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trump political hacks editing CDC reports on Covid they think make trump look bad (1 Viewer)

trump corrupting the CDC and preventing its scientists and doctors from telling the truth to the American people. This alone deserves impeachment and criminal charges.

'Downright Criminal': Leaked Emails Reveal Effort by Trump Aides to Censor and Alter CDC Covid Reports Behind Closed Doors | Common Dreams News

Donald Trump is the President of the United States. If he determines, in his great and unmatched wisdom, that his subordinates should do or not do something, they should either comply or resign.
Donald Trump is the President of the United States. If he determines, in his great and unmatched wisdom, that his subordinates should do or not do something, they should either comply or resign.

Did that apply to the Obama administration as well?
Yet another LW "the sky is falling thead" :roll:
i just assume that everything Trump (and his Administration) do is Mafia.

they don't let me down much.
Did that apply to the Obama administration as well?

While I would not use the word "wise" to describe Obama, the answer is yes. Elected leaders ought to have authority over bureaucrats. The unaccountability of the permanent government is one of the most serious problems with America today.
Donald Trump is the President of the United States. If he determines, in his great and unmatched wisdom, that his subordinates should do or not do something, they should either comply or resign.

Ah right, the Chairman can do no wrong. Or as Louis XIV said it "l'état, c'est moi".
Donald Trump is the President of the United States. If he determines, in his great and unmatched wisdom, that his subordinates should do or not do something, they should either comply or resign.

Oh Yah and politicizing the Science based organizations within the federal government, CDC, NOAA, NIH, FDA, DOA is just SOOOOOOOOOO good for the country. Get the hell out of here with this crap. You just proved the entire Trump profile is that of a cult. Thank you for that. Now we can completely ignore them as a political entity.

For the record, the primary directive, the prime function of the CDC is the acquisition of, sorting of, collating of and distribution of data to the American people. Of course based on your comments I suppose you would simply prefer they close and lock the doors if said data does not support Der Leader.

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