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Trump: "Kurds Not Angels... PKK Worse Than ISIS" (1 Viewer)

That's all you offered. Selected anecdotes.

According to your own standard so did you. I think Mussolini Most of all would have a clue what fascism is.
Your not so humble political opinion.

People like Trump do very little hard work yet get more benefits than working class citizens (parasite). He is able to get away with bankrupting his companies while it is much harder for college students to discharge their loans.
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According to your own standard so did you. I think Mussolini Most of all would have a clue what fascism is.

How profound. Mussolini father and definer of fascism might have a clue, but he is still dead.
People like Trump do very little hard work yet get more benefits than working class citizens (parasite). He is able to get away with bankrupting his companies while it is much harder for college students to discharge their loans.

Your first hand knowledge speaks volumes.

I worked my way through college, no loans. The choices we make are our own responsibility. No excuses. Comparing Trump's business practices to the choices made by those who went to college on borrowed money is absurd, at the least. He had nothing to do with changing the bankruptcy law excluding college loans. Yet you want to lay that at his feet. Your politics betray you.
Your first hand knowledge speaks volumes.

I worked my way through college, no loans. The choices we make are our own responsibility. No excuses. Comparing Trump's business practices to the choices made by those who went to college on borrowed money is absurd, at the least. He had nothing to do with changing the bankruptcy law excluding college loans. Yet you want to lay that at his feet. Your politics betray you.

Trump is a trust fund baby who was gifted hundreds of millions of dollars by his father. He has consistently lost more money than he created.
How profound. Mussolini father and definer of fascism might have a clue, but he is still dead.

Are your sources alive? :lamo wow you are hilarious.
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Your first hand knowledge speaks volumes.

I worked my way through college, no loans. The choices we make are our own responsibility. No excuses. Comparing Trump's business practices to the choices made by those who went to college on borrowed money is absurd, at the least. He had nothing to do with changing the bankruptcy law excluding college loans. Yet you want to lay that at his feet. Your politics betray you.

Conpletely missing the point. I made my way through college as well passing more advanced classes than my degree needed in math and statistics even after having to catch up. However, this isnt about you unless you got millions of dollars from your pappy. The point is Trump got to where he is through not only scamming college students but also being easily let off the hook for bankrupting several companies. He is a parasite.
Trump is a trust fund baby who was gifted hundreds of millions of dollars by his father. He has consistently lost more money than he created.

So silly, and unsubstantiated. Fred Sr. created no trust funds. His real estate holdings, primarily Trump Village in Brooklyn and a few apartment buildings in Queens, one moderate sized apartment building in Manhattan's upper east side, went directly to his widow. All was held in the name of his real estate brokerage and management company. Upon her death, the two companies were merged and ownership equally divided between the surviving heirs, and the family of Fred Jr. Total value at the time, exclusive of leverages, perhaps about $50-60 mil. Today about $250-300 mil. Trump Village remains one of the best bastions of affordable living for middle income families in the City of New York. Fred co-signed some of Donald's early mortgages and rehab construction loans, including his first major Manhattan project for $50 mil. The return was 3-1. The profits from Donald franchising and licensing the Trump name has brought $100's of millions into the family coffers with very limited risks. The profits from the Mar-a-Lago Club can't be tabulated because it stands as luxury showcase for the franchising and licensing of the Trump name.

Donald was always more of a promoter than developer. Creating project packages then selling them. Soft money, often financed by investors, with quality returns. Plus the brokerage would retain listing rights for the finished product.

When you have a clue, get back to me.

You are basically FOS.
Conpletely missing the point. I made my way through college as well passing more advanced classes than my degree needed in math and statistics even after having to catch up. However, this isnt about you unless you got millions of dollars from your pappy. The point is Trump got to where he is through not only scamming college students but also being easily let off the hook for bankrupting several companies. He is a parasite.

