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Trump undermined Black vote in 2016, leaked recording. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 26, 2020
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menifee calif.
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Trump suppressed the black vote. His Russian allies also suppressed the black vote. And it helped to shove him over the top. But fear not, EVEN THOUGH THE BLACKS didnt vote for him, he appreciated that they LIKED him. Now, Trump intends to use the same playbook. Only this time, he is suppressing the black vote in SPADES. He is whipping them blacks into shape.

Trump LIKES suppressed blacks. And all the deplorables that follow their messiah, also, enjoy suppressed blacks, Hell, a disillusioned minority is the best kind. THIS IS UNAMERICAN.

President Trump reportedly said at a private Trump Tower meeting days before his inauguration that lower turnout by Black voters helped him in the 2016 election, according to audio newly obtained and reported on by Politico.

"Many Blacks didn't go out to vote for Hillary 'cause they liked me. That was almost as good as getting the vote, you know, and it was great," Politico reported Trump, then president-elect, said in the audio of the meeting.

The meeting was reportedly held with members of the voting rights group the Drum Major Institute, founded by Martin Luther King Jr. and focusing on civil rights issues. Those in attendance included Martin Luther King III, William Wachtel, James Forbes, Johnny Mack and Scott Rechler.

Tootsie Warhol, Wachtel's former chief of staff, recounted the meeting to Politico and gave them the audio of the event meant to focus on voter ID laws and voting access.

Read more: Leaked audio shows Trump touted low Black voter turnout in 2016: report
How did Trump suppress the black vote in 2016?
Yes, he did. The Kanye West so-called candidacy is an attempt to suppress the black vote for Biden.
Yes, he did. The Kanye West so-called candidacy is an attempt to suppress the black vote for Biden.

How did he do it in 2016?
Trump suppressed the black vote. His Russian allies also suppressed the black vote. And it helped to shove him over the top. But fear not, EVEN THOUGH THE BLACKS didnt vote for him, he appreciated that they LIKED him. Now, Trump intends to use the same playbook. Only this time, he is suppressing the black vote in SPADES. He is whipping them blacks into shape.

Trump LIKES suppressed blacks. And all the deplorables that follow their messiah, also, enjoy suppressed blacks, Hell, a disillusioned minority is the best kind. THIS IS UNAMERICAN.

President Trump reportedly said at a private Trump Tower meeting days before his inauguration that lower turnout by Black voters helped him in the 2016 election, according to audio newly obtained and reported on by Politico.

"Many Blacks didn't go out to vote for Hillary 'cause they liked me. That was almost as good as getting the vote, you know, and it was great," Politico reported Trump, then president-elect, said in the audio of the meeting.

The meeting was reportedly held with members of the voting rights group the Drum Major Institute, founded by Martin Luther King Jr. and focusing on civil rights issues. Those in attendance included Martin Luther King III, William Wachtel, James Forbes, Johnny Mack and Scott Rechler.

Tootsie Warhol, Wachtel's former chief of staff, recounted the meeting to Politico and gave them the audio of the event meant to focus on voter ID laws and voting access.

Read more: Leaked audio shows Trump touted low Black voter turnout in 2016: report

The article indicates no "undermining", Guyzilla. How was the apparent disinterest in the black community turning out to vote for Hillary Clinton in large numbers a result of undermining or suppression? Perhaps I am speaking from a place of ignorance, but I am of an opinion that the vast majority of black voters do not countenance much of what Donald Trump has to say, and even if they did listen, I doubt that his words would enervate them and make them feel they should stay home and not vote.

If I may, on a similar subject, what about young voting-age people not turning out in massive numbers to vote for Bernie Sanders? Was that a result of suppression or undermining? Or was it because that although they might have largely agreed with Bernie Sanders on many major issues, they could not be bothered to take the time to actually go out and vote?
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Trump suppressed the black vote. His Russian allies also suppressed the black vote. And it helped to shove him over the top. But fear not, EVEN THOUGH THE BLACKS didnt vote for him, he appreciated that they LIKED him. Now, Trump intends to use the same playbook. Only this time, he is suppressing the black vote in SPADES. He is whipping them blacks into shape.

Trump LIKES suppressed blacks. And all the deplorables that follow their messiah, also, enjoy suppressed blacks, Hell, a disillusioned minority is the best kind. THIS IS UNAMERICAN.

President Trump reportedly said at a private Trump Tower meeting days before his inauguration that lower turnout by Black voters helped him in the 2016 election, according to audio newly obtained and reported on by Politico.

"Many Blacks didn't go out to vote for Hillary 'cause they liked me. That was almost as good as getting the vote, you know, and it was great," Politico reported Trump, then president-elect, said in the audio of the meeting.

The meeting was reportedly held with members of the voting rights group the Drum Major Institute, founded by Martin Luther King Jr. and focusing on civil rights issues. Those in attendance included Martin Luther King III, William Wachtel, James Forbes, Johnny Mack and Scott Rechler.

Tootsie Warhol, Wachtel's former chief of staff, recounted the meeting to Politico and gave them the audio of the event meant to focus on voter ID laws and voting access.

Read more: Leaked audio shows Trump touted low Black voter turnout in 2016: report

"Many Blacks didn't go out to vote for Hillary 'cause they liked me. That was almost as good as getting the vote, you know, and it was great,"

Sounds like reality to me.

But tell me, how did Trump suppress the black vote in 2016 and how is he suppressing the black vote this year?

But guess what...the stay at home black vote was a problem for Hillary in 2016. It looks like the stay at home young vote will be Biden's problem this year.

