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U.S. Economy Creates 250,000 Jobs in October, Beating Expectations Again (1 Viewer)


Nov 9, 2018
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Very Conservative
U.S. Economy Creates 250,000 Jobs in October, Beating Expectations Again
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New data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows that nonfarm payroll employment rose by 250,000 jobs in October, far exceeding expectations by 50,000 jobs. The United States economy continues its longest, consecutive streak of positive monthly job numbers, with employment growth averaging 213,000 jobs per month in 2018—larger than the monthly gains in both 2016 (195,000) and 2017 (182,000). Overall, the economy has added 4.5 million jobs since the election of President Trump in November 2016.

Wages are also rising. Nominal average hourly earnings rose by 3.1 percent over the past 12 months. This is the first time that the 12-month growth in nominal average hourly earnings exceeded 3 percent since April 2009. Nominal weekly earnings growth is an even stronger 3.4 percent over the past 12 months. Both hourly and weekly earnings are rising faster than inflation, which rose by 2.0 percent using the Personal Consumption Expenses (PCE)—the Federal Reserve’s preferred measure, because it is so broad—in the most recent data from September.

Employment gains were widespread, with all industries gaining jobs over the month (see figure below). The last time this occurred was over a year ago (June 2017). These increases were especially large in education and health services (44,000), leisure and hospitality (42,000), manufacturing (32,000), construction (30,000), and transportation and warehousing (25,000). Since the President was elected, construction and manufacturing have fared extremely well, adding 507,000 and 446,000 jobs, respectively.

I'm not a big fan of Donald Trump, but I'd never denigrate his supporters.If you're a Trump supporter, denigrate means to put down.
I'm not a big fan of Donald Trump, but I'd never denigrate his supporters.If you're a Trump supporter, denigrate means to put down.

You're not nearly as clever as you think you are. Your childish little hate posts are so sad
Sorry, I don't hate anyone. I think Trump and his minions are unintentionally HILARIOUS. I wish democrats would relax and quit getting upset about him.Just LAUGH at him,he's clearly the dumbest guy to ever hold the office of President

Wow, every poll said I won the debate last night. Great honer!” -- Tweet by Donald Trump following the August 2016 debate

LOL, see what I mean?
Trump has brought back REAL jobs, not the little McDonald's jobs that the lowlife Kenyan Obama created
Trump has brought back REAL jobs, not the little McDonald's jobs that the lowlife Kenyan Obama created

Let’s check:
Limited Service restaurants
January 2009: 3,374,000
January 2017: 4,229,900
Change: +855,900

Total Private Employees
January 2009: 109,571,000
January 2017: 121,222,000
Change: +11,651,000

So 0.7% of jobs created under Obama were fast food.

Your response should be “Huh, I didn’t know that, I must have been misinformed. I should check these things out myself.”

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