Aw, political BS. Trump was never in the business of financing student loans. :rofl
So silly, and unsubstantiated. Fred Sr. created no trust funds. His real estate holdings, primarily Trump Village in Brooklyn and a few apartment buildings in Queens, one moderate sized apartment building in Manhattan's upper east side, went directly to his widow. All was held in the name of his real estate brokerage and management company. Upon her death, the two companies were merged and ownership equally divided between the surviving heirs, and the family of Fred Jr. Total value at the time, exclusive of leverages, perhaps about $50-60 mil. Today about $250-300 mil. Trump Village remains one of the best bastions of affordable living for middle income families in the City of New York. Fred co-signed some of Donald's early mortgages and rehab construction loans, including his first major Manhattan project for $50 mil. The return was 3-1. The profits from Donald franchising and licensing the Trump name has brought $100's of millions into the family coffers with very limited risks. The profits from the Mar-a-Lago Club can't be tabulated because it stands as luxury showcase for the franchising and licensing of the Trump name.

Donald was always more of a promoter than developer. Creating project packages then selling them. Soft money, often financed by investors, with quality returns. Plus the brokerage would retain listing rights for the finished product.

When you have a clue, get back to me.

You are basically FOS.

The facts say otherwise,
President Donald Trump's father gave enormous sums of money to his son over his entire life, playing a much bigger role than previously known in making the president a rich man, according to a New York Times investigation published Tuesday. According to the report, Trump was earning $200,000 a year from his father's empire by the age 3. The financial assistance increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually when Trump was in his 40s and 50s. In all, Trump received at least $413 million from his father's real estate empire. The president has said he turned a $1 million loan from his father into a $10 billion empire.
The facts say otherwise,

Unfortunately, the NYT lost all credulity long ago. When Donald was age 3, Fred wasn't making $200k per year. :lamo

When Donald was 3, I was 1. My father, who was doing well, well above the norm at the time, was pulling down $6,200 per year. His brothers lucky to be earning $3,500 a year. Fred owned one small building in Jamaica Hills mortgaged to the hilt, and was trying to sell houses in Levittown at $3,200 per pop for a $120 commission. Fred hooked up with two small spot builders in Hillcrest Queens, who really got him rolling. He wouldn't break ground for Trump Village until 1963, when Donald was 15, and he went into debt up to his eyeballs.

Yes, Fred leant Donny a $mil in the early '70's. So what? Donald put it to work. Use some common sense. Had Donald been taking down $200k per year since age 3, he wouldn't have needed a loan from dad. The rest of your story is horse manure.

Your facts are a fantasy. All the news that's fit to print, or fabricate.
Unfortunately, the NYT lost all credulity long ago. When Donald was age 3, Fred wasn't making $200k per year. :lamo

When Donald was 3, I was 1. My father, who was doing well, well above the norm at the time, was pulling down $6,200 per year. His brothers lucky to be earning $3,500 a year. Fred owned one small building in Jamaica Hills mortgaged to the hilt, and was trying to sell houses in Levittown at $3,200 per pop for a $120 commission. Fred hooked up with two small spot builders in Hillcrest Queens, who really got him rolling. He wouldn't break ground for Trump Village until 1963, when Donald was 15, and he went into debt up to his eyeballs.

Yes, Fred leant Donny a $mil in the early '70's. So what? Donald put it to work. Use some common sense. Had Donald been taking down $200k per year since age 3, he wouldn't have needed a loan from dad. The rest of your story is horse manure.

Your facts are a fantasy. All the news that's fit to print, or fabricate.
Donald could have invested that money in a growth mutual fund or blue chips and be richer than he is now because of his many failures, many of them to the point of bankruptcy.

Trump's father gave his son at least $413 million: New York Times - MarketWatch
Donald could have invested that money in a growth mutual fund or blue chips and be richer than he is now because of his many failures, many of them to the point of bankruptcy.

Possibly. During the same timespan major equities like Xerox, Kodak, Sears, IBM, and a plethora of former blue chips took nose dives. Of the six Trump businesses, out of 510, either pursuant to his direct involvement or licensing, which declared bankruptcy reorganization, only one still had his direct involvement. Each of the six were casinos. One later licensee in Britain, a hotel, went bankrupt after massive fraud by management. Management had mortgaged the same hotel to three different entities in the same week, lying about available keys inflating value, and tried to disappear with the proceeds. The three individuals behind the scheme are still in prison. All proceeds were recovered.

His only failure, the Taj Mahal. He couldn't stop organized crime from skimming. Brought the operation to its knees.

Not all his ventures were successes, but the successes far outweighed those that brought little or no returns of substance.

Care to try again with more politically motivated myths?
By your claim the American colonists were terrorists when they attacked the British using guerilla tactics of hit and run instead iof open field planned battles.

