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Trump has made it clear why he needs the SCOTUS seat to be filled (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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I have made this point several times on this message board but I will make it again, Trump wants the SCOTUS to stop the voting counting at any time he is leading and declare him the winner, no matter how many votes are left to count. It seems now he has made that clear. If there are only eight members of the court, Roberts could vote with the minority and the tie, 4-4, would not stop the vote counting. If Trump gets another conservative on the court, even if Roberts did vote for the minority the conservatives could do as Trump wants, and without all of the votes being counted, Trump would have another term. And then what happens at the end of that term, Trump says he will negotiate a third term and would the court back him?
I have made this point several times on this message board but I will make it again, Trump wants the SCOTUS to stop the voting counting at any time he is leading and declare him the winner, no matter how many votes are left to count. It seems now he has made that clear. If there are only eight members of the court, Roberts could vote with the minority and the tie, 4-4, would not stop the vote counting. If Trump gets another conservative on the court, even if Roberts did vote for the minority the conservatives could do as Trump wants, and without all of the votes being counted, Trump would have another term. And then what happens at the end of that term, Trump says he will negotiate a third term and would the court back him?

Trump's fantasies should never be considered anything more than the blithering of an idiot... The courts will not stop the counting of votes..
I have made this point several times on this message board but I will make it again, Trump wants the SCOTUS to stop the voting counting at any time he is leading and declare him the winner, no matter how many votes are left to count. It seems now he has made that clear. If there are only eight members of the court, Roberts could vote with the minority and the tie, 4-4, would not stop the vote counting. If Trump gets another conservative on the court, even if Roberts did vote for the minority the conservatives could do as Trump wants, and without all of the votes being counted, Trump would have another term. And then what happens at the end of that term, Trump says he will negotiate a third term and would the court back him?

The Court can't stop the count at any time. The Court (either federal district, appellate or SJC) can only stop the count if the count exceeds a State's limitations for the length in time of the count. If that happens, one party or the other can go to Court filing a Brief that states the count should be stopped regardless of the fact that it is not as yet complete. The lower Court would likely enjoin the count and then rule on whether it should continue and that ruling would likely go up the ladder to the appellate court or the SJC would jump over the appellate court in an emergency session.
Well, he's an idiot and con man.

So there's that.
Typical spinning nonsense from the media.

Here is what Trump said...

“Now we’re counting on the federal court system to make it so that we can actually have an evening where we know who wins. Not where the votes are going to be counted a week later or two weeks later,” he said at a rally in North Carolina Saturday.

Trump does NOT say he's counting of the federal courts to declare him the winner. That article's headline is an outright lie.

Now...Trump does say he wants us to be able to know who the winner is...whether it's him or not...on election night. He doesn't want vote to be counted weeks after the day of the election. That doesn't mean he wants the voting to stop at any particular moment and especially at any moment when he is winning. (This is made up nonsense from the Trump haters.) What he wants is for the courts to require the states to count ALL the votes on election night.

Here is an example of what that means...

In Colorado, all ballots must be received by election officials by 7:30pm on election night. Any that don't get there by that time are discarded...not counted. That means that ALL votes are counted on election night and we'll know ON ELECTION NIGHT who won in Colorado. This is what Trump wants.

Unfortunately, there are a number of states who will count votes for weeks after election night. These are the ones Trump is against...for good reason.

So, Trump haters, quit making **** up about what Trump wants.
Typical spinning nonsense from the media.

Here is what Trump said...

Trump does NOT say he's counting of the federal courts to declare him the winner. That article's headline is an outright lie.

Now...Trump does say he wants us to be able to know who the winner is...whether it's him or not...on election night. He doesn't want vote to be counted weeks after the day of the election. That doesn't mean he wants the voting to stop at any particular moment and especially at any moment when he is winning. (This is made up nonsense from the Trump haters.) What he wants is for the courts to require the states to count ALL the votes on election night.

Here is an example of what that means...

In Colorado, all ballots must be received by election officials by 7:30pm on election night. Any that don't get there by that time are discarded...not counted. That means that ALL votes are counted on election night and we'll know ON ELECTION NIGHT who won in Colorado. This is what Trump wants.

Unfortunately, there are a number of states who will count votes for weeks after election night. These are the ones Trump is against...for good reason.

So, Trump haters, quit making **** up about what Trump wants.
Is there a legal argument as to whether the count must be concluded on election night?
Is there a legal argument as to whether the count must be concluded on election night?

No, and I disagree that the election is a major factor in Republicans stealing the court. While they did steal the election in 2000, the corrupt, radical justices they appoint are on board for radical plutocracy and anti-popular rule legal theories, but it's not clear they would steal any given election. They're not totally absent of some principles.
Is there a legal argument as to whether the count must be concluded on election night?
I don't know. Perhaps we should wait and see what is presented to the courts.
I don't know. Perhaps we should wait and see what is presented to the courts.

Why did you say "Unfortunately, there are a number of states who will count votes for weeks after election night. These are the ones Trump is against...for good reason." What is the good reason?
Why did you say "Unfortunately, there are a number of states who will count votes for weeks after election night. These are the ones Trump is against...for good reason." What is the good reason?
1. As exemplified by the system in Colorado...which has been working well for seven years...counting votes for weeks is totally unnecessary.
2. Counting votes for weeks allows the possibility for votes to be lost, manufactured and "found"...and then counted. And don't say that cannot happen. It happened in 2018 in Orange County, CA.
3. Add the extended time to count vote to the inevitable lawsuits over the counting and it could take months to finally know who is President.

