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Trump's Cognitive Decline (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 5, 2017
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I think the video speaks for itself.

One million 870 thousand million tests???

Infantroopen? Susbesdig?
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I think the video speaks for itself.

One million 870 thousand million tests???

Infantroopen? Susbesdig?
I get such a kick out of the Trumpophiles who try to dis Biden for verbal gaffs. One cannot help but wonder if they've actually ever listened to Trump at all. If any of Trump's fans that are actually literate were to read a transcript of any one of Trump's extemporaneous speeches, they'd think he should be committed - of course, assuming that they're intellectually honest to begin with, of which there seems to be no evidence whatsoever. Trump can't even remember the names of the Republicans he's supposed to be endorsing for election. But his mindless minions are so breathtakingly ignorant, if all he ever said in his speeches was "Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV", they'd probably still vote for him.

And the fools still tell themselves that he'll be reelected.

No Trump supporters responding i see.
In 2024 he is gonna be freaking 82 years old. He is closer to dying in office than anyone!

I'm after his policies and himself as a person, not his age.

Neither of these guys are spring chickens!
I'm after his policies and himself as a person, not his age.

Neither of these guys are spring chickens!
Unfortunately, fair or not, that is something to think about. I knew people who liked Biden but did not vote for him, because of his advanced age and that if he would die in office, Harris would assume the Presidency, the same way Trump's advanced age would potentially put Pence in the Presidency. Some of them abstained from voting, due to that, and that both of them were not who they wanted.
Unfortunately, fair or not, that is something to think about. I knew people who liked Biden but did not vote for him, because of his advanced age and that if he would die in office, Harris would assume the Presidency, the same way Trump's advanced age would potentially put Pence in the Presidency. Some of them abstained from voting, due to that, and that both of them were not who they wanted.

That's a very fair point.

But, I'm hitting the point where I'm getting tired of the, "compromise for others' sake".

I'm going for the guys I like.
That's a very fair point.

But, I'm hitting the point where I'm getting tired of the, "compromise for others' sake".

I'm going for the guys I like.
...and if you like none of the choices?
Unfortunately, fair or not, that is something to think about. I knew people who liked Biden but did not vote for him, because of his advanced age and that if he would die in office, Harris would assume the Presidency, the same way Trump's advanced age would potentially put Pence in the Presidency. Some of them abstained from voting, due to that, and that both of them were not who they wanted.
You know some idiots. Not voting for Biden only had one effect, helping trump win, who had the same issue they didn't like about Biden, but a thousand more things making him worse.
I unfortunately vote for the least 'unliked', if I fear the repercussions of the most 'unliked'!

The two-party system is grand, ain't it?

You're right to do so.

We should adopt ranked choice voting to increase choice.
Both parties have to get some younger blood out front.

Go Pete! (y)
There is no GOP, there is a cult of Trump and the dems.
Yes. The dems should find someone younger but Trumpism is Trump. They cannot get younger.
Trump talks far longer than they allow Biden to talk! So on the sheer length of speaking Trump should have far more
mistakes that Biden ! Try talking for > 1 hr straight and see how many times you stumble on words!

But Biden get's lost even in his short speeches, and that's far more concerning.
You know.. the thing, man...



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Trump talks far longer than they allow Biden to talk! So on the sheer length of speaking Trump should have far more
mistakes that Biden ! Try talking for > 1 hr straight and see how many times you stumble on words!

But Biden get's lost even in his short speeches, and that's far more concerning.
You know.. the thing, man...

I guess the point is missed. If you scream cognitive decline on one and not the other, sounds like hypocrisy to me.
You know some idiots. Not voting for Biden only had one effect, helping trump win, who had the same issue they didn't like about Biden, but a thousand more things making him worse.
Eh, I'm not totally behind that. You have to EARN my vote. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil
I guess the point is missed. If you scream cognitive decline on one and not the other, sounds like hypocrisy to me.
You're absolutely right, the point was missed !
It was missed by the poster who only had gaffes from one side and not the other!
I was helping to point out that you forgot to post "The Others Sides" gaffes, so I posted one for you.

I also think it is smart to consider the circumstances. Trump talks his ass of, and that is tiresome on it's own.
Biden uses a teleprompter a lot more and gets lost in his train of thought!

I would bet money that if we had a Trump vs. Biden Talk-a-Thon for > 1 hour Trump would hands down win, and be
far more cognitive! But we can watch Trump's Rallys and Bidens's Speeches! Trump talks a certain way and I'm sure noone
would type that on a teleprompter! Biden repeats stuff he hears in his ear piece like " Go... get him ..."

Now I will say that they must have given Bidens some Smart Drugs or memory drugs over the last several months
because he has been more lucent that he was in the beginning (the stuff I saw). I was surprised that he did so well at the
State of the Union, and he didn't do too well...
There is no GOP, there is a cult of Trump and the dems.
Yes. The dems should find someone younger but Trumpism is Trump. They cannot get younger.

They could, if they g with DeSantis.
You're absolutely right, the point was missed !
It was missed by the poster who only had gaffes from one side and not the other!
I was helping to point out that you forgot to post "The Others Sides" gaffes, so I posted one for you.

I also think it is smart to consider the circumstances. Trump talks his ass of, and that is tiresome on it's own.
Biden uses a teleprompter a lot more and gets lost in his train of thought!

I would bet money that if we had a Trump vs. Biden Talk-a-Thon for > 1 hour Trump would hands down win, and be
far more cognitive! But we can watch Trump's Rallys and Bidens's Speeches! Trump talks a certain way and I'm sure noone
would type that on a teleprompter! Biden repeats stuff he hears in his ear piece like " Go... get him ..."

Now I will say that they must have given Bidens some Smart Drugs or memory drugs over the last several months
because he has been more lucent that he was in the beginning (the stuff I saw). I was surprised that he did so well at the
State of the Union, and he didn't do too well...
Trump is a moron just like his supporters.
Eh, I'm not totally behind that. You have to EARN my vote. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil
AND it's voting to prevent more evil. NOT voting for the lesser evil helps more evil win.

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