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Trump should prepare his Resignation, or the 25th Amendment should be Invoked, to Remove Him (1 Viewer)

Not gonna happen. Would require the VP and cabinet to vote Trump is unable to discharge duties. Then if Trump simply notifies Congress that He can discharge duties, they’d have to vote 2/3rds He can’t to keep Him out of office. Ain’t gonna happen.

For the Official Record, the process should be enacted. If Republican Fail to do so, they too should be Censured. Any other actions that can be taken should be taken.

This is no small matter. 191,000 DEAD so for, with 1000+ dying everyday. (Foreign Terrorist killed over 3,000 and we went into "two" (2) Wars..
Trump's lying and negligence, deception and overt attacks on every official who tried to warn the public and put measure in place, and he tried to denigrate them, while at the same time herding 100's into his self gloating campaign Rallies, knowing he was sending them into high risk harm and potential death sentences.
Not addressing Putin placing Bounties on our Troops | Russia continually harassing our Military Bombers with close fly by's
Concealing Russian Interference in our Elections.
Diverting Attention from White Supremacist Hate Groups to embellish focus on other groups.
Attacking Public Protest for Civil Rights and Pursuit of End to Police Violence- he denigrated BLM, while being recorded acknowledging there is systemic racism in America.
Compounded by the denigration of our Troops, Attack on Military Officers

The List is far too long to fit into a Forum Script.

ATROCITIES 1-889 and counting
For the Official Record, the process should be enacted. If Republican Fail to do so, they too should be Censured. Any other actions that can be taken should be taken.

This is no small matter. 191,000 DEAD so for, with 1000+ dying everyday. (Foreign Terrorist killed over 3,000 and we went into "two" (2) Wars..
Trump's lying and negligence, deception and overt attacks on every official who tried to warn the public and put measure in place, and he tried to denigrate them, while at the same time herding 100's into his self gloating campaign Rallies, knowing he was sending them into high risk harm and potential death sentences.
Not addressing Putin placing Bounties on our Troops | Russia continually harassing our Military Bombers with close fly by's
Concealing Russian Interference in our Elections.
Diverting Attention from White Supremacist Hate Groups to embellish focus on other groups.
Attacking Public Protest for Civil Rights and Pursuit of End to Police Violence- he denigrated BLM, while being recorded acknowledging there is systemic racism in America.
Compounded by the denigration of our Troops, Attack on Military Officers

The List is far too long to fit into a Forum Script.

ATROCITIES 1-889 and counting

Thanks for the link.
Joe Biden should write his resignation just in case the richest people on earth he works for can steal the election for him. He could read it off a teleprompter in his basement - as long as it is very short with simple words that scroll very slowly with few errors provided he rehearses it a dozen times first. Best to have it pre-recorded rather than live to allow using the best (or least bad) take.
Thanks for the link.

I like how they claim on the list that if you don't allow yourself to be murdered it's a crime and anyone who doesn't agree is cruel.
For the Official Record, the process should be enacted. If Republican Fail to do so, they too should be Censured. Any other actions that can be taken should be taken.

This is no small matter. 191,000 DEAD so for, with 1000+ dying everyday. (Foreign Terrorist killed over 3,000 and we went into "two" (2) Wars..
Trump's lying and negligence, deception and overt attacks on every official who tried to warn the public and put measure in place, and he tried to denigrate them, while at the same time herding 100's into his self gloating campaign Rallies, knowing he was sending them into high risk harm and potential death sentences.
Not addressing Putin placing Bounties on our Troops | Russia continually harassing our Military Bombers with close fly by's
Concealing Russian Interference in our Elections.
Diverting Attention from White Supremacist Hate Groups to embellish focus on other groups.
Attacking Public Protest for Civil Rights and Pursuit of End to Police Violence- he denigrated BLM, while being recorded acknowledging there is systemic racism in America.
Compounded by the denigration of our Troops, Attack on Military Officers

The List is far too long to fit into a Forum Script.

ATROCITIES 1-889 and counting

Only 6% of those 190,000 actually died of covid-19. Auto accidents, cancer, COPD, pneumonia, the flu, Alzheimers etc are not caused by covid-19 - contrary to the claim.
Only 6% of those 190,000 actually died of covid-19. Auto accidents, cancer, COPD, pneumonia, the flu, Alzheimers etc are not caused by covid-19 - contrary to the claim.

If you want to spew your denial spin... take it some other place.... You are among the type that helps insult America on the world stage!!!
If you want to spew your denial spin... take it some other place.... You are among the type that helps insult America on the world stage!!!

I don't care about the world stage.
I don't care about the world stage.

We know that!!!! you probably need to look and study what is the World Map!!! and ask the question "what is American Interest, when they speak of American Interest in Foreign Nation... if you don't consider those things, then YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT GEO-POLITICS... (Thanks for acknowledging how little you know or care about)
I like how they claim on the list that if you don't allow yourself to be murdered it's a crime and anyone who doesn't agree is cruel.

As usual, you don't cite specifically what in the link you're talking about. So, I don't know what you're saying and am not going to go reading through everything trying to find, and can only guess at, what it might be.
I'm still laughing that our oldest and most famous con man conned a bunch of Southern and Midwestern MEN.
Not gonna happen. Would require the VP and cabinet to vote Trump is unable to discharge duties. Then if Trump simply notifies Congress that He can discharge duties, they’d have to vote 2/3rds He can’t to keep Him out of office. Ain’t gonna happen.

There's two diffeent issues, neither of which will happen.

Trump, I'm pretty sure can resign anytime he want's; but that's sure as hell not going to happen.

Removing him with the 25th isn't going to happen either because if that had the needed backing he'd alerady be gone, convicted of the articles of impeachment .

But the way he's run this country if he had a shread of dignity he would resign and never show his face again.
I'm still laughing that our oldest and most famous con man conned a bunch of Southern and Midwestern MEN.

Flim-flam works best in the gullible South. Hence the movie "The Flim-Flam Man", played fantastically by George C. Scott, was set in the rural South. I chuckle all the time.
There's two diffeent issues, neither of which will happen.

Trump, I'm pretty sure can resign anytime he want's; but that's sure as hell not going to happen.

Removing him with the 25th isn't going to happen either because if that had the needed backing he'd alerady be gone, convicted of the articles of impeachment .

But the way he's run this country if he had a shread of dignity he would resign and never show his face again.
lmao higher wages more jobs this list goes on and on ps if you edit your post to say schumer and pelosi it would be way more accurate.
Remember when doing something like deliberately slowing down the Post Office's production, leading up to an election featuring mail-in ballots due to a pandemic that the current president has failed miserably at in his response, because he knows he's going to lose the election and wants to put the vote count in doubt would've had the entire country calling for his head. Remember that?

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