NBA Game Trounced Biden's DNC Speech in 18-34 Demo Ratings
Who was President during the 2016 election? Oooooooooh, that's right. Obama.
Trump suppressed the black vote. His Russian allies also suppressed the black vote. And it helped to shove him over the top. But fear not, EVEN THOUGH THE BLACKS didnt vote for him, he appreciated that they LIKED him. Now, Trump intends to use the same playbook. Only this time, he is suppressing the black vote in SPADES. He is whipping them blacks into shape.

Trump LIKES suppressed blacks. And all the deplorables that follow their messiah, also, enjoy suppressed blacks, Hell, a disillusioned minority is the best kind. THIS IS UNAMERICAN.

President Trump reportedly said at a private Trump Tower meeting days before his inauguration that lower turnout by Black voters helped him in the 2016 election, according to audio newly obtained and reported on by Politico.

"Many Blacks didn't go out to vote for Hillary 'cause they liked me. That was almost as good as getting the vote, you know, and it was great," Politico reported Trump, then president-elect, said in the audio of the meeting.

The meeting was reportedly held with members of the voting rights group the Drum Major Institute, founded by Martin Luther King Jr. and focusing on civil rights issues. Those in attendance included Martin Luther King III, William Wachtel, James Forbes, Johnny Mack and Scott Rechler.

Tootsie Warhol, Wachtel's former chief of staff, recounted the meeting to Politico and gave them the audio of the event meant to focus on voter ID laws and voting access.

Read more: Leaked audio shows Trump touted low Black voter turnout in 2016: report

The article indicates no "undermining", Guyzilla. How was the apparent disinterest in the black community turning out to vote for Hillary Clinton in large numbers a result of undermining or suppression? Perhaps I am speaking from a place of ignorance, but I am of an opinion that the vast majority of black voters do not countenance much of what Donald Trump has to say, and even if they did listen, I doubt that his words would enervate them and make them feel they should stay home and not vote.

If I may, on a similar subject, what about young voting-age people not turning out in massive numbers to vote for Bernie Sanders? Was that a result of suppression or undermining? Or was it because that although they might have largely agreed with Bernie Sanders on many major issues, they could not be bothered to take the time to actually go out and vote?

Saying that freaks will be using your bathroom, is targeted at blacks, that are often antigay. ETC ETC.
You think talking like that to the family of MLK is dignified?

Wouldn't now be a WONDERFUL time for someone to release the Apprentice tapes? His cult wouldn't care, but any shot of getting indepemndents would vanish. :lamo

His base would find some excuse why N***** isn't racist, and why it's perfectly acceptable for the future Potus to point at camera crew and say "You're ****able". :roll:

There's literally nothing that can sway their love for orange daddy; he makes them feel justified in their hatred of anyone on "the other side". :roll:
Trump suppressed the black vote. His Russian allies also suppressed the black vote. And it helped to shove him over the top. But fear not, EVEN THOUGH THE BLACKS didnt vote for him, he appreciated that they LIKED him. Now, Trump intends to use the same playbook. Only this time, he is suppressing the black vote in SPADES. He is whipping them blacks into shape.

Trump LIKES suppressed blacks. And all the deplorables that follow their messiah, also, enjoy suppressed blacks, Hell, a disillusioned minority is the best kind. THIS IS UNAMERICAN.

President Trump reportedly said at a private Trump Tower meeting days before his inauguration that lower turnout by Black voters helped him in the 2016 election, according to audio newly obtained and reported on by Politico.

"Many Blacks didn't go out to vote for Hillary 'cause they liked me. That was almost as good as getting the vote, you know, and it was great," Politico reported Trump, then president-elect, said in the audio of the meeting.

The meeting was reportedly held with members of the voting rights group the Drum Major Institute, founded by Martin Luther King Jr. and focusing on civil rights issues. Those in attendance included Martin Luther King III, William Wachtel, James Forbes, Johnny Mack and Scott Rechler.

Tootsie Warhol, Wachtel's former chief of staff, recounted the meeting to Politico and gave them the audio of the event meant to focus on voter ID laws and voting access.

Read more: Leaked audio shows Trump touted low Black voter turnout in 2016: report

Trump said, "Many Blacks didn't go out to vote for Hillary 'cause they liked me."

If they liked him, then why didn't they vote for him? He can't help but compliment himself all the time, even if it is an irrational self compliment.

He said all that stuff to a civil rights group too... :roll:... it would have been nice if he attempted to work with the civil rights group and learn about African American voters instead of patting himself on the back like a moron.
Trump suppressed the black vote. His Russian allies also suppressed the black vote. And it helped to shove him over the top. But fear not, EVEN THOUGH THE BLACKS didnt vote for him, he appreciated that they LIKED him. Now, Trump intends to use the same playbook. Only this time, he is suppressing the black vote in SPADES. He is whipping them blacks into shape.

Trump LIKES suppressed blacks. And all the deplorables that follow their messiah, also, enjoy suppressed blacks, Hell, a disillusioned minority is the best kind. THIS IS UNAMERICAN.

President Trump reportedly said at a private Trump Tower meeting days before his inauguration that lower turnout by Black voters helped him in the 2016 election, according to audio newly obtained and reported on by Politico.

"Many Blacks didn't go out to vote for Hillary 'cause they liked me. That was almost as good as getting the vote, you know, and it was great," Politico reported Trump, then president-elect, said in the audio of the meeting.

The meeting was reportedly held with members of the voting rights group the Drum Major Institute, founded by Martin Luther King Jr. and focusing on civil rights issues. Those in attendance included Martin Luther King III, William Wachtel, James Forbes, Johnny Mack and Scott Rechler.

Tootsie Warhol, Wachtel's former chief of staff, recounted the meeting to Politico and gave them the audio of the event meant to focus on voter ID laws and voting access.

Read more: Leaked audio shows Trump touted low Black voter turnout in 2016: report

the man is sick

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