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Trump Told Russia To Get Clinton’s Emails. The Same Day, They Obeyed. (1 Viewer)


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A new indictment from Robert Mueller reveals that Russia appeared to be listening to what Trump wanted.

In the morning of July 27, 2016, Donald Trump encouraged Russian hackers to find emails that had been deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private server that she used while serving as secretary of state.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said at a press conference in Florida. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Russia appeared to be listening and heeded Trump’s call, according to a bombshell revelation on Friday. A grand jury convened by special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian intelligence officials for their involvement in hacking the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election.
'The indictment states that on July 27 ― the same day as Trump’s press conference ― Russian hackers, “for the first time,” attempted to break into email accounts, including those used by Clinton’s personal office. Notably, the indictment specifies that the hack happened in the evening, meaning the Russian officials could have done it after Trump’s press conference. '

New indictments handed down today for 12 Russian military intelligence officers involved in the Clinton email hack that Trump had called for that same day.

A new indictment from Robert Mueller reveals that Russia appeared to be listening to what Trump wanted.

In the morning of July 27, 2016, Donald Trump encouraged Russian hackers to find emails that had been deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private server that she used while serving as secretary of state.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said at a press conference in Florida. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Russia appeared to be listening and heeded Trump’s call, according to a bombshell revelation on Friday. A grand jury convened by special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian intelligence officials for their involvement in hacking the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election.
'The indictment states that on July 27 ― the same day as Trump’s press conference ― Russian hackers, “for the first time,” attempted to break into email accounts, including those used by Clinton’s personal office. Notably, the indictment specifies that the hack happened in the evening, meaning the Russian officials could have done it after Trump’s press conference. '

New indictments handed down today for 12 Russian military intelligence officers involved in the Clinton email hack that Trump had called for that same day.

When I heard Trump say "Russia, if you are listening......" when he asked Russia on TV to hack Hillary, that struck me as an illegal act.

And then they did what he asked.

And now I think it's referenced in the Russian officer indictment ( not sure in what way ).

I wonder how Trump is feeling about it. I don't think he's at ease, I'll bet he's really bothered by it.
That would be a neat trick since that server was in the hands of the FBI and was not online.
That would be a neat trick since that server was in the hands of the FBI and was not online.

You may be confusing the private server she used while working at the State Department with the Hillary campaign and her personal office server.

A new indictment from Robert Mueller reveals that Russia appeared to be listening to what Trump wanted.

In the morning of July 27, 2016, Donald Trump encouraged Russian hackers to find emails that had been deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private server that she used while serving as secretary of state.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said at a press conference in Florida. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Russia appeared to be listening and heeded Trump’s call, according to a bombshell revelation on Friday. A grand jury convened by special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian intelligence officials for their involvement in hacking the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election.
'The indictment states that on July 27 ― the same day as Trump’s press conference ― Russian hackers, “for the first time,” attempted to break into email accounts, including those used by Clinton’s personal office. Notably, the indictment specifies that the hack happened in the evening, meaning the Russian officials could have done it after Trump’s press conference. '

New indictments handed down today for 12 Russian military intelligence officers involved in the Clinton email hack that Trump had called for that same day.

THis is nonsense of course but I like the part where the thread tittle has Putin minding Trump.

It is a nice change.
THIS pathetic **** again...

I suppose its lost on idiot leftists that by the time Trump made his joking comment about Russia going after the emails, Hillary Clinton's server was well known to have been been decommissioned, disassembled, bleachbit cleaned, wiped, gone.

The DNC pulls the strings knowing the mindless leftist muppets will dance. And they do dance.
THIS pathetic **** again...

I suppose its lost on idiot leftists that by the time Trump made his joking comment about Russia going after the emails, Hillary Clinton's server was well known to have been been decommissioned, disassembled, bleachbit cleaned, wiped, gone.

The DNC pulls the strings knowing the mindless leftist muppets will dance. And they do dance.

If you saw Trump make the comment, it was clear he was not joking. But seeing as you are confused about that it is not surprising you are confused as well about the hack. It was the DNC servers the Russians went offer, not Hillary's former one.
If you saw Trump make the comment, it was clear he was not joking. But seeing as you are confused about that it is not surprising you are confused as well about the hack. It was the DNC servers the Russians went offer, not Hillary's former one.

Geeeee zus.

Of COURSE he was joking. And he was joking about them going after the missing 33000 emails that the Clinton team refused to turn over to Congress, despite a subpoena in an ongoing investigation.

Could you BE more pathetic?

DANCE they said....DANCE!!!!

And you did.

Geeeee zus.

Of COURSE he was joking. And he was joking about them going after the missing 33000 emails that the Clinton team refused to turn over to Congress, despite a subpoena in an ongoing investigation.

Could you BE more pathetic?

DANCE they said....DANCE!!!!

And you did.

