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Trump Org Accused of Hiding M. Cohen - a Witness to DJT Allegedly Ordering Guards to Attack Demonstrators (1 Viewer)


Air Muscle
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2020
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What particular crime, if any, was committed by Trump Org if it's proven that they hid M. Cohen, while he was a potential witness in the lawsuit? Obstruction? It would seem that there's another crime that better fits. Then, of course, there's the perjury charge just for the lying part of this.

The Trump Organization “would have been aware that Mr. Cohen had relevant information and was a potential witness for nearly seven years before he came forward to [us] on his own,” Benjamin N. Dictor wrote in a court filing on Tuesday. (Dictor also happens to represent The Daily Beast’s News Guild.)

The company “failed to disclose this or identify Mr. Cohen as a person with relevant information at any point,” Dictor explained.

Cohen recalls that Trump told Schiller to “get rid” of them, according to the court filing by the protesters’ lawyer. The security guard and Cohen then went downstairs, where Schiller assaulted the protesters and ripped away one of their signs. They went back upstairs together and brought the torn-up sign to Trump’s office.

So this is about ordering different security to beat up different protesters, before he was even elected.
What particular crime, if any, was committed by Trump Org if it's proven that they hid M. Cohen, while he was a potential witness in the lawsuit? Obstruction? It would seem that there's another crime that better fits. Then, of course, there's the perjury charge just for the lying part of this.

The Trump Organization “would have been aware that Mr. Cohen had relevant information and was a potential witness for nearly seven years before he came forward to [us] on his own,” Benjamin N. Dictor wrote in a court filing on Tuesday. (Dictor also happens to represent The Daily Beast’s News Guild.)

The company “failed to disclose this or identify Mr. Cohen as a person with relevant information at any point,” Dictor explained.

Cohen recalls that Trump told Schiller to “get rid” of them, according to the court filing by the protesters’ lawyer. The security guard and Cohen then went downstairs, where Schiller assaulted the protesters and ripped away one of their signs. They went back upstairs together and brought the torn-up sign to Trump’s office.
Well it's good to know the new minister of the Biden, Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and and Propaganda, is hard at work doing her assigned job. Nina Jankowicz is plying her trade with more lies.
Who had their money on straight deflection? I thought the first attempt to derail was going to be an apologist post.
If proven DJT lied under oath; he could be charged with perjury:

Michael Cohen throws a wrench into Trump lawsuit defense -- and could prove he lied under oath

Any relief former President Donald Trump may have felt as a Manhattan grand jury closed out its session without a bill of indictment against the former president may be short-lived as another lawsuit comes back to life that could lead to perjury charges.

According to a report from the Daily Beast's Jose Pagliery and Lachlan Cartwright, the lawsuit stems from accusations that Trump, before he became president, ordered security at Trump Tower to assault demonstrators and that a key witness in the case is Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen.

As the report notes, the case hinges on whether the former president lied during a videotaped deposition.

Well it's good to know the new minister of the Biden, Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and and Propaganda, is hard at work doing her assigned job. Nina Jankowicz is plying her trade with more lies.
Do you support guards or anyone attacking peaceful demonstrators?

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