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Trump team seeks to control, block Mueller’s Russia investigation (1 Viewer)

Ironic that 45 is going to the commissioning on Saturday of the Gerald R. Ford who was the man responsible for Nixon's admission of guilt.

Geez - you really can't make this up can you??:shock:
Sessions will force Trump to fire him in revenge for Trump's lack of loyalty down. The Don does not understand that loyalty goes up and down in a successful operation. The officers in our unit were very aware what would happen if they did not give loyalty to their soldiers.
Allowing there to be a Special Council is a Republican screw up, starting with Sessions recusing himself. The fact that he accepted the position, with his close ties to Comey, tells you right away that something is wrong here. There needs to be pressure put on him to step down, like yesterday.
GOP absolutely owns Trump (I blame the media for a lot of his rise in the primary, mind you, but the primary voter still chose the way they did).

But pretending that Trump would have won against a normal, decent candidate in the General isn't tenable.

OTC, Trump's base was not all that RW. It was populist, and a lot of it was Democrat.

Quite a few Bernie supporters voted for Trump.
Didn't she tell him he was not to refer to the investigation of Hillary as a... uh... an investigation? He was only to call it a "matter".

Why do you suppose that was?

To my knowledge it wasn't an order.

Lynch asked Comey to stop publicly calling it an investigation because it wasn't a criminal investigation and Hillary wasn't being investigated...her server was.

I'm glad Comey was fired...aren't you?
Citizens United? Both sides haul in and spend billions. There is exactly zero will on either side to stop that. They have control of too much money, and will never let go.

It would also require the will of the people to demand their reps in congress fix Citizens United in order to get elected. To my knowledge...Citizens United was hardly mentioned during the 2016 campaign by any of the candidates...or the people. So until that changes campaigns will continue to get more expensive until only billionaires can afford to run for office
Actually, we have Trump because the founding fathers thought it a good idea to have a system where the will of most wasn't synonymous with how the EC would go. The plurality of the country voted for a specific character who it thought was better. In the nearest political systems, this would have allowed that candidate to form a government. In ours, it doesn't mean jack.

The EC system literally led us to this possibility, not who Democrats chose.

No. Both sides knew the rules. Both sides played to those rules. One side had what turned out to be a better game plan. Hillary's and the Dem Party's huge miscalculation was blowing off the 'rust belt' states. As they found out, those people vote, too.
Lol, this from a Hillary voter? She makes Trump look like a saint.

au contraire. What was so sad about the 2016 election was the Trump* voters continued to demonize Clinton, yet everything they accused her of, Trump was guilty of in order of magnitude greater. Case in point: they had a cow about her email server because it may have exposed some items which could have been classified to the wilds of the internet. Enter Trump, who makes a foreign agent his national security advisor, giving him ALL vital state secrets.
If you were a good Republican then you could state your plan for healthcare instead of just criticizing Republicans.

Impossible task. Republicans have to plan for healthcare. They never have, other than what the Dems hijacked and made the PPACA.
Trump also beat 15-16 Republicans in the GOP primary. Were they all awful candidates? So no, you can NOT pin the blame for Trump on the Dems.

Trump is 100% the fault of the Republican Party and the rabid RW base that voted for him. And any damage he does is all the Republican's fault, not just for putting him in power but for sitting back and NOT doing a damn thing to stop him. They control Congress and they are letting him sell the country to Putin.

No. Not even close.

The Dem Party doesn't deserve all the blame, but they earned their fair share.

Actually, the primaries aren't the fault of the Rep Party, they're the fault of the rabid base. The Party didn't want Trump.

The Dem Party shares blame because the Party actually wanted Hillary, and actively worked to help her win their primaries.
No. Not even close.

The Dem Party doesn't deserve all the blame, but they earned their fair share.

Actually, the primaries aren't the fault of the Rep Party, they're the fault of the rabid base. The Party didn't want Trump.

The Dem Party shares blame because the Party actually wanted Hillary, and actively worked to help her win their primaries.

What's Hillary Clinton got to do with Republicans choosing the Ass Clown to be the poster boy of the Republican party when they had 16 other GOP candidates to choose from?:thumbdown Man you people can come up with some real dooozy's.
What's Hillary Clinton got to do with Republicans choosing the Ass Clown to be the poster boy of the Republican party when they had 16 other GOP candidates to choose from?:thumbdown Man you people can come up with some real dooozy's.
I'm going to presume you are engaging in selective obtuseness. It shouldn't be that difficult to discern that my post dealt with the entire campaign from the beginning of the primaries up to and including the conclusion of the general election. And I address factors in each. I even separated them out from each other for your convenience.

I swear, some people. :roll:
I am honest. I wish you were. Don't talk to me if you can't handle unvarnished truth.

