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Trump's 'America first' policy to key in on foreign shores (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 22, 2019
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Working with partners, then demeaning America's best friends is just one example of Trump's often contradictory style on the international stage.
Foreign policy experts write off some of Trump's actions as theatrics, but the pullout in Syria, many think, is a gift to Russia and Iran. They say it reduces U.S. influence in neighboring Iraq, leaves room for Islamic State militants to regroup and allows Iran to consolidate control in the region and threaten its archrival, Israel.

"He's walked away from Syria, which has just been catastrophic in terms of our relationships with our allies," Pollack said.

The disrespect and attacks on anything and everything America has invested itself over 100's of years... is a global atrocity by the ignorance and madness of Trump and Republicans.

One aspect is the Republican are absolutely not the party of Lincoln, and not the party of the Mid 1960's, they are "the remake of the DixieCrat's under the current banner of Right Wingers- aspiring to the same ideals of the Confederacy that the Dixiecrat's long pursued. Trump is along with them and giving Russian 'EVERYTHING" Russia wants.

America sadly based on the last election is getting just what it deserve for allowing such a mad gluttonous and avarice driven bigot who is caught up in his own self adulation's present. This is the result of people not voting and then allowing the voice of the Sander to bring a split to the votes and grandstanding to ignore his responsibility to support the nominee of the Party Ticker he ran on.
Then there is the vile contempt that was displayed at Obama, because his policies were supporting "All Americans" and not pandering to the long historical past of white nationalism and white male dominance over women, minorities and society.

So, we ended up with the man promoting the last stand of the white nationalist ideals wrapped in Confederacy Agenda..... while wreaking havoc by divisiveness on America Soil, and delivering to Putin's Russia all that Russian could not have attained by any means on its own, without having a bought and paid for Puppet and Administration that is embedded in Russia's collusive agenda.

This is what it looks like in the steps and stages of the fall of "white nationalism of white male dominance" in America. It was never going to be pretty, but it was inevitable that it would come to this. American has for 100's of years been moving and working to disband the vile history of white nationalism of white male dominance.

Women gained their rights to vote, they can now work and earn and support themselves, and minorities are no longer willing not accepting of being under constant duress and repressions, and neither women nor minorities will wait on a old system of white nationalism of white male dominance, to think it can continue to "ration" out rights and privileges of Democracy, only when its beneficial only to them and convenient to their staying in power to dominance over other Americans.

The Republican Party long ago stopped by of any resemblance to the Party that voted for Civil Rights Passage. Today's Democrats is made up of people who support and promote Civil Rights and stand more for the ethical values of the individual as person and citizen. In the minority christian sectors they stand in support of the conservation of moral values of and within the religious communities. Where as we've seen the white evangelicals, back Trump and his videotaped boasting about "grabbing women by the ________", and the backing and support of belligerent types like Roy Moore and embracing white nationalist promoters like Steve Bannon and Steven Miller, and long list of those taking stands against any nation of none white ethnic people. Except for the likes of those nations like Saudi's whom Trump is indebted unto.

His stand personal angst at Germany goes way back to the days of Hitler, when his Grand-daddy was not allowed to return and was labeled as a draft dodger.
He's been trying to design his own Eastern European Dictator Styled Palace Imagery, which is vividly seen in his Trump Tower Apt. And his fancy and obsession with Russian Oligarch's is obvious, along with his nearly worship like devotion to Putin and in Awe of Putin's dictatorial dominance over Russia and the wealth Putin has amassed by fleecing the Russian people.

The damages he has done to the Ideals that Americans supports of N.A.T.O and the U.N. and the atrocity of the Trade Wars he manufactured, which has damaged America in ways that it may take decades to recover. Then add in the white male dominated administration as if he thinks it's 1950!!! America First in Trumps Terms means "America White Nationalism of America White Male Dominance" Domestically and Internationally. It's an Atrocity and insults American Democracy and International Diplomacy.
Some Americans don't want to see the truths, and some pretend they don't see the truths.... because to see it, is to break down the ideals of life they were groomed to see and think based on a system of white nationalist structure and controls, and it stands to remove white privileges and usher in "greater wide spread equality".. where today, white men must compete within a frame work based on "equality for and of all".
They want to claim it stands against white men, simply because society is moving away from white male as having first access and exclusive privilege.

The truth is, that privilege was never given to the "dire poor whites", and in the work poor whites, they had a low ceiling placed upon them as well, and the ceiling for women and minorities was even lower. It's sad that in the cycles to hold on to white male dominance, the constructed aim and game of "outsourcing" as a means to limit and block women and minorities for economic equilibrium, it also blocked upward mobility for dire poor whites and closed the doors to middle class life standards for the working poor whites, along with trying to keep out women and minorities.

Until today... the middle class standard is now based on people having income in the six figure range, and if its a two person working household it goes up into the $120k-$150k-$200K and above range. The 120K range is today, considered lower middle class. Anything that comes close but remains below 60k-80k to 100K is considered upper lower class... Below that is lower class, and below that is dire poverty.

Trump has attacked equal wage, workers safety has been attacked, and the aims and fight against increasing minimum wage, and absolutely no concern for improving education, no concern or interest in improving access to higher educations and nothing of concern to invest in public schools curriculum advances to meet with a technological society.
There has been absolutely no interest, talk or concern to invest in small business development, and we currently see the mid west loosing farm to corporate farm interest. We see the aims to allow the Financial Community to go back into Fleecing the People and Wall Street to go back to Casino styled gaming.
All... Amassing the wealth in the hands of a few.... to promote a Plutocratic System that is ruled over by Authoritarian manner and processes.
'American First" is about the pursuit to remake "white nationalism of white male dominance. And Confederacy Ideals of State Rights ignoring Federal Regulatory Systems and its Regulations.
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When we look at the Middle East.... "History Matters".... Trump is ignorant to that history, and promotes the same angst at these nations developing and managing their societies and their lands.

