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Trump Lies About Wealth (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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Post-Trump America
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It's something hardly talked about because Republicans don't want Trump's businessman image to be thrown in the gutter, even though his personality is. i get that. I like business and I admire businessmen. But there is a difference between a businessman and a marketer, a salesman. Trump is the latter and what he sells is HIS IMAGE!!! If there is one thing that there is an unfortunate overwhelming consensus on is that Trump knows business and that he knows how to build things. And will run the country like a business. We might need that in Washington in some cases, but definitely not in all cases and definitely not the way Trump does it!

Trump on Net Worth, it fluctuates: "with markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings," and the estimate is based on the, "general attitude at the time that the question may be asked." Not very specific right?

As I look deeper and deeper into his financial history and business deals/ventures. I can't help but see how bad a businessman he actually is. I think it's weird when Trump says he can't release his tax returns because he is being audited by the government. An Audit for a business is not good, but don't tell that the supposedly pro-business minded supporters of his. Usually you want to cross your ts and dot your is so that you DON'T get an audit. My parents business is trying to make sure they get all their taxes in order so they don't get audited and the tax guys at the charity I work for are currently going through a limited audit process right now! Being audited is not fun and not something to brag about. So I don't believe Trump when he says he can't release his tax returns because he is getting audited. Why doesn't he? He doesn't really seem to want to tell us or he rather doesn't really want to know why. Is that someone we can afford to be in the White House? He once told a crowd of evangelicals that he might be being audited because of his religion (even though there is little evidence that he actually is very religious) Trump campaign releases letter confirming IRS audit - CNNPolitics.com

Often when talking about his wealth in private and when forced to tell the truth, which rarely happens, (despite his campaign slogan as a truth teller). Notice how much of that sentence is a mouthful to even sum up? Yeah not good from the start... He claims that he doesn't even know what his wealth is
Sure, Trump sells to the public that his wealth is $10 Billion, but when Trump was kicked off the forbes list for six years because he was so mad at them for telling the truth and devaluing his net worth, that speaks wonders, to anyone actually paying attention to all this. Anyone...Bueller?

Ok so Net Worth and Tax Returns are hardly cornerstones to how one operates a business right. There could be a silver lining to all these lies that Trump keeps telling about his money right? Maybe he's focusing too much time on building architecture or he's solving management crisis'. Actually, I could not find any evidence for any of that. Nothing could be farther from the truth!

More evidence of Trump Lies:
How Donald Trump Exaggerates And Fibs About His $4.5 Billion Net Worth

Trump is a marketer. He sells, that's all he does. Trump's name is probably a pretty good name brand to own a piece of. And that, ladies and gentlemen is the bulk of where he gets his money from. He makes deals, for his name. That's it. He doesn't build the buildings or as I've seen in some cases doesn't doesn't even hold much equity in any of the building he owns. On top of all that he also isn't very charitable compared to his other so-called billionaire friends in the tech industry who have all donated large portions of their wealth to charity.

From Trump University to his recent Veteran's rally and indeed his entire "self-funded" campaign. It's unclear about where Trump's money goes which makes it all the more possible that he's lying about the majority of it or he is hiding something.

For the life of me, I can't figure out why Trump gets a pass on the money, but Hillary doesn't get a pass about the email server. They are BOTH equally bad, in my opinion, and that's why I'm not voting for either of them.
It's something hardly talked about because Republicans don't want Trump's businessman image to be thrown in the gutter, even though his personality is. i get that. I like business and I admire businessmen. But there is a difference between a businessman and a marketer, a salesman. Trump is the latter and what he sells is HIS IMAGE!!! If there is one thing that there is an unfortunate overwhelming consensus on is that Trump knows business and that he knows how to build things. And will run the country like a business. We might need that in Washington in some cases, but definitely not in all cases and definitely not the way Trump does it!

Trump on Net Worth, it fluctuates: "with markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings," and the estimate is based on the, "general attitude at the time that the question may be asked." Not very specific right?

