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Turkey's Erdogan eyes Putin meeting to discuss US Syria withdrawal (1 Viewer)


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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says he will probably meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss the U.S. withdrawal from Syria, Reuters reported Tuesday.

Erdogan did not provide a timing for the meeting, and Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the news service that Putin does not have immediate plans to meet with the Turkish leader.
These 2 despots can hardly wait for the U.S. to withdraw on Trump's orders. Time to get together & coordinate their plans (as if they had not already done so).

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says he will probably meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss the U.S. withdrawal from Syria, Reuters reported Tuesday.

Erdogan did not provide a timing for the meeting, and Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the news service that Putin does not have immediate plans to meet with the Turkish leader.
These 2 despots can hardly wait for the U.S. to withdraw on Trump's orders. Time to get together & coordinate their plans (as if they had not already done so).

Yes, I'm sure they have important things to talk about, like who's going to pay for the work to get rid of the rest of ISIS, will Turkey be allowed to have part of Syria for their efforts, will Russia help Turkey try to kill the Kurds.

I'm thinking Russia is going to use Turkey and then tell them to get ****ed.
No doubt to discuss who gets first dibs on slaughtering the Syrian Kurds .... Erdogan or Assad.
No doubt to discuss who gets first dibs on slaughtering the Syrian Kurds .... Erdogan or Assad.

I somehow doubt assad is on the list nor is iran as both those countries are regarded much higher on treatment of kurds than turkey. Infact during the afrin invasion, assad and iran were the only one to send any forces to back the kurds, while america let turkey roll through.

You need to understand assad and iran are against a kurdish state but not against the kurds themselves, while turkey on the other hand views kurds as the enemies(not directly but piece the dots together)
I somehow doubt assad is on the list nor is iran as both those countries are regarded much higher on treatment of kurds than turkey. Infact during the afrin invasion, assad and iran were the only one to send any forces to back the kurds, while america let turkey roll through. You need to understand assad and iran are against a kurdish state but not against the kurds themselves, while turkey on the other hand views kurds as the enemies(not directly but piece the dots together)

I have a military relative in Manbij. You need to look into things deeper than you always do.
I have a military relative in Manbij. You need to look into things deeper than you always do.

Considering assads army moved into the manjib area and raised the syrian flag and is ready to take manjib itself, I think I proved myself right, if you watched the news today on syria the ypg kurds pretty much handed manjib to syria in exchange for protection from assad and the russians.
Considering assads army moved into the manjib area and raised the syrian flag and is ready to take manjib itself, I think I proved myself right, if you watched the news today on syria the ypg kurds pretty much handed manjib to syria in exchange for protection from assad and the russians.

Assad forces moved into the periphery of Manbij. Not into Manbij itself.

But I agree. The Kurds have to choose between two evils .... Assad or Erdogan. Assad can use their talents. Erdogan would only slaughter them.
Graham: Syrian Kurds aligning with Assad would be 'major disaster'


US Senator Lindsey Graham thanking YPG/YPJ Kurdish commanders in Manbij, Syria.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is warning of a “major disaster” if Syrian Kurdish forces align with President Bashar Assad following President Trump's decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria. “If reports accurate about Kurds aligning with Assad, major disaster in the making,” Graham tweeted Friday. “Nightmare for Turkey and eventually Israel. Big winners are Russia, Iran/Assad & ISIS.” “New conflicts between regional powers take pressure off ISIS,” Graham added in a second tweet. Graham’s comments come amid conflicting reports about whether Syrian government forces have entered the Kurdish-controlled town of Manbij, which U.S. forces patrol. The Syrian government said in a statement Friday that its forces had entered the city and raised the Syrian flag. But the U.S. military denied any changes in military forces in the town and war monitors said government forces were only on the perimeter. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan also said facts on the ground remain uncertain. The Kurdish forces, known as the YPG, said in a statement that they are inviting the Syrian government forces into Manbij “to protect these areas against a Turkish invasion.”

Well Senator Graham, Trump has ordered a cut-and-run. :shrug:

In the absence of US forces, the Kurds have little choice but to align themselves with those (Assad/Putin) who have the military power to nix any Erdogan offensive against the Kurdish people in Rojava.
Assad forces moved into the periphery of Manbij. Not into Manbij itself.

But I agree. The Kurds have to choose between two evils .... Assad or Erdogan. Assad can use their talents. Erdogan would only slaughter them.

That is why I said manjib area not manjib itself, though to be truthful the ypg has already sided with assad there, and will likely hand over more territory as the us withdraws as it is a choice of the status quo going back to a semi autonomous region of syria, or fighting turkey alone.
Precisely what I stated in the other thread.

It's either Assad/Putin, or certain extinction.

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