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Trumps succeeds in Kosovo-Serbia deal with Israel (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 3, 2013
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Trump Oversees Historic Serbia-Kosovo Deal With Great News For Israel | The Daily Wire

Doing what no other president has done or could do. Trump won a major victory in Middle East peace deals.
Kosovo-Serbia have signed an accord acknowledging Israel's right to exist but also moving their Embassy to Jerusalem.

This is in conjunction with the new airline routes going through Israel for the first time.

“That was followed by the first commercial flight between Israel and the UAE, with neighboring Saudi Arabia and Bahrain to allow such flights to pass through their airspace. Additional Arab states, including Sudan, Bahrain and Oman, have been identified as countries that may soon also normalize relations with Israel,
Maybe they’ll name streets for the disgraced former president next year. :roll:
Trump Oversees Historic Serbia-Kosovo Deal With Great News For Israel | The Daily Wire

Doing what no other president has done or could do. Trump won a major victory in Middle East peace deals.
Kosovo-Serbia have signed an accord acknowledging Israel's right to exist but also moving their Embassy to Jerusalem.

This is in conjunction with the new airline routes going through Israel for the first time.

“That was followed by the first commercial flight between Israel and the UAE, with neighboring Saudi Arabia and Bahrain to allow such flights to pass through their airspace. Additional Arab states, including Sudan, Bahrain and Oman, have been identified as countries that may soon also normalize relations with Israel,

Yes Yes....its Yalta at least, maybe even Rabin/Sadat and Camp David. Actually I think not. You shouldn't be ejaculating all over your keyboard. Sticky keys and all.

a nice little sideshow going into the last 60 days. Not going to save Donnie though.

This is obviously fake news, because we were all told that Trump would START WARS...not get people to make peace!
Obama bombed 7 countries and destabilized two more.

Liberals adored the man.

There is no serious peace in the middle east until Israel and Palestine recognize each other and decide to get along. So far, nothing. This is nothing more than a Kushner smoke screen to make the Donald look good before an election. No one cares.
Yes Yes....its Yalta at least, maybe even Rabin/Sadat and Camp David. Actually I think not. You shouldn't be ejaculating all over your keyboard. Sticky keys and all.

a nice little sideshow going into the last 60 days. Not going to save Donnie though.

Land for peace of an utter failure. have a nice day.
why are you telling us what is on your keyboard?

that is none of our business.

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