As I look deeper and deeper into his financial history and business deals/ventures. I can't help but see how bad a businessman he actually is. I think it's weird when Trump says he can't release his tax returns because he is being audited by the government. An Audit for a business is not good, but don't tell that the supposedly pro-business minded supporters of his. Usually you want to cross your ts and dot your is so that you DON'T get an audit. My parents business is trying to make sure they get all their taxes in order so they don't get audited and the tax guys at the charity I work for are currently going through a limited audit process right now! Being audited is not fun and not something to brag about. So I don't believe Trump when he says he can't release his tax returns because he is getting audited. Why doesn't he? He doesn't really seem to want to tell us or he rather doesn't really want to know why. Is that someone we can afford to be in the White House? He once told a crowd of evangelicals that he might be being audited because of his religion (even though there is little evidence that he actually is very religious) Trump campaign releases letter confirming IRS audit - CNNPolitics.com

Often when talking about his wealth in private and when forced to tell the truth, which rarely happens, (despite his campaign slogan as a truth teller). Notice how much of that sentence is a mouthful to even sum up? Yeah not good from the start... He claims that he doesn't even know what his wealth is
Sure, Trump sells to the public that his wealth is $10 Billion, but when Trump was kicked off the forbes list for six years because he was so mad at them for telling the truth and devaluing his net worth, that speaks wonders, to anyone actually paying attention to all this. Anyone...Bueller?

Ok so Net Worth and Tax Returns are hardly cornerstones to how one operates a business right. There could be a silver lining to all these lies that Trump keeps telling about his money right? Maybe he's focusing too much time on building architecture or he's solving management crisis'. Actually, I could not find any evidence for any of that. Nothing could be farther from the truth!

More evidence of Trump Lies:
How Donald Trump Exaggerates And Fibs About His $4.5 Billion Net Worth

Trump is a marketer. He sells, that's all he does. Trump's name is probably a pretty good name brand to own a piece of. And that, ladies and gentlemen is the bulk of where he gets his money from. He makes deals, for his name. That's it. He doesn't build the buildings or as I've seen in some cases doesn't doesn't even hold much equity in any of the building he owns. On top of all that he also isn't very charitable compared to his other so-called billionaire friends in the tech industry who have all donated large portions of their wealth to charity.

From Trump University to his recent Veteran's rally and indeed his entire "self-funded" campaign. It's unclear about where Trump's money goes which makes it all the more possible that he's lying about the majority of it or he is hiding something.

I don't even think he's worth $4.5 Billion, myself. That being said:

For the life of me, I can't figure out why Trump gets a pass on the money, but Hillary doesn't get a pass about the email server. They are BOTH equally bad, in my opinion, and that's why I'm not voting for either of them.

Probably because Trump's lies are just more lies, whereas Hillary's decision to store classified information on unsecured networks was a felony.
The people who don't understand how Brand name value works obviously don't understand how Trump is valuing himself. His brand is his name and his name's value can quite literally vary depending on the day unlike physical assets. Is he overestimating his wealth? Probably. Is it a big deal? No, especially when you know how branding works. Most liberals being unemployed and with 0 business experience will obviously be confused. And yes, I'm aware the neither of the posters before me are liberals, however CNN most certainly is and so are many of his loudest detractors when it comes to his variable wealth figures.
The people who don't understand how Brand name value works obviously don't understand how Trump is valuing himself. His brand is his name and his name's value can quite literally vary depending on the day unlike physical assets. Is he overestimating his wealth? Probably. Is it a big deal? No, especially when you know how branding works. Most liberals being unemployed and with 0 business experience will obviously be confused. And yes, I'm aware the neither of the posters before me are liberals, however CNN most certainly is and so are many of his loudest detractors when it comes to his variable wealth figures.

The CNN article had nothing to do with his wealth. Fail post.
Probably because Trump's lies are just more lies, whereas Hillary's decision to store classified information on unsecured networks was a felony.

But Trump lies so much that it's all connected and you can't tell where one lie ends and the other begins, Trump University is currently under investigation as well as his campaign manager... Hillary is the same way. I can't say which is worse.
But Trump lies so much that it's all connected and you can't tell where one lie ends and the other begins, Trump University is currently under investigation as well as his campaign manager... Hillary is the same way. I can't say which is worse.

