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Trump: I'm a 'very stable genius' (2 Viewers)

It is not a matter of smart but one of fact. Sadly this particular fact is either denied by many or just too embarrassing to admit, but fact it is none the less.

How about "non intellectual"? Only a prize idiot would out of hand declare anyone and everyone who voted for a specific candidate an intellectual degenerate.
Low intellect applies to a lot of the president's supporters, but it's a pretty subjective measure. What they really lack is formal education. That is no coincidence.

Hillary Clinton falsely claimed to have dodged sniper fire in Bosnia. She also falsely claimed that her homely daughter was jogging around the world trade center towers when the passenger jets hit. Hillary is also in very poor physical health. What do you think of people who voted for her?
Your inability does not concern me.

It is clear that you are making moronic assumptions.

My assumptions are that you support the social engineering by the left thus have no interest in the homeless, poverty, high cost of living, and all the other issues of the leftwing radicals today. As long as you can marry your same sex partner and smoke your pot all is well, the hell with everyone else
How about "non intellectual"?
Even "non intellectuals" recognize liars and obnoxious low lives. It takes a special kind of "non intellectual" to support Trump. The word "degenerate" is apt for such special people.
Hillary Clinton falsely claimed to have dodged sniper fire in Bosnia. She also falsely claimed that her homely daughter was jogging around the world trade center towers when the passenger jets hit. Hillary is also in very poor physical health. What do you think of people who voted for her?

Hillary. Oh, Hillary. Marcia Marcia Marcia. Boring.
Hillary. Oh, Hillary. Marcia Marcia Marcia. Boring.
I get it that you libruls are embarrassed that your candidate was defeated by a candidate that you see as a buffoon. however as long as the discussion has anything to do with the 2016 election, the hildabeast is fair game.

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Your inability or willingness to recognize it or admit it does not concern me. The fact that you proved it is what matters.
Narcissism seems to be all you have going for you. You still do not have a coherent point. I would be more impressed if you put forth some level of effort at understanding why roughly half the voters do support Trump and why the hildabeast lost. Labelling Trump supporters as idiots and leaving it at that is low brow and intellectually limited.

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Narcissism seems to be all you have going for you.
There is nothing narcissistic about willing to recognize and accepting reality. That you are either no capable or willing, perhaps both is your problem alone.

You still do not have a coherent point.
Again, your inability to see truth is only your problem, not mine.

I would be more impressed
Who gives a **** what would impress you? After all you are impressed by Trump.

why roughly half the voters do support Trump
Lear some arithmetic too.

and why the hildabeast lost.
She made a number of stupid mistakes, but who gives a crap, she is irrelevant gone, history.

Labelling Trump supporters as idiots and leaving it at that is low brow and intellectually limited.
Just simple facts, even if it chafes you...
Narcissism seems to be all you have going for you. You still do not have a coherent point. I would be more impressed if you put forth some level of effort at understanding why roughly half the voters do support Trump and why the hildabeast lost. Labelling Trump supporters as idiots and leaving it at that is low brow and intellectually limited.

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Believe what you want to believe, then there is the real world. More correctly "roughly half the voters DID support Trump". Not all who voted for him would do it again.

Approximately 46% of those who voted, voted for Trump. It was Hillary who received almost 50% of the votes in 2016. We also have the ever so small fact that fewer than 61% of those eligible to vote actually showed up at the polls that day in November, which means that approximately 28% of those who might have voted, actually voted for Trump. Owing to gerrymandering and some other oddities, it has been estimated that about 80,000 votes actually made the difference in the outcome.

Now, we see Trump losing many of those who supported him in the election with the lowest approval rating ever for a President at the end of his first year in office.
I get it that you libruls are embarrassed that your candidate was defeated by a candidate that you see as a buffoon. however as long as the discussion has anything to do with the 2016 election, the hildabeast is fair game.

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It's fair game because you are running out of excuses for your orange friend.
It's fair game because you are running out of excuses for your orange friend.
Why would I need excuses? I don't regret my vote or support.

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Believe what you want to believe, then there is the real world. More correctly "roughly half the voters DID support Trump". Not all who voted for him would do it again.

Approximately 46% of those who voted, voted for Trump. It was Hillary who received almost 50% of the votes in 2016. We also have the ever so small fact that fewer than 61% of those eligible to vote actually showed up at the polls that day in November, which means that approximately 28% of those who might have voted, actually voted for Trump. Owing to gerrymandering and some other oddities, it has been estimated that about 80,000 votes actually made the difference in the outcome.

Now, we see Trump losing many of those who supported him in the election with the lowest approval rating ever for a President at the end of his first year in office.
You are spinning all of that nonsense about Trump losing support of those who voted for him on media driven opinion polls. Those same pollsters blew it badly in the lead up to the election. They admitted as much. And Trump's approval rating at this point in his first term is within about a point of what Obama Bin Laden's rating was at the same point. As for Hillary getting the popular vote, it comes with an asterisk. Without the socialist republic of Califotnia, which gives drivers licenses to illegals, Trump gets the majority of votes.

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Even "non intellectuals" recognize liars and obnoxious low lives. It takes a special kind of "non intellectual" to support Trump. The word "degenerate" is apt for such special people.

Once again, it is simply low brow and quite immature to tag every Trump supporter with that description. I could use that description on Hillary voters considering the fact that they voted for a women without a firm grasp on mental or physical health and a 30 year plus career of political scandals, however I would not be so childish as to label all Hillary voters with that. No all of her supporters were around for the majority of the hildabeast's career. I suspect you will grow wiser as you grow older.
There is nothing narcissistic about willing to recognize and accepting reality. That you are either no capable or willing, perhaps both is your problem alone.

Again, your inability to see truth is only your problem, not mine.

Who gives a **** what would impress you? After all you are impressed by Trump.

Lear some arithmetic too.

She made a number of stupid mistakes, but who gives a crap, she is irrelevant gone, history.

Just simple facts, even if it chafes you...
Narcissism sometimes blocks you from seeing reality as you tend to think you know everything and do not have anything close to an open mind....which is obvious in your case. I can only recommend that you actually make an effort to understand why enough voters supported Trump to get him elected. The ole "You are an idiot because you support Trump" chant is debate at a third grade level.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
You are spinning all of that nonsense about Trump losing support of those who voted for him on media driven opinion polls. Those same pollsters blew it badly in the lead up to the election. They admitted as much. And Trump's approval rating at this point in his first term is within about a point of what Obama Bin Laden's rating was at the same point. As for Hillary getting the popular vote, it comes with an asterisk. Without the socialist republic of Califotnia, which gives drivers licenses to illegals, Trump gets the majority of votes.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

His name is Barack Obama. I won't bother with the extra crazy part about 800,000 supposed undocumented immigrants accounting for Hillary Clinton's 2.8+ million vote popular win.
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Once again, it is simply low brow and quite immature to tag every Trump supporter with that description. I could use that description on Hillary voters considering the fact that they voted for a women without a firm grasp on mental or physical health and a 30 year plus career of political scandals, however I would not be so childish as to label all Hillary voters with that. No all of her supporters were around for the majority of the hildabeast's career. I suspect you will grow wiser as you grow older.

You use that insult a lot. It's not effective. Just thought you should know.

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