I said terrorist tactics like killing civilians, not guerilla warfare, and that happened more than 200 years ago, so your moving the goalposts fallacy is cheap.

When you disagree with them you call them terrorists, but when they are fighting for your allies or goals that you support then they are termed freedom fighters.

The Kurds have done ethnic cleansing, used child soldiers and have targeted and killed civilians- you endorse this? Ah well, thats you.

Great Trump could have pulled military aid when civilians could have been saved but he continues to fund the saudis who do that very thing.

FYI Im against that too.
I said terrorist tactics like killing civilians, not guerilla warfare, and that happened more than 200 years ago, so your moving the goalposts fallacy is cheap.

The Kurds have done ethnic cleansing, used child soldiers and have targeted and killed civilians- you endorse this? Ah well, thats you.

FYI Im against that too.

The US took part in ethnic cleaning against native tribes. We also firebombed civilians in WW2 (Dresden and Tokyo) and Vietnam(Operation Linebacker 1-2), even with nuclear weapons (Hiroshima and Nagasaki).
The Kurds are our allies and they were not to be abandoned when Ergogan and Putin asked for a favor.
The US took part in ethnic cleaning against native tribes. We also firebombed civilians in WW2 (Dresden and Tokyo) and Vietnam(Operation Linebacker 1-2), even with nuclear weapons (Hiroshima and Nagasaki).
The Kurds are our allies and they were not to be abandoned when Ergogan and Putin asked for a favor.

America has done plenty of wrong in the past, and there is no reason to continue doing it by allying ourselves with terrorists who are doing it now.
America has done plenty of wrong in the past, and there is no reason to continue doing it by allying ourselves with terrorists who are doing it now.

We need the Kurds to fight ISIL. They were our allies in Iraq. Nobodies hands are clean in war so we cant abandon them when it is useful for a politician who made shortsighted promises
We need the Kurds to fight ISIL. They were our allies in Iraq.

ISIS is a local problem, not ours. And the Kurds are terrorists too- we are simply prolonging the war on terror by supporting them. Do you like war?
ISIS is a local problem, not ours. And the Kurds are terrorists too- we are simply prolonging the war on terror by supporting them. Do you like war?

I am not going to abandon our allies and a minority because of a stupid politician's decision. Bush helped to create ISIL when he invaded Iraq in 2003 and we have a humanitarian and moral obligation to put a stop to them.

Do you see yourself as part of a worldwide society with obligations to others?
“But the Kurds know how to fight,” Trump continued. “And, as I said, they’re not angels. They’re not angels, if you take a look … The PKK, which is a part of the Kurds … is probably worse at terror, more of a terrorist threat in many ways, than ISIS.”

Trump: Kurds Are ‘Not Angels’ – They’re Worse ‘Than ISIS’

I know the Trumpcult will find a way to defend this latest moronic statement from Dear Leader...

You might want to post your reasons for why he is wrong next time, or try to make a coherent stance at least.
I am not going to abandon our allies and a minority because of a stupid politician's decision. Bush helped to create ISIL when he invaded Iraq in 2003 and we have a humanitarian and moral obligation to put a stop to them.

Do you see yourself as part of a worldwide society with obligations to others?

I believe in providing humanitarian aid but I am totally against military interventionism of any kind unless they attack us first. Every time we go out there and send the military we make things worse. In this case, Trump is correct. The Kurds are terrorists and there are no good guys in that region, so its best we pull out completely.
I believe in providing humanitarian aid but I am totally against military interventionism of any kind unless they attack us first. Every time we go out there and send the military we make things worse. In this case, Trump is correct. The Kurds are terrorists and there are no good guys in that region, so its best we pull out completely.
Trump isn't bringing people home. He is moving them to Saudi and Iraq, so why are you believing his lies?

We are already there and we cant just cut and run away without making the problem worse in the very near future. We shouldn't have invaded Iraq in 2003 but we did so we cant just run away now.
I believe in providing humanitarian aid but I am totally against military interventionism of any kind unless they attack us first. Every time we go out there and send the military we make things worse. In this case, Trump is correct. The Kurds are terrorists and there are no good guys in that region, so its best we pull out completely.

Even though a number of them are going to Saudi Arabia, a good number are going to be coming home. I'd just like it if these two forces could just reach a ceasefire and stay with it, or at least have the UN come in and do something useful for a change.

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