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Two Countries Are Better then One! Lets Start a Civil War! (1 Viewer)

Who likes the idea of two seprate countries! One for Liberals, One for Conservatives

  • HELL NO! We are the USA and we're staying that way!

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • YES!!!!!!! No more Conservative/Liberal jerks!

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Wouldn't work

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Let's have a civil war!

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Okay this is kinda sorta maybe supposed to be taken seriously but I just thought it was an interesting idea. Since people are so unhappy about the government up north by New York, perhaps we should break away from the United States. We could form our own little country up north and have fun and the Conservatives wouldn't care cause they would have their own country and they can do whatever they want. They could ban Evolution in Science text books for all I care.
So...you're going to need to create a poll to stay in the poll area...Should be on the upper part of your post under thread tools. If you can't do it, I'll do it for you, or I can move this to a different area.
FinnMacCool said:
Calm down. . .its up. . . I must have posted the thread before I added the poll options. .

What did I do? There's not an exclamation point at all....no harsh language....no threats of gaveling you...could it be that you are leery of authority? :mrgreen:
FinnMacCool said:
Well. . .it sounded harsh in my head. . .kinda like a strict teacher lmao.

Teacher huh...so yeah, problems with authority? ;)

And FYI, noone else can hear what goes on in your head. :mrgreen:

So back to topic, cause I like it. What about the rest of the blue states? Cali? Minnesota?
FinnMacCool said:
They would have to decide amongst themselves what they're gonna do. Just like they had to in the civil war.

But than you'd possibly have the problem of a very disjointed country...if in theory the blue states decided to stick together...
Well if that happened, we could always force them to move down south. . .or just kill them I suppose. I suppose we would have to draw a boundary somewhere. ( By the way, none of the stuff I say on this thread is meant to be taken seriously)
FinnMacCool said:
Well if that happened, we could always force them to move down south. . .or just kill them I suppose. I suppose we would have to draw a boundary somewhere. ( By the way, none of the stuff I say on this thread is meant to be taken seriously)

Oh really? And here I thought you were really advocating killing people to clear the way for the New Blue US. :lol:
Yes. . .the National Socialist Leauge can lead our new Totalitarian state. . .Well I actually don't think that killing civillians for reasons as petty as that is as good thing mainly because its just plain wrong.
FinnMacCool said:
Yes. . .the National Socialist Leauge can lead our new Totalitarian state. . .Well I actually don't think that killing civillians for reasons as petty as that is as good thing mainly because its just plain wrong.

Well, and I mean imagine the mess we'd have to clean up...
I'm not saying it wouldn't be effective though. I mean after the first couple of hundred people are dead, I think they would see reason lmao. They could always burn the bodies. . . take em to dump and just pour gasoline. . .wow this thread is getting kinda sick.
This might sound crazy, but I actually like the idea. Let the conservies have some land to create their little utopia, and then the liberals can bask in their own enlightened nation. Conservies would have to visit liberal land to become educated, And Libies would have to visit conservy land to go to church. A sweet symbiotic relationship could exist. And we could still bitch each other out in the debate politics forum! Sounds great. :lol:
what keeps this country great is the constant flow of ideas from the left and right. its this transcendentalist, win/yang type of nature that works as an internal checks and balance system. the battle of ideas is part of what American culture is all about and keeps our political system one of the most efficient and desired in the world. why would you want to segregate different avenues of though? this would end in failure for both liberals and conservatives.

hell, let NY break off and create their own country. they'd just end up getting raped economically since they'd have to import all their resources from the real US. if any state in the union ever had a chance of breaking off sucessfully, it would be California.

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