:shrug: both lie constantly. Hillary lies like a lawyer - careful to leave enough escape and wiggle room to have a technical escape. Trump lies like a thug - obvious and daring you to do something about it. That being said, Hillary's actions were felonies that put national security in danger for her own personal convenience. Trump's were not.
It's something hardly talked about because Republicans don't want Trump's businessman image to be thrown in the gutter, even though his personality is. i get that. I like business and I admire businessmen. But there is a difference between a businessman and a marketer, a salesman. Trump is the latter and what he sells is HIS IMAGE!!! If there is one thing that there is an unfortunate overwhelming consensus on is that Trump knows business and that he knows how to build things. And will run the country like a business. We might need that in Washington in some cases, but definitely not in all cases and definitely not the way Trump does it!

Trump on Net Worth, it fluctuates: "with markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings," and the estimate is based on the, "general attitude at the time that the question may be asked." Not very specific right?

As I look deeper and deeper into his financial history and business deals/ventures. I can't help but see how bad a businessman he actually is. I think it's weird when Trump says he can't release his tax returns because he is being audited by the government. An Audit for a business is not good, but don't tell that the supposedly pro-business minded supporters of his. Usually you want to cross your ts and dot your is so that you DON'T get an audit. My parents business is trying to make sure they get all their taxes in order so they don't get audited and the tax guys at the charity I work for are currently going through a limited audit process right now! Being audited is not fun and not something to brag about. So I don't believe Trump when he says he can't release his tax returns because he is getting audited. Why doesn't he? He doesn't really seem to want to tell us or he rather doesn't really want to know why. Is that someone we can afford to be in the White House? He once told a crowd of evangelicals that he might be being audited because of his religion (even though there is little evidence that he actually is very religious) Trump campaign releases letter confirming IRS audit - CNNPolitics.com

Often when talking about his wealth in private and when forced to tell the truth, which rarely happens, (despite his campaign slogan as a truth teller). Notice how much of that sentence is a mouthful to even sum up? Yeah not good from the start... He claims that he doesn't even know what his wealth is
Sure, Trump sells to the public that his wealth is $10 Billion, but when Trump was kicked off the forbes list for six years because he was so mad at them for telling the truth and devaluing his net worth, that speaks wonders, to anyone actually paying attention to all this. Anyone...Bueller?

Ok so Net Worth and Tax Returns are hardly cornerstones to how one operates a business right. There could be a silver lining to all these lies that Trump keeps telling about his money right? Maybe he's focusing too much time on building architecture or he's solving management crisis'. Actually, I could not find any evidence for any of that. Nothing could be farther from the truth!

More evidence of Trump Lies:
How Donald Trump Exaggerates And Fibs About His $4.5 Billion Net Worth

Trump is a marketer. He sells, that's all he does. Trump's name is probably a pretty good name brand to own a piece of. And that, ladies and gentlemen is the bulk of where he gets his money from. He makes deals, for his name. That's it. He doesn't build the buildings or as I've seen in some cases doesn't doesn't even hold much equity in any of the building he owns. On top of all that he also isn't very charitable compared to his other so-called billionaire friends in the tech industry who have all donated large portions of their wealth to charity.

From Trump University to his recent Veteran's rally and indeed his entire "self-funded" campaign. It's unclear about where Trump's money goes which makes it all the more possible that he's lying about the majority of it or he is hiding something.

For the life of me, I can't figure out why Trump gets a pass on the money, but Hillary doesn't get a pass about the email server. They are BOTH equally bad, in my opinion, and that's why I'm not voting for either of them.

Problem is, when it comes to the ever-growing percentage of Americans who are minorities, the damage to the GOP brand is done.
:shrug: both lie constantly. Hillary lies like a lawyer - careful to leave enough escape and wiggle room to have a technical escape. Trump lies like a thug - obvious and daring you to do something about it. That being said, Hillary's actions were felonies that put national security in danger for her own personal convenience. Trump's were not.

Eh I don't see the difference. We know a Trump presidency will be plagued with scandals. So really we have more of a responsibility to stop that. Law enforcement should stop Clinton. The public has the power to stop these two from taking control of our entire country. Though, it's clear a majority don't care. But this is not a perfect world.
Hillary lies like a lawyer - careful to leave enough escape and wiggle room to have a technical escape.

Lazy and ugly but popular smear.

If a lawyer lies to a judge, they (1) are never listened to again, (2) will be suspended or disbarred. If they lie to the jury, the other side will demonstrate it, and the liar will lose. And also face consequences.

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