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Trump EO on Drug Prices: Where oh where could it be... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 15, 2019
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Slightly Liberal
Anyone else thinking this just might be all BS?

President Trump has made his executive order tying prescription drug prices in the United States to the prices paid in Europe and other developed nations — and the ensuing war that has broken out with the pharmaceutical industry — a centerpiece of his campaign for re-election.

The problem: No such executive order has been released.

A month after a big White House signing ceremony, where Mr. Trump stood in front of a mock pharmacy and promised to “end global freeloading on the backs of American patients and American seniors,” the text of his directive remains largely a secret.

Trump Keeps Promoting a Drug Order That No One Has Seen - The New York Times
Trump lies so much that many people have just tuned him out.
Anyone else thinking this just might be all BS?

President Trump has made his executive order tying prescription drug prices in the United States to the prices paid in Europe and other developed nations — and the ensuing war that has broken out with the pharmaceutical industry — a centerpiece of his campaign for re-election.

The problem: No such executive order has been released.

A month after a big White House signing ceremony, where Mr. Trump stood in front of a mock pharmacy and promised to “end global freeloading on the backs of American patients and American seniors,” the text of his directive remains largely a secret.

Trump Keeps Promoting a Drug Order That No One Has Seen - The New York Times

Seriously...I can understand the NYT lying. Hell, they do it all the time. But BlueTex, you don't have to believe them. All you have to do is look it up.

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Seriously...I can understand the NYT lying. Hell, they do it all the time. But BlueTex, you don't have to believe them. All you have to do is look it up.

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Did you actually read this or just ran off to post something to defend the administration as quick as possible? What exactly does this EO do to reduce drug prices?
Did you actually read this or just ran off to post something to defend the administration as quick as possible? What exactly does this EO do to reduce drug prices?

I read it.

Did you? Read it, you are smart enough to answer your own question, I'm sure.
I read it.

Did you? Read it, you are smart enough to answer your own question, I'm sure.

Tell us how it lowers drug prices for the average American... Here is the core of the EO you posted:

(a) facilitating grants to individuals of waivers of the prohibition of importation of prescription drugs, provided such importation poses no additional risk to public safety and results in lower costs to American patients, pursuant to section 804(j)(2) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA), 21 U.S.C. 384(j)(2);

(b) authorizing the re-importation of insulin products upon a finding by the Secretary that it is required for emergency medical care pursuant to section 801(d) of the FDCA, 21 U.S.C. 381(d); and

How do these orders lower drug prices in general?
Anyone else thinking this just might be all BS?

President Trump has made his executive order tying prescription drug prices in the United States to the prices paid in Europe and other developed nations — and the ensuing war that has broken out with the pharmaceutical industry — a centerpiece of his campaign for re-election.

The problem: No such executive order has been released.

A month after a big White House signing ceremony, where Mr. Trump stood in front of a mock pharmacy and promised to “end global freeloading on the backs of American patients and American seniors,” the text of his directive remains largely a secret.

Trump Keeps Promoting a Drug Order That No One Has Seen - The New York Times

It was all pretty transparent play-acting a month ago. Claiming he was holding the EO until “August 24th at 12 o’clock” was just more reality TV garbage. It’s time for a president who takes these things seriously.

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