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Trump's New Russia Adviser Has Deep Ties to Kremlin's Gazprom (1 Viewer)

Putin's Russia and Trump's America = how does WW3 turn out?
Simpleχity;1065725305 said:
Trump's New Russia Adviser Has Deep Ties to Kremlin's Gazprom

Gazprom is Russia's state-owned (and largest) oil giant. Its tax payments are the budget-backbone of Putin's government.

Trump foreign-policy adviser Carter Page is neck deep in this corrupt morass.

I read the article and it sounds more to me like Page is a knowledgeable participant in multiple deals that require detailed knowledge of the Eurasian landmass. You can "label" it corruption just as I would label D. C. politics as regards Russia "corrupt." I'm not a Trump fan, but his realistic attitude toward Russia is more likely to end this "New Cold War" than other USA initiative. That would be a positive development. Of course, the War Industries in the USA would lose monies as the "fear and demonize" narrative is cranked down to "Let's all get along and do business that is good for all." Screw a bunch of warmongers. How could anyone think that hiring someone with inside knowledge of a geographical and economic arena could be a bad idea?
I read the article and it sounds more to me like Page is a knowledgeable participant in multiple deals that require detailed knowledge of the Eurasian landmass. You can "label" it corruption just as I would label D. C. politics as regards Russia "corrupt." I'm not a Trump fan, but his realistic attitude toward Russia is more likely to end this "New Cold War" than other USA initiative. That would be a positive development. Of course, the War Industries in the USA would lose monies as the "fear and demonize" narrative is cranked down to "Let's all get along and do business that is good for all." Screw a bunch of warmongers. How could anyone think that hiring someone with inside knowledge of a geographical and economic arena could be a bad idea?

I agree. I'd like to clarify I am ardently Pro-Russian. Russia's badass! I love Russia! It's Putin I have a problem with...

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