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Trump requires institutionalizing. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 26, 2020
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menifee calif.
Political Leaning
Trump hired a guy to look like Trump, so he could hurl insults at him and fire him.

In his memoir, Cohen claimed that Trump hired a “Faux-Bama” to participate in a video in which he “ritualistically belittled the first black president and then fired him,” according to the news source, which obtained a copy of the book ahead of its publication.

The book did not name the man who was allegedly hired to play Obama, the outlet noted, or give a date at which the alleged incident took place. However, it did include a photograph of the president sat behind a desk, while a black man wearing a suit that featured an American flag pin sat opposite. On the desk were two books, one of which was emblazoned with Obama’s name.

Donald Trump Hired Barack Obama Stand-In Who He ‘Ritualistically Belitted’, Michael Cohen Book Claims
Trump hired a guy to look like Trump, so he could hurl insults at him and fire him.

In his memoir, Cohen claimed that Trump hired a “Faux-Bama” to participate in a video in which he “ritualistically belittled the first black president and then fired him,” according to the news source, which obtained a copy of the book ahead of its publication.

The book did not name the man who was allegedly hired to play Obama, the outlet noted, or give a date at which the alleged incident took place. However, it did include a photograph of the president sat behind a desk, while a black man wearing a suit that featured an American flag pin sat opposite. On the desk were two books, one of which was emblazoned with Obama’s name.

Donald Trump Hired Barack Obama Stand-In Who He ‘Ritualistically Belitted’, Michael Cohen Book Claims

Slow news Sunday? Nothing else to scream about......
This is what Trump hate does to a mind! ;) :peace

The closer to the election the more unhinged our Trump haters become.
Slow news Sunday? Nothing else to scream about......
This is what Trump hate does to a mind! ;) :peace

The closer to the election the more unhinged our Trump haters become.

So I take it you think this type of activity is normal behavior? I do believe it needs to be pointed out for all to see. We have a retard in the WH.

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