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Trump throws his supporters under the bus with cartoonish malevolence (1 Viewer)

Dans La Lune

Senior Defenestrator
DP Veteran
Aug 30, 2019
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Oceania, 1984
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When Trump was asked by a reporter whether it was dangerous to have so many people crammed together at his rally during a pandemic, Trump casually responded (paraphrased):

'No, it's not dangerous at all. I'll be keeping a safe distance.'

This sums up Trump in a nutshell, doesn't it? He's the kind of guy that would push his supporters into a mud puddle to keep his feet dry as he walked over them. The supporter would then, with a fresh footprint on his face, smile and gloat that Trump had chose him.

When Trump was asked by a reporter whether it was dangerous to have so many people crammed together at his rally during a pandemic, Trump casually responded (paraphrased):

'No, it's not dangerous at all. I'll be keeping a safe distance.'

This sums up Trump in a nutshell, doesn't it? He's the kind of guy that would push his supporters into a mud puddle to keep his feet dry as he walked over them. The supporter would then, with a fresh footprint on his face, smile and gloat that Trump had chose him.

It's fiiine as long as Trump is safe. His fans loyal followers sacrifice their health and their lives for the well being of the Great Leader. It's what being patriotic is really all about.
When Trump was asked by a reporter whether it was dangerous to have so many people crammed together at his rally during a pandemic, Trump casually responded (paraphrased):

'No, it's not dangerous at all. I'll be keeping a safe distance.'

This sums up Trump in a nutshell, doesn't it? He's the kind of guy that would push his supporters into a mud puddle to keep his feet dry as he walked over them. The supporter would then, with a fresh footprint on his face, smile and gloat that Trump had chose him.

Remember too, this is the guy who called it a "Democratic Hoax" while thousands died in New York, shipped supplies to China and then riled up his goons to demand states reopen, all while being 100% aware of the dangers this disease creates.

Maybe Trump killing his supporters will be the one blessing we can all take away from this.
To a mentally disturbed extreme narcissist, there is only one person in the world that matters - himself. Trump again reveals who he really is.
When Trump was asked by a reporter whether it was dangerous to have so many people crammed together at his rally during a pandemic, Trump casually responded (paraphrased):

'No, it's not dangerous at all. I'll be keeping a safe distance.'

This sums up Trump in a nutshell, doesn't it? He's the kind of guy that would push his supporters into a mud puddle to keep his feet dry as he walked over them. The supporter would then, with a fresh footprint on his face, smile and gloat that Trump had chose him.

“I’m on a stage and it’s very far away. And so I’m not at all concerned.”

If the source had been anonymous, Republicans would be denying the quote. But since they can't deny the quote they'll have to defend it.

It's an ongoing lesson in why you should absolutely never allow yourself to get baited into "anonymous source" debates. There is no pot of gold at the end of that rainbow. Only more trolling and gas lighting await you.
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