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Trump's Family Values Are Superior! (1 Viewer)

I agree that trump is pro-family. He has THREE families. He has 5 kids with THREE wives. And he has shared his pro-family values with his kids so well that Donny Jr is separated from his wife and bonking a far right white supremacist bimbo.

Superior family values my butt.

Citation please.
I guess when you compare Trump vs Bubba, where Bubba ****ed all his conquest in front of Hillary and got all his blowjobs in the oval office from a 22 yr old intern and lied under oath and one said he raped her, Trump looks pretty good to me. Plus he's a billionaire and all his kids are doing fantastic and are rich. Bubba Clinton has no family values.

Going back to the one that accused Bubba of rape you surly believe her, as you believed all the woman that accused Kev of sexual assault, without anyone corroborating their claims. But that does not mean anything you believe her so she was rapped by Bubba Clinton.

Further I suggest Trump's family does not give a **** what you think.

Don't forget Bubba has been revealed to take multiple flights on the Lolita express out to an actual place called orgy island. A place that dealt in underage sex slaves. Notable ditching his secret service detail on more than one occasion.
So you want to talk about Trump's 'family values' do you James?. How about we start with the fact he had a love child while he was married to his first wife, then begged the mother of that love child, Marla Maples, to abort that love child, who happens to be his very own daughter Tiffany....Yeah, let's start there and move to '***** grabbing.' How about let's have that 'Trump's family values' conversation. You game?

Link please.
Trump has his issues for sure but the real question is: is he better or worse than a liberal, all things considered? Take a look at his many problematic marriages, for example. Yet, the Family Research Council supports Trump. Why? Because Trump is pro-family, relatively speaking. Liberals, conversely, have launched an all out attack on the concept of love and family itself with their feminist, divorce, abortion, resilient kids, and welfare agenda.

The lowly liberal/Demos...gotta love em. All they do is complain about his personal life because they can't touch him in the political arena. Family values are the main targets. Welfare abuse is making sure those who are not eligible and have a BMW covered up in the back alley receive benefits at our expense. Letting illegals in to take our jobs,some are criminals.
The real problem of this shut down is not our President but the liberal/Demos as they made good timing to lay of thousands of workers around this time.
All I want for Christmas is our President getting the Wall. the empty attacks has gotten old. Mr. Trump is willing to sit down with the lowly liberal/Demos and negotiate. As you see tomorrow the laid off employees will be staying home. No need to continue as the lists of cheap nitpicking continues.
Good post.
So you want to talk about Trump's 'family values' do you James?. How about we start with the fact he had a love child while he was married to his first wife, then begged the mother of that love child, Marla Maples, to abort that love child, who happens to be his very own daughter Tiffany....Yeah, let's start there and move to '***** grabbing.' How about let's have that 'Trump's family values' conversation. You game?

Link please.

I suspect this is what Logical Man is referring to:
The lowly liberal/Demos...gotta love em. All they do is complain about his personal life because they can't touch him in the political arena. Family values are the main targets. Welfare abuse is making sure those who are not eligible and have a BMW covered up in the back alley receive benefits at our expense. Letting illegals in to take our jobs,some are criminals.

Well if you start a thread about Trump's family values are superior with his track record in that department, you're inviting a discussion about his personal life.

The real problem of this shut down is not our President but the liberal/Demos as they made good timing to lay of thousands of workers around this time.
All I want for Christmas is our President getting the Wall. the empty attacks has gotten old. Mr. Trump is willing to sit down with the lowly liberal/Demos and negotiate. As you see tomorrow the laid off employees will be staying home. No need to continue as the lists of cheap nitpicking continues.
Good post.

I suppose you can look at it that way, but the fact is he is demanding one thing and decided to veto anything that doesn't have what he wants. That's not negotiating at all; the definition of the word implies he would be working with others to find a way to resolve the differences. All he's done is assign blame.
Trump's Family Values Are Superior Nonexistent!

