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Trump praises a dictator (1 Viewer)

This is also NOT new. Trump is a wanabee dictator and may live his dream if elected.
Victor returned the favor:

When the only overseas politicians endorsing your run for president are hard right authoritarian dictators ...................................................
Must be Tuesday.
Trump has a huge weakness for flattery, so he just gets used by anyone unethical enough to praise him. He literally cannot judge character, because he's so easily swayed (for or against). It was nothing but luck that something like the Ukraine war didn't happen on his watch, and we can't count on such luck in the future.
Not sure it is for the US market, but yes, yes we are…..

I await MAGA to come straighten this out.

So, Trump supporters, there was peace in Ukraine under Trump? That must be why Zelensky turned down Trump's extortion effort, correct? I mean, why would Zelensky need weaponry if there was peace in Ukraine?

There's an interesting exercise which can help improve the mind, just as physical exercise can improve the body. Here it is:

First, using multiple sources, compile a list of the characteristics of the take-over of the democratic governments of Germany and Italy in the 1930's.

Next, using that checklist, rate the statements and actions of Mr. Donald Trump and President of the United States of America Joseph Biden and their respective administrations against the checklist.

That's all there is to it.

Regards, stay safe 'n well . . . informed.

PS. Please note that the above exercise is not slanted toward one side or the other.

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