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Trump: Reporters Can’t Ask How Much Public Money I Pocket (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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White House: Reporters Can’t Even Ask How Much Taxpayer Money Trump Is Pocketing


President Trump has engaged in flagrant corruption by retaining control of his private business empire while holding public office and refusing to disclose his financial information. Washington Post reporter David Fahrenthold has spent years patiently ferreting out one of the most blatant conflicts of interest: Trump having the government line his own pockets by visiting his properties with his retinue in tow. In response to Fahrentholt’s latest report, which examines records of federal government expenditures at Trump-owned properties, White House spokesman Judd Deere issued the following response:

“The Washington Post is blatantly interfering with the business relationships of the Trump Organization, and it must stop. Please be advised that we are building up a very large ‘dossier’ on the many false David Fahrenthold and others stories as they are a disgrace to journalism and the American people.”​

What’s actually astonishing about this line is its assumption that Trump is entitled to absolute privacy in the operation of his business. Of course, no businesses — certainly not large ones — are entitled to operate free of any scrutiny from reporters. Certainly a business run by the president has no such right. And a business run by the president that is collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars out of taxpayer pockets has the weakest imaginable claim to privacy. Fahrenthold is documenting systematic corruption by Trump. The corruption is so ingrained that the administration’s attempt to deny it provides even more evidence of misconduct.

The Trump administration: "Don't anyone dare investigate or expose the presidents corruption!"

Holy Crap!!

Where is the Tea Party? Fiscal Conservatives? Transparency Republicans?

Bunch of friggin fakes and liars.
And Trumps march towards American fascism continues.
honest to God, there were like two "transparency" republicans who were telling the truth.

the rest, no honor, no integrity.
that goes directly against the constitution

(art. II, § 1, cl.7): “The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation which shall neither be encreased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.”
that goes directly against the constitution

And what are the checks and balances for that when Trump has the senate in his pocket and the DoJ as his personal lawyer?
Yea, Obama never played golf I guess. Oh, but he did take his salary.:lol:
This is creepy...

"Please be advised that we are building up a very large ‘dossier’ on the many false David Fahrenthold and others stories as they are a disgrace to journalism and the American people.”

that needs to be a thread.

it's not the false stories that they're building. they're going after this guy personally. that's a Hitler/J. Edgar Hoover move. that one comment is meant to intimidate and silence the reporter.
And what are the checks and balances for that when Trump has the senate in his pocket and the DoJ as his personal lawyer?

Unfortunately non-existent for now, but hopefully all of this can be turned over to prosecutors in January.
I am just here to watch the "constitutionalists" and "Law and Order" types defend Trump's actions.
You guys with your "outrage a minute" over Trump are nothing if not amusing in a clinical sort of way.

hell, all you do is constantly defend his massive lying and corruption.

in most circles that = no honor and no integrity.
Yea, Obama never played golf I guess. Oh, but he did take his salary.:lol:

Do you have even a clue what this thread is about?
Apropos of nothing, just an aside, have you noticed that the lower-functioning rightists here will default to "Whatabout Obama?" every time a thread critical of Trump is opened? Even if they have to stretch all the way from fiscal irresponsibility to golf.
This is creepy...

"Please be advised that we are building up a very large ‘dossier’ on the many false David Fahrenthold and others stories as they are a disgrace to journalism and the American people.”

Why is "dossier" in 'quotes'?
Yea, Obama never played golf I guess. Oh, but he did take his salary.:lol:

No one said he could not play golf (It would be nice if he didn't play the same amount of golf as all other Presidents combined).

But he should not be playing Golf at Trump owned enterprises. He should avoid his own properties like the plague. It is not just corruption he should be avoiding but the appearance of corruption. The lack of any kind of integrity with the President, is astounding and more than a little sickening.

He has set the bar so low for future Presidents, that no one will be able to complain, no matter how obvious they are when they line their pockets.

There was a time when Presidents would at least aspire to uphold the office in a dignified way.
hell, all you do is constantly defend his massive lying and corruption.

in most circles that = no honor and no integrity.

I fail to buy into your pathetic conspiracy theories and you're upset over it. Too bad.
Do you have even a clue what this thread is about?
Apropos of nothing, just an aside, have you noticed that the lower-functioning rightists here will default to "Whatabout Obama?" every time a thread critical of Trump is opened? Even if they have to stretch all the way from fiscal irresponsibility to golf.

Hey, we can't keep up with all your pants wetting on a daily basis. You better stop trying to invent new outrages and start worrying about seeing that your nominee knows what day it is or what office he's running (being run) for.
No one said he could not play golf (It would be nice if he didn't play the same amount of golf as all other Presidents combined).

But he should not be playing Golf at Trump owned enterprises. He should avoid his own properties like the plague. It is not just corruption he should be avoiding but the appearance of corruption. The lack of any kind of integrity with the President, is astounding and more than a little sickening.

He has set the bar so low for future Presidents, that no one will be able to complain, no matter how obvious they are when they line their pockets.

There was a time when Presidents would at least aspire to uphold the office in a dignified way.

Shame the left hasn't had the same scruples over Biden's lifetime of grifting.
Obama said that there comes a time when you have made enough money.

The gullible & ignorant cultist liberals sucked it all up, while the con man moved into his 13 million dollar home.

I don't know. The reporter heard it that way, I guess.

There's a lot of odd language changes in conservative rhetoric lately.

Have you noticed they're saying "communist" again instead of "socialist"?
Every single "fiscal conservative" who's still in support of trump has been shown to be a fraud.

When Biden takes over, tell every Republican who complains about anything to get bent.

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