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Trump Won Two Club Trophies Overnight (1 Viewer)

I like playing golf, but I am not great at it, and I admit that. I can't wait until my kids are old enough to suck at golf with me. If they are good at it like my dad, I'll cheer them on. If they suck at it like I do, I'll cheer them on. If anyone sucks at golf and finds themselves regularly getting angry and ruining it for themselves, I'll share my secrets about dealing with it and getting on with the game. It took me a long time to figure that out, and I'm still working on it.
This is the problem with a free press.

A wonderful outlet like FNC would not report this faux pax but the 'fake news' is all over it. That fellow in North Korea doesn't have this problem does he?

Speaking of non-existant problems . . .
China has a Great Wall and almost no illegal immigrants. Just sayin'
I like playing golf, but I am not great at it, and I admit that. I can't wait until my kids are old enough to suck at golf with me. If they are good at it like my dad, I'll cheer them on. If they suck at it like I do, I'll cheer them on. If anyone sucks at golf and finds themselves regularly getting angry and ruining it for themselves, I'll share my secrets about dealing with it and getting on with the game. It took me a long time to figure that out, and I'm still working on it.
Just once, I would love to see Trump play golf these days with a camera on him for each shot, because he’s full of crap on his scores.

The closest thing I could find that didn’t have him or any of his golf buddies lying about his scores or how he played, were the three times he played in the American Century Championship at Lake Tahoe, the same place he screwed Stormy Daniels. 2004, 2005, and 2006. There’s no way he’s better today than he was then.

That tournament scores on the Stableford Rules. You accumulate points for better scores. 10 points for an albatross (3 under par on one hole), 8 points for a hole-in-one, 6 points for an eagle, 3 points for a birdie, 0 points for a bogey, and -2 points for a double bogey or less. It’s 54-hole tournament.

In 2004, he finished 56th out of 79 golfers with a final score of -6. He could have played bogey golf for every hole except for three, which he scored double bogey or worse.

In 2005, he finished 42nd out of 81 golfers with a final score of 26. He could have had par on 26 holes, and played bogey golf for the other 28 holes.

In 2006, he finished 62nd out of 80 golfers with a final score of -16. Again, he could have played bogey golf for every hole except for eight, which he scored double bogey or worse.

Those are probably the best case scenarios. If he had a few birdies in any of those rounds, then he would probably have had to have a few more holes than that at double bogey or more. That’s weekday hacker golf, folks, not club championship golf. Bottom line- he’s a heck of a lot worse playing golf than he brags about. Golf is all about honor, and Trump has none.
Any of those’d 29/31 trophies come from a club Trump doesn’t own?
I like playing golf, but I am not great at it, and I admit that. I can't wait until my kids are old enough to suck at golf with me. If they are good at it like my dad, I'll cheer them on. If they suck at it like I do, I'll cheer them on. If anyone sucks at golf and finds themselves regularly getting angry and ruining it for themselves, I'll share my secrets about dealing with it and getting on with the game. It took me a long time to figure that out, and I'm still working on it.
Most of us amateurs suck, I know I do. I feel great if I shoot under a hundred, I also rarely play any more it's just too darn hot here in the summer. We're already getting days of ninety and above and my golf partner died a couple of years ago. I go just to enjoy myself being on the course. I no longer get upset with my game, it is what it is so I just try to enjoy the round.
Most of us amateurs suck, I know I do. I feel great if I shoot under a hundred, I also rarely play any more it's just too darn hot here in the summer. We're already getting days of ninety and above and my golf partner died a couple of years ago. I go just to enjoy myself being on the course. I no longer get upset with my game, it is what it is so I just try to enjoy the round.

Yup! I used to average around 90. Oh, wait..my manhood... Um, I mean I used to average around -10. Honestly, I have won 17,072 tournaments. And I was voted most handsomest person, with the most biggliest brain, on the planet once. Everybody says so.
Yup! I used to average around 90. Oh, wait..my manhood... Um, I mean I used to average around -10. Honestly, I have won 17,072 tournaments. And I was voted most handsomest person, with the most biggliest brain, on the planet once. Everybody says so.
Do you carry a foot wedge in your bag?

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