Do you need more good reasons? I don't.
Typical spinning nonsense from the media.

Here is what Trump said...

Trump does NOT say he's counting of the federal courts to declare him the winner. That article's headline is an outright lie.

Now...Trump does say he wants us to be able to know who the winner is...whether it's him or not...on election night. He doesn't want vote to be counted weeks after the day of the election. That doesn't mean he wants the voting to stop at any particular moment and especially at any moment when he is winning. (This is made up nonsense from the Trump haters.) What he wants is for the courts to require the states to count ALL the votes on election night.

Here is an example of what that means...

In Colorado, all ballots must be received by election officials by 7:30pm on election night. Any that don't get there by that time are discarded...not counted. That means that ALL votes are counted on election night and we'll know ON ELECTION NIGHT who won in Colorado. This is what Trump wants.

Unfortunately, there are a number of states who will count votes for weeks after election night. These are the ones Trump is against...for good reason.

So, Trump haters, quit making **** up about what Trump wants.
What good reason? There are many times when it took days and even weeks for a election to be decided. If the votes are there and meet the standards for the state, they must be counted. The president is not sworn in until January 20th, so there should be no trouble waiting until January to determine who the American public chose as their new president, not Trump, not the GOP , not the Dems. and certainly not the court again. We do not need that disaster again. That gives the counters more than two months to do the count. Are you saying that you do not want legal ballots counted? Maybe you are one who wants only GOP ballots counted?
1. As exemplified by the system in Colorado...which has been working well for seven years...counting votes for weeks is totally unnecessary.
2. Counting votes for weeks allows the possibility for votes to be lost, manufactured and "found"...and then counted. And don't say that cannot happen. It happened in 2018 in Orange County, CA.
3. Add the extended time to count vote to the inevitable lawsuits over the counting and it could take months to finally know who is President.

Do you need more good reasons? I don't.

None of those are legal reasons for a lawsuit... Lawsuits need a basis in law, not fantasy conspiracy theories...
Typical spinning nonsense from the media.

Here is what Trump said...
“Now we’re counting on the federal court system to make it so that we can actually have an evening where we know who wins. Not where the votes are going to be counted a week later or two weeks later,” he said at a rally in North Carolina Saturday.

You quoted Trump saying he is counting on the courts to stop vote counting after one evening so that votes are not being counted "a week later or two weeks later" in order to prove that Trump did not say he is counting on the courts to stop vote counting?

None of those are legal reasons for a lawsuit... Lawsuits need a basis in law, not fantasy conspiracy theories...

That is your opinion.

I suggest you wait and see what is in the lawsuits.
You quoted Trump saying he is counting on the courts to stop vote counting after one evening so that votes are not being counted "a week later or two weeks later" in order to prove that Trump did not say he is counting on the courts to stop vote counting?

Again, quit making shit up.

Trump did NOT say "he is counting on the courts to stop vote counting after one evening so that votes are not being counted".

Trump said..." “Now we’re counting on the federal court system to make it so that we can actually have an evening where we know who wins. "

There is nothing in that statement about the courts stopping vote counting after one evening.
Again, quit making [****] up.

Trump did NOT say "he is counting on the courts to stop vote counting after one evening so that votes are not being counted".

Trump said..." “Now we’re counting on the federal court system to make it so that we can actually have an evening where we know who wins. "

There is nothing in that statement about the courts stopping vote counting after one evening.

My God, you really are trying to insist that a Trump quote stating that he is counting on the federal courts to stop counting after one evening so that they are not being counted a week later. . . .

....is actually a Trump quote that doesn't state that he is counting on the federal courts to stop counting after one evening so that they are not being counted a week later.

What a painfully stupid thing for you to have done.

“Now we’re counting on the federal court system to make it so that we can actually have an evening where we know who wins. Not where the votes are going to be counted a week later or two weeks later,”
My God, you really are trying to insist that a Trump quote stating that he is counting on the federal courts to stop counting after one evening so that they are not being counted a week later. . . .

....is actually a Trump quote that doesn't state that he is counting on the federal courts to stop counting after one evening so that they are not being counted a week later.

What a painfully stupid thing for you to have done.


I gave you Trump's quote. He doesn't say what you believe he said. So it goes...

You are dismissed. (see my sig)

GRATZ! to you for being the first person I've dismissed on the new forum.
My God, you really are trying to insist that a Trump quote stating that he is counting on the federal courts to stop counting after one evening so that they are not being counted a week later. . . .

....is actually a Trump quote that doesn't state that he is counting on the federal courts to stop counting after one evening so that they are not being counted a week later.

What a painfully stupid thing for you to have done.

“Now we’re counting on the federal court system to make it so that we can actually have an evening where we know who wins. Not where the votes are going to be counted a week later or two weeks later,”


sigh... I gave you Trump's quote. He doesn't say what you believe he said. So it goes... You are dismissed. (see my sig) GRATZ! to you for being the first person I've dismissed on the new forum.

I see you finally realized just how stupid of a lie you were ordered to repeat and have decided to run away squealing. Congratulations. We may see some improvement yet!

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