This idea of America First... is fiction, No big corporation are coming back and for the few that try, they can never build enough factory industry to benefit the 50 states and their many counties and cities. The supply chain in Firmly in the South East Asian Nations, and China has built cooperative agreement for natural resources all through Africa and now, Trump has given over the Middle East to the Advances of Russia and China....No one is over there fighting over "sand", and the Oil is already under the controls of nations and OPEC.... and nations certainly don't care about the people or their ideology, except to promote one factions fighting the others. If they had, after World War II.... there would have been aims to build Government Systems and Laws that was not based on one or the others religious dogma.

Consider Libya in example
With crude oil as the country's primary export, Gaddafi sought to improve Libya's oil sector.[81] In October 1969, he proclaimed the current trade terms unfair, benefiting foreign corporations more than the Libyan state, and by threatening to reduce production. In December Jalloud successfully increased the price of Libyan oil.[82] In 1970, other OPEC states followed suit, leading to a global increase in the price of crude oil.[81] The RCC followed with the Tripoli Agreement of March 20, 1971, in which they secured income tax, back-payments and better pricing from the oil corporations; these measures brought Libya an estimated $1 billion in additional revenues in its first year.[83]

Increasing state control over the oil sector, the RCC began a program of nationalization, starting with the expropriation of British Petroleum's share of the British Petroleum-N.B. Hunt Sahir Field in December 1971.[84] In September 1973, it was announced that all foreign oil producers active in Libya were to see 51% of their operation nationalized. For Gaddafi, this was an important step towards socialism.[85] It proved an economic success; while gross domestic product had been $3.8 billion in 1969, it had risen to $13.7 billion in 1974, and $24.5 billion in 1979.[86] In turn, the Libyans' standard of life greatly improved over the first decade of Gaddafi's administration, and by 1979 the average per-capita income was at $8,170, up from $40 in 1951; this was above the average of many industrialized countries like Italy and the U.K.

In December 1969, Libya signed the Tripoli Charter alongside Egypt and Sudan. This established the Arab Revolutionary Front, a pan-national union designed as a first step towards the eventual political unification of the three nations.[109] In 1970 Syria declared its intention to join

Western powers did not want to see this go forth.. because it would have removed western influences in the regions.

After the 1969 coup, representatives of the Four Powers—France, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Soviet Union—were called to meet RCC representatives.[114] The U.K. and the U.S. quickly extended diplomatic recognition, hoping to secure the position of their military bases in Libya and fearing further instability. Hoping to ingratiate themselves with Gaddafi, in 1970 the U.S. informed him of at least one planned counter-coup.[115] Such attempts to form a working relationship with the RCC failed; Gaddafi was determined to reassert national sovereignty and expunge what he described as foreign colonial and imperialist influences. His administration insisted that the U.S. and the U.K. remove their military bases from Libya, with Gaddafi proclaiming that "the armed forces which rose to express the people's revolution [will not] tolerate living in their shacks while the bases of imperialism exist in Libyan territory." The British left in March and the Americans in June 1970

Thus so... the history in the region than many seem not to try and familiarize themselves with... has seen the rise in conflicts and acts that promoted destabilization's has persisted.

Trump has no concern or knowledge of the region and he is realizing that these regions will 'never again' accept colonial and imperialist agenda over them. Rather than build diplomacy, his agenda if to turn it over to Russia and China... as if, to say, IF America can't invoke colonial and imperialist agenda and dominance, then it will have no diplomatic relations. It's pure crazy!!!!
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Only those willing to learn will learn.... truth is breaking down propaganda that is built upon the premise of white nationalist ideology and agenda, both Domestic and Internationally. "The Era of Awakening is underway"...

American's have no choice but to come to open and truthful learning.... and in doing so, to learn why to acts to promote outsourcing devastated the nation, and what and why the driving forces behind the continual war acts upon the Middle Eastern Nations has raged on for so long.

Global Nation's are no longer being silent nor passively going along with the madness of the past, and they are standing up to the face of American White Nationalist Ideals and its Agenda.

The more people are made aware, the more awareness they embrace to learn more that they know more and not continue to be misled by propagandist that is of design to sustain white nationalist ideals and agenda.

We are moving forward to embrace the Declaration of Independence first envisaged and what it is founded upon. which is the premise and principles of equality, and global diplomatic relations.
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If people don't have the real conversations, and only play the "spin the drama" and "chase the antics".... the general confounding pretenses will occupy people while the truth unfolds right before their eyes. In a forum that states the word "debate"... may find a good premise in actually research, investigation and facing of the actual facts of history, and the acts, situations, developments and elements of today.
Far and beyond a few one liner spin of sarcasms and puns.... But... where they move beyond that or not... the age of information is exposing all that was once constructively hidden and what many willfully chose to negligence and other choose to ignore and still others, seek and care to bury as if they can make the truth not exist of what history records of the past, and what it is recording of the reality every moment that time comes and goes.

Astounding... how much people run from and how much they try and shy away from and still how much other deny and become fearful of actually knowing.

Confabulations about the past is a fiction that won't become to change a thing, nor can the folklore of confabulated stories bury and hide what the age of information is exposing in every expanding clarity and detail.

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