

You say such strangely pro-Russian and anti-Western things sometimes that I must ask:

1. Are you being sarcastic, or

2. Did you not write this sentence correctly, or

3. Do you actually think an Arctic prison, in Russia, is conducive to good health?
sarcastic. i didnt think that needed to be explained. most boards have a "sarc stamp" we dont
well he was a KGB agent

Its also interesting the KGB of fiction and wild immagination and the actual KGB. The KGB of popular lore takes the form of a small, exclusive, highly professional, secluded group. Kind of like a Mossad, or CIA, or FBI. In realty it was a humongous bureaucracy. The KGB combined what would be their version of FBI, the CIA; but also their equivalent of Coast Guards, Border Guards, plus who knows what. Given that the Soviet Union guarded its borders to a degree unimaginable in the US, the size of the Coast Guards, the Border Guards would be much bigger than in the US. Estimates have it the size of the KGB was more than half a million. Bigger than the Armies of many countries.

The point being a person being ex KGB is not necessarily a spy. They could have been just soldiers, sailors, cops, paper pushers.
Corporate media reports one thing, then the opposite later. As long as there are readers, viewers, and listeners, then they can earn from their sponsors.
I believe US intelligence about as much as I do Putin (neither) -but here you go
U.S. intelligence agencies have determined that Russian President Vladimir Putin probably didn't order opposition politician Alexei Navalny killed at an Arctic prison camp in February, the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday.

Navalny, 47 when he died, was Putin's fiercest domestic critic. His allies, branded extremists by the authorities, accused Putin of having him murdered and have said they will provide proof to back their allegation.

The Kremlin has denied any state involvement. Last month, Putin called Navalny's demise "sad" and said he had been ready to hand the jailed politician over to the West in a prisoner exchange provided Navalny never return to Russia. Navalny's allies said such talks had been under way.

The Journal, citing unnamed people familiar with the matter, said on Saturday that U.S. intelligence agencies had concluded that Putin probably didn't order Navalny to be killed in February.

Reuters could not independently verify the Journal report, which cited sources as saying the finding had been "broadly accepted within the intelligence community and shared by several agencies, including the Central Intelligence Agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the State Department’s intelligence unit."

The U.S. assessment was based on a range of information, including some classified intelligence, and an analysis of public facts, including the timing of Navalny's death and how it overshadowed Putin’s re-election in March, the paper cited some of its sources as saying.

It cited Leonid Volkov, a senior Navalny aide, as calling the U.S. findings naive and ridiculous.
This was in your OP article, but it looks like you cut and pasted around it on purpose:

It said Washington had not absolved the Russian leader of overall responsibility for Navalny's death however, given the opposition politician had been targeted by Russian authorities for years, jailed on charges the West said were politically motivated, and had been poisoned in 2020 with a nerve agent.

Why would you omit that paragraph? Your OP is like that of a Russian agent.
Interesting, and I must admit a little surprising. So how do they think he died? Do we have any idea?
The OP seems to have purposefully cut around and omitted this paragraph from the OP article:

It said Washington had not absolved the Russian leader of overall responsibility for Navalny's death however, given the opposition politician had been targeted by Russian authorities for years, jailed on charges the West said were politically motivated, and had been poisoned in 2020 with a nerve agent.

Some reason I sense there could be a significant element of truth to this report that seems to have been given to the editors at that media entity. BUT two things:

Somebody trying to brown-nose could have done that scrub job. And I wouldn't be a bit surprised if we are informed some years down the road that Putin has that individual scrubbed.

Next is that it seems mighty careless of Putin not to be sure Navalny was in an environment where excellent medical care was available.

And that means I am posting a contradiction, aren't I? On the one hand I am contending Putin was smart enough not to order the immediate scrubbing of that opponent, but on the other hand he wasn't smart enough to make sure the fella didn't suffer a life threatening health problem.

Still, I sense an element of truth in that report. Could be that now we'll see some other sources to support what that media entity has published. Or refute it. Give it a few days/weeks.

Alexei Navalny’s February death in an Arctic penal colony prompted a new wave of sanctions targeting Russia’s economy, upended delicate negotiations to exchange prisoners between Russia and the West, and left Russia’s limited opposition in disarray.

Russian President Vladimir Putin might not have planned for it to happen when it did.

U.S. intelligence agencies have determined that Putin likely didn’t order Navalny to be killed at the notoriously brutal prison camp in February, people familiar with the matter said, a finding that deepens the mystery about the circumstances of his death.

The assessment doesn’t dispute Putin’s culpability for Navalny’s death, but rather finds he probably didn’t order it at that moment. The finding is broadly accepted within the intelligence community and shared by several agencies, including the Central Intelligence Agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the State Department’s intelligence unit, the people said....
I know. Seems like a Russian-friendly OP to me.
thanks for posting the paywalled link.. but that makes no sense. if Putin didnt order it "at that moment"
then who did? -and why is Putin to blame for the order?
Perhaps there was no particular, official order. Could have been putin said something along the lines of, "Will no one rid me of this turbulent* protester?" and his minions sprang into action.

Or there's the chance Navalny's death was "natural", in the sense it wasn't directly precipitated by some person's action.

What seems to be clear, though, is that putin wanted Navalny dead.

*perhaps "meddlesome" was said instead of "turbulent"

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