Ah, the oh so pathetic attempt to buttress a failed argument by piling on irrelevancies, in this case "...the missing...refused to turn over...despite a subpoena...an ongoing investigation."
I wonder if any of this will actually stick.
Ah, the oh so pathetic attempt to buttress a failed argument by piling on irrelevancies, in this case "...the missing...refused to turn over...despite a subpoena...an ongoing investigation."

Do you know what is TRULY sad? It’s not that they pull your strings. It’s not that they know they can make you dance. It’s that you prove them right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh please tell me this involves Crowdstrike?

Its' going to be so funny if it still involves them at this point.

A new indictment from Robert Mueller reveals that Russia appeared to be listening to what Trump wanted.

In the morning of July 27, 2016, Donald Trump encouraged Russian hackers to find emails that had been deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private server that she used while serving as secretary of state.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said at a press conference in Florida. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Russia appeared to be listening and heeded Trump’s call, according to a bombshell revelation on Friday. A grand jury convened by special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian intelligence officials for their involvement in hacking the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election.
'The indictment states that on July 27 ― the same day as Trump’s press conference ― Russian hackers, “for the first time,” attempted to break into email accounts, including those used by Clinton’s personal office. Notably, the indictment specifies that the hack happened in the evening, meaning the Russian officials could have done it after Trump’s press conference. '

New indictments handed down today for 12 Russian military intelligence officers involved in the Clinton email hack that Trump had called for that same day.

Wait what? You implied in the Helsinki thread that Trump is Putin's bitch, now you're saying that Putin is Trump's bitch. :lol: Dude, get your **** together.
Do you know what is TRULY sad? It’s not that they pull your strings. It’s not that they know they can make you dance. It’s that you prove them right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

A Trumpkin speaking of pulling strings after yesterday's performance by our American puppet in Helsinki. You have to wonder if there is any degree of humiliation that would shake them.
Man, officer Barbrady is going to have to pull some serious overtime.
A Trumpkin speaking of pulling strings after yesterday's performance by our American puppet in Helsinki. You have to wonder if there is any degree of humiliation that would shake them.

I have criticized his actions, including those from yesterday. They were wrong.

You on the other hand...

The Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...

Anything to avoid answering to the CONTENT of the emails.

And they knew the mindless leftist muppets would buy it.

A new indictment from Robert Mueller reveals that Russia appeared to be listening to what Trump wanted.

In the morning of July 27, 2016, Donald Trump encouraged Russian hackers to find emails that had been deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private server that she used while serving as secretary of state.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said at a press conference in Florida. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Russia appeared to be listening and heeded Trump’s call, according to a bombshell revelation on Friday. A grand jury convened by special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian intelligence officials for their involvement in hacking the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election.
'The indictment states that on July 27 ― the same day as Trump’s press conference ― Russian hackers, “for the first time,” attempted to break into email accounts, including those used by Clinton’s personal office. Notably, the indictment specifies that the hack happened in the evening, meaning the Russian officials could have done it after Trump’s press conference. '

New indictments handed down today for 12 Russian military intelligence officers involved in the Clinton email hack that Trump had called for that same day.

Oh They GOTTA impeach him for this!!!
THIS pathetic **** again...

I suppose its lost on idiot leftists that by the time Trump made his joking comment about Russia going after the emails, Hillary Clinton's server was well known to have been been decommissioned, disassembled, bleachbit cleaned, wiped, gone.

The DNC pulls the strings knowing the mindless leftist muppets will dance. And they do dance.

Your post says absolutely nothing about the OP. Just a bunch of whining.
Your post says absolutely nothing about the OP. Just a bunch of whining.

They have no idea what the "cloud" is where the images were stored. LOL
Your post says absolutely nothing about the OP. Just a bunch of whining.


No...thats what you do when you make your stupid posts that focus on individuals. My post clearly points out how ridiculous the OP is. Yours on the other hand...well...you just keep doing you...
They have no idea what the "cloud" is where the images were stored. LOL
The Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...the Russians....the Russians..the Russians....the Russians...


Trump was JOKING. Everyone knows it. But some leftist has laid out a talking point that Trump was REALLY giving code to the Russians to launch cyberattacks knowing mindless leftists muppets would swallow it and reurgitate it like good little muppets.


No...thats what you do when you make your stupid posts that focus on individuals. My post clearly points out how ridiculous the OP is. Yours on the other hand...well...you just keep doing you...

Hey, why not have another hearing about Hillary, would that be the 13th?

And every single time, they found.....wait for it......nothing.

Your president backs Russia, he doesn't back America. Keep praising your traitor cult leader.
Hey, why not have another hearing about Hillary, would that be the 13th?

And every single time, they found.....wait for it......nothing.

Your president backs Russia, he doesn't back America. Keep praising your traitor cult leader.

Or dont you want to comment on the OP?

No...come to think of it...your lot never did, did you.
If you saw Trump make the comment, it was clear he was not joking. But seeing as you are confused about that it is not surprising you are confused as well about the hack. It was the DNC servers the Russians went offer, not Hillary's former one.

Perhaps it was clear in tinfoil hat, moonbeam world but back here in reality it was a lighthearted joke.

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