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Turkey's foreign minister says sanctioned Russian oligarchs are welcome as tourists and investors (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Turkey's foreign minister says sanctioned Russian oligarchs are welcome as tourists and investors


Sanctioned Russian oligarchs are welcome in Turkey as tourists and investors, according to the country's foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu. The politician said in an interview with CNBC at the Doha Forum: "We implement UN-approved sanctions, so if any Russian citizens want to visit Turkey, of course, they can visit Turkey. Now Russians are coming to visit Turkey, that's no problem." "If you mean that these oligarchs can do any business in Turkey, then of course if it is legal and it is not against international law, I will consider," he added when pushed on whether sanctioned oligarchs can do business in the country. He said: "If it is against international law, then that's another story." Turkey said that allowing Russian oligarchs into the country is legitimate – so long as the yachts remain outside the territorial waters of sanctioning countries, which extend 12 nautical miles from the coastline.

Ankara has not joined with the West in sanctioning the Putin regime, an outlier position Turkey shares with Israel.

Turkey's foreign minister says sanctioned Russian oligarchs are welcome as tourists and investors


Ankara has not joined with the West in sanctioning the Putin regime, an outlier position Turkey shares with Israel.

Turkey needs to be kicked outta NATO and put on the same sanctions list as Russia and the oligarchs Erdogan is offering sanctuary to.
Erdogan's policy thus far has basically been "I support both sides!".
Turkey needs to be kicked outta NATO and put on the same sanctions list as Russia and the oligarchs Erdogan is offering sanctuary to.

Well, they did get kicked out of the F-35 program. That's a start.
Well, they did get kicked out of the F-35 program. That's a start.
not really, Turks are the natural enemies of Muscovy...

Moscow troops crawling to escape from their assault vehicles under attack by a Bayraktar 🇺🇦drone(y)


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