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Trump race-baiting continues (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Political Leaning
Trump used manipulation and race-baiting four years ago. He’s at it again.


Finally, the Democratic and Republican conventions are over. Democrats broke ground with the nomination of Sen. Kamala D. Harris (Calif.), the first Black woman on a major-party ticket, as presidential nominee Joe Biden’s running mate. They promised a return to decency and public service. The GOP convention, through a tissue of lies, sought to sell the Trump administration as a thing of beauty. It was tantamount to putting lipstick on a pig. Now to the business at hand: the Election Day firing of President Trump. Reaching that goal won’t be easy. The Founders’ doctrine of sovereignty — that the United States is governed by the people — is threatened. Trump believes he is the government and thus can do with it as he pleases. September and October will be battleground months in the coming war. The strategic goal — the vote: for Democrats, to preserve and turn it out; for Trump, to suppress it. We have trod this road before. In 2016, Trump campaign officials surreptitiously undertook a campaign to suppress the Black vote, which had favored Hillary Clinton. The suppression effort targeted three groups Clinton needed to win overwhelmingly: idealistic White liberals, African Americans and young women.

A few weeks before the polls opened, the Trump campaign started placing sly and misleading messages about Clinton to demobilize Black voters. Some went out via nonpublic Facebook “dark posts” — “Only the people we want to see it, see it,” a Trump campaign official said. The Russians pursued the same scheme. Shrinking the Black electorate is high on this year’s Trump campaign agenda as well. Meanwhile, Trump is working overtime to discredit mail-in voting. He has even said he wanted to limit mail-in voting by refusing new funds for postal operations. And under the guise of preventing fraud on Election Day, Trump said he would send law enforcement officers to the polls. He has also refused to say he would accept voting results. Wait, didn’t we hear such noises four years ago? Trump is a skilled manipulator and race-baiter who gets by with coded language and outright lies, and for whom “no” has no meaning. Will he get away with it again? Only if voters let him. Democracy defenders, double down.

Trumps campaign strategy? No, it's nothing like explaining how he will make America and the lives of Americans better with another 4 year term.

His strategy is to sow chaos and divisiveness. Minimize the black and Latino vote. And try to win back the votes of white suburban women that he has lost with his "George Wallace" racial tactics.
Trump used manipulation and race-baiting four years ago. He’s at it again.


Trumps campaign strategy? No, it's nothing like explaining how he will make America and the lives of Americans better with another 4 year term.

His strategy is to sow chaos and divisiveness. Minimize the black and Latino vote. And try to win back the votes of white suburban women that he has lost with his "George Wallace" racial tactics.

Once again, throwing out things that are untrue, using a horribly biased source and actively forgetting how the democrats are doing their own case of race baiting. As well as just using an entire thread to just blatantly cry about Trump, or his administration.

Is not the best way that I would suggest for you to start a thread in general.
The biggest challenge in idfentifying Russian bot postings is they are hard to tell apart from Republican ones.
Trump used manipulation and race-baiting four years ago. He’s at it again.


Trumps campaign strategy? No, it's nothing like explaining how he will make America and the lives of Americans better with another 4 year term.

His strategy is to sow chaos and divisiveness. Minimize the black and Latino vote. And try to win back the votes of white suburban women that he has lost with his "George Wallace" racial tactics.

Oh!! Those "dark posts"!!

Why isn't FB doing something about that!
The Dems have nothing but to throw mud at Trump.
Trump's campaign message is that if we elect Biden we'll continue seeing what's happened during the Trump administration.
Just because President Trump has the guts NOT to kneel before (or grovel at the feet of) certain folks does not make him a "racist."

He speaks for a lot of Americans who agree with him but are too terrified to speak out.

At least he does not cry crocodile tears, as do some opportunistic politicians who think that by doing so they will get a certain vote all tied up and neatly delivered to them.
Trump used manipulation and race-baiting four years ago. He’s at it again.


Trumps campaign strategy? No, it's nothing like explaining how he will make America and the lives of Americans better with another 4 year term.

His strategy is to sow chaos and divisiveness. Minimize the black and Latino vote. And try to win back the votes of white suburban women that he has lost with his "George Wallace" racial tactics.

More fake news false claims of race baiting from the real race baiters. It’s epic in it’s irony.
Trump used manipulation and race-baiting four years ago. He’s at it again.


Trumps campaign strategy? No, it's nothing like explaining how he will make America and the lives of Americans better with another 4 year term.

His strategy is to sow chaos and divisiveness. Minimize the black and Latino vote. And try to win back the votes of white suburban women that he has lost with his "George Wallace" racial tactics.

Sounds like the left is getting their excuses ready. From Trump bad to Trump is a poopy head.

What is Biden's platform?
The biggest challenge in idfentifying Russian bot postings is they are hard to tell apart from Republican ones.

They probably are if you don't read the postings to begin with.
Just because President Trump has the guts NOT to kneel before (or grovel at the feet of) certain folks does not make him a "racist."

He speaks for a lot of Americans who agree with him but are too terrified to speak out.

At least he does not cry crocodile tears, as do some opportunistic politicians who think that by doing so they will get a certain vote all tied up and neatly delivered to them.

You can speak out here. If you're a Trumper, man up and admit that.
Man, did you see how many great African Americans spoke at the Republican convention?
That was fantastic!
The biggest challenge in idfentifying Russian bot postings is they are hard to tell apart from Republican ones.

We need to make sure Russia doesn't try to help the Democrats win like they did in 16.

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