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Trump Force One private jet damaged in airport fender bender (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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US President Donald Trump’s infamous black and red private jet, nicknamed Trump Force One, has been damaged during a parking mishap at LaGuardia airport in New York.
The Boeing 757 which ferried Trump and his team around the country during the 2016 presidential campaign has been parked in the airport hangar since his election but was struck by a corporate jet during parking maneuvers at roughly 8:30am local time Wednesday.
A fender bender for The Donald's signature symbol of humility.

US President Donald Trump’s infamous black and red private jet, nicknamed Trump Force One, has been damaged during a parking mishap at LaGuardia airport in New York.
The Boeing 757 which ferried Trump and his team around the country during the 2016 presidential campaign has been parked in the airport hangar since his election but was struck by a corporate jet during parking maneuvers at roughly 8:30am local time Wednesday.
A fender bender for The Donald's signature symbol of humility.

Your point is what?
The Trump jet was parked. No one was on board the Trump jet. From the article it looks like the other jet pilot screwed up. Interesting how some connect items like "jets", to symbols of humanity.

Oh look, Clinton had a smaller one (737).

...but was struck by a corporate jet ...

A former Northwest pilot drinking his lunch again?
That was 'humility' not 'humanity'.

Ok, so I typed wrong.
What is your point of this thread? Seems Clinton showed more humility because she flew in a 737 instead of a 757.:lamo

US President Donald Trump’s infamous black and red private jet, nicknamed Trump Force One, has been damaged during a parking mishap at LaGuardia airport in New York.
The Boeing 757 which ferried Trump and his team around the country during the 2016 presidential campaign has been parked in the airport hangar since his election but was struck by a corporate jet during parking maneuvers at roughly 8:30am local time Wednesday.
A fender bender for The Donald's signature symbol of humility.

Trump is not going to be needing it for awhile, there is plenty of time for repairs which the guilty party will pay for, surely this does not matter.

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