That is, unless you consider adultery and nepotism as family values.
I can excuse Bill Clinton for his filthy behavior.If you were married to Hillary you would do the same.

I thought so. I used to watch Howard Stern back when his show was more readily available.

If that's the way people are trying to sell this old story, then by all means go ahead. The conversation itself shows that it's far different from what Logical was trying to sell it as.

Thanks for the link though. Didn't think it was going to be Newsweek actually.
Neither they nor liberals. There is no attack.

So the silly liberal thinks the American family spontaneously combusted, and it had nothing to do with the liberal attacks ie divorce, abortion, welfare feminism, socialism, resilient kids myth, agenda etc?
I don't see Trump as having any 'values' whatsoever.

well, at least he seems to support his kids which is more than you can say for most young liberal ghetto males. Do you see them as having family values?
If you were intellectually honest you'd know that no ideology or policy is perfect, and will have some detrimental effect. All one can do is measure and adjust as those changes manifest themselves.

the liberal ideology that attacks love and family is not perfect, and does not belong in America. The ideology that refuses to measure and adjust, but rather doubles down, belongs in hell!
So the silly liberal thinks the American family spontaneously combusted, and it had nothing to do with the liberal attacks ie divorce, abortion, welfare feminism, socialism, resilient kids myth, agenda etc?

How did abortion and feminism destroy the family? My wife is a feminist, we terminated a deformed, moribund fetus, much to our sorrow, yet our family has done fine.
How did abortion and feminism destroy the family?

I listed 6 Democratic items that destroyed love and family. Gloria Steinum, a feminist, said a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.
Abortion makes it possible to have sex with strangers and kill the baby that results, rather than love it. If you had to love your baby you would be more inclined to love the man with whom you had sex.
I listed 6 Democratic items that destroyed love and family. Gloria Steinum, a feminist, said a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.
Abortion makes it possible to have sex with strangers and kill the baby that results, rather than love it.

Trump wanted to abort his own daughter Tiffany. The mother, Marla Maples told him to go to hell.
I listed 6 Democratic items that destroyed love and family. Gloria Steinum, a feminist, said a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.
Abortion makes it possible to have sex with strangers and kill the baby that results, rather than love it. If you had to love your baby you would be more inclined to love the man with whom you had sex.

If Gloria indeed coined that phrase, she was right. A fish needs water. A woman needs air to breathe, and the necessities of food, clothing and shelter. Remember, way back when Adam was wandering without a bicycle in Eden, the Almighty decided that *he* was the one who needed the first gal, not vice versa.

And back in the day when I succumbed to temptation with a stranger or two, we both knew where babies came from.
Trump wanted to abort his own daughter Tiffany. The mother, Marla Maples told him to go to hell.

happens in liberal ghettos all the time. Do you criticize liberal ghetto behavior too? Now the illogical liberal man can understand why FRC prefers Trump to liberals
If Gloria indeed coined that phrase[ a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle], she was right.

so we agree, she was anti-love, anti-family and uncivilized, but thoroughly liberal.
happens in liberal ghettos all the time. Do you criticize liberal ghetto behavior too? Now the illogical liberal man can understand why FRC prefers Trump to liberals

Trump is a racist and a closet atheist.
illogical liberal man lost argument so is trying to change subject. Sad.

Nope. I'm discussing Trump's family values. Trump hates his youngest son. P.S It is clear you are a closet flaming blue, bleeding heart liberal.
I listed 6 Democratic items that destroyed love and family. Gloria Steinum, a feminist, said a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.
Abortion makes it possible to have sex with strangers and kill the baby that results, rather than love it. If you had to love your baby you would be more inclined to love the man with whom you had sex.

So people can be forced to love or is it love being forced?
So people can be forced to love or is it love being forced?

love is considered a very very good thing so whatever incentives are provided we are greatful for. Notice the most basic things are beyond the grasp of a liberal?

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