That's the problem. You are a partisan lefty who can't admit the truth of who you are and you are afraid to say what you actually want for healthcare because it would reveal that you are not a Republican at all. If you would come out of the closet then it might be possible to have an actual debate. You don't fool anyone so what is your purpose in doing it?
That's the problem. You are a partisan lefty who can't admit the truth of who you are and you are afraid to say what you actually want for healthcare because it would reveal that you are not a Republican at all. If you would come out of the closet then it might be possible to have an actual debate. You don't fool anyone so what is your purpose in doing it?
You yet again try to cram me into your incomplete understanding of what is a Republican.

I want ACA improved. I have said that several times. You won't tell me what you want, then yell at me.

The arguments you are making are personal and immature.

Moderate Right, I am never going to permit you to hide from what you are. I will hold up the rhetorical mirror to you every time.
To my knowledge it wasn't an order.

Lynch asked Comey to stop publicly calling it an investigation because it wasn't a criminal investigation and Hillary wasn't being investigated...her server was.

I'm glad Comey was fired...aren't you?

LOL! Her server was under investigation, not Hillary! I guess they just decided not to prosecute the "server". That one really takes the cake. You know what, I bet they also questioned her desk and chair, to see what they had to do with it. OMG!
Geez - you really can't make this up can you??:shock:

And asked the 6,500 personnel to help him politically, unheard of until this trump disaster of epic proportions .
It would also require the will of the people to demand their reps in congress fix Citizens United in order to get elected. To my knowledge...Citizens United was hardly mentioned during the 2016 campaign by any of the candidates...or the people. So until that changes campaigns will continue to get more expensive until only billionaires can afford to run for office

I guess nobody thought that running on having the government strip organizations of their first amendment rights was a good idea.
You lie when you say I "blast all Republicans." That is a lie. You know that is a lie.

I have told you I want ACA improved. Since you lie with what I do tell you, I won't give you more to lie about.

Which Republicans don't you blast? I'm waiting breathlessly for your list. Until then, you are nothing but a partisan lefty hack.
I have told you. You don't accept it. I don't criticize just Republicans. You are frustrated because I have pegged you down so tight that you are like a pup tent standing up to a hurricane. Lol

Again, I'm waiting breathlessly for your list of Republicans that you don't blast. Wanting the ACA improved just shows you are nothing but a Democratic operative. That's the same thing Schumer, Pelosi, and every other Democrat want. Was that so hard to finally admit who you are? Now quit trying to dishonestly claim that you are a Republican when you are not.
Impossible task. Republicans have to plan for healthcare. They never have, other than what the Dems hijacked and made the PPACA.

I guess that means that you too, admit that James is a Democrat trying to disguise himself as a Republican.
Actually, in a court of law, they would be sufficiently credible....

They are a he said, she said, ultimately meaning nothing. They don't prove a damn thing, other than Comey's interpretation of what he claimed he heard. Comey clearly said numerous times that he would not accuse Trump of obstructing justice and that he did not feel pressured in any way to influence the investigation.
You yet again try to cram me into your incomplete understanding of what is a Republican.

I want ACA improved. I have said that several times. You won't tell me what you want, then yell at me.

The arguments you are making are personal and immature.

Moderate Right, I am never going to permit you to hide from what you are. I will hold up the rhetorical mirror to you every time.

Thanks for finally admitting that you are lock stock in complete agreement with Schumer, Pelosi, and every other agreement. In other words, you are a Democrat, not a Republican. I don't know why you felt you could fool anyone. Doesn't it feel better now to admit that you are a partisan lefty and finally have the balls to stand up and admit it?
They are a he said, she said, ultimately meaning nothing. They don't prove a damn thing, other than Comey's interpretation of what he claimed he heard. Comey clearly said numerous times that he would not accuse Trump of obstructing justice and that he did not feel pressured in any way to influence the investigation.

Actually that is not correct. He would be considered an expert in such matters and would be viewed as following best practice. His notes would be considered compelling testimony.

Comey's opinion as to whether Trump obstructed justice is notable but not sufficient to determine whether or not it actually happened.
Actually that is not correct. He would be considered an expert in such matters and would be viewed as following best practice. His notes would be considered compelling testimony.

Comey's opinion as to whether Trump obstructed justice is notable but not sufficient to determine whether or not it actually happened.

Glad you are such a partisan expert. Thanks for explaining it to me. Now, if I understand what you wrote correctly, memos Comey made giving but a one sided account of a conversation or conversations are credible and compelling, but Comey's sworn testimony under oath stating that he did not feel pressured to influence the investigation and that Comey refused to state that Trump obstructed justice are not credible or compelling. Now I fully understand your partisan position.

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