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Trump Demands Death Penalty for NYC Terror Suspect (1 Viewer)

"Guilt" implies that barring immigration is a punishment - it's simply a safety measure. There is no "right to immigration" - immigration is not owed. Just because you need to live in my home really badly, doesn't mean I have to let you into my home.

Your attitude is "By not letting me into your home, you are inflicting a punishment on me, which amounts to collective guilt"
Sorry, but you're wrongfully implying that you have a right to be in someone's home, and that being deprived of this is an infringement on your rights. Nope, you don't have a right to be in someone's home.

Way to have my comment fly completely over your head.

If you can't see the point I was trying to make, I'm not going to make it for you.
Twittering Trump said:
There is also something appropriate about keeping him in the home of the horrible crime he committed. Should move fast. DEATH PENALTY!

Great, googily moogily. Death penalty is fine. Fry the guy twice for all I care.

What angers me is that this is the President of the United States and he behaves like a teenage girl. Grow up and be the professional statesmen the country deserves. His off-the-cuff and emotional tantrums are highly embarrassing. General Mattis needs to start carrying around a paddle.

What is the difference in what Trump said and in the Obama DOJ seeking the death penalty for the surviving Boston Bomber.
Way to have my comment fly completely over your head.

If you can't see the point I was trying to make, I'm not going to make it for you.

It would have been pretty stupid to demand the death penalty for the Las Vegas shooter, considering he was already dead. No, your post was utterly ignorant. There is no redeeming it.

I'm not whining. Just pointing out that what you posted is irrelevant blathering.

This seems to upset you. So much so that you have to delude yourself that 'liberals have to defend him'. You clearly don't understand how our justice system works. Why do you support this man and his murderous act?
Yes, he was, Bodhi, but that wasn't the point of my post. It flew right over that other guy's head.

I got your point... if he had lived would Trump demand the same... but the guy didn't live so it is pointless. :shrug:
I got your point... if he had lived would Trump demand the same... but the guy didn't live so it is pointless. :shrug:

He ddn't demand the death penalty for the white supremacist who ran over a protester with his car.

By the way, this is moronic on Trump's part, he's buggered the case for the prosecution.
He ddn't demand the death penalty for the white supremacist who ran over a protester with his car.

Does demanding the death penalty for one thing mandate that if doesn't for everything he is contradicting himself, or something?
It would have been pretty stupid to demand the death penalty for the Las Vegas shooter, considering he was already dead. No, your post was utterly ignorant. There is no redeeming it.

Coming from a hack like you, I will take that as a compliment.
What is the difference in what Trump said and in the Obama DOJ seeking the death penalty for the surviving Boston Bomber.


"What is the difference in what Trump said and in the Obama DOJ seeking the death penalty for the surviving Boston Bomber."
Does demanding the death penalty for one thing mandate that if doesn't for everything he is contradicting himself, or something?

First, it's not the role of the president to demand the death penalty, jesus christ on a frigging pancake. It messes up the prosecutor's case for starters and makes impaneling an unbiased jury practically impossible, and also interjects national politics into a local crime.

Second, if he is going to do this (which I don't recommend), he should at least be ****ing consistent, but I suspect this is beyond the capability of the Apricot Emperor.

"What is the difference in what Trump said and in the Obama DOJ seeking the death penalty for the surviving Boston Bomber."

The Obama DOJ was actually prosecuting the case.
The Obama DOJ was actually prosecuting the case.

Yeah, i'm saying it's vastly different when the DOJ pursues the death penalty than when the president runs his mouth, playing both judge and jury.

Obama and Susan Rice called Bergdahl a hero, "he served this country with honor and distinction" yet he is a ****ing deserter, Obama covering up for exchanging a deserter for 5 terrorists

Obama said there was not a smidgen of evidence of any wrong doing with the IRS, yet the IRS lost its case and had to pay out damages. Obama covering up for his IRS seeking to kill Republicans tax exempt status.

Your defendant that mowed down 8 innocent people who confessed to the FBI he did it in the name of ISIS and would do it again and asked for an ISIS flag to put in his room. There is no statement in the world that is going to alter this enemy combatant's future. You don't get we're at war with these ISIS assholes and he should be sent to Clubgetmo.
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Please show me where Trump "demanded" the death penalty.
Please show me where Trump "demanded" the death penalty.

Did you miss nuclear apocalyptic trump's tweets today, the gospel according to Bannon/Miller? Aren't you glad NAt has now prejudiced whatever jury will be seated ???
Please show me where Trump "demanded" the death penalty.

From one of Trump's lunatic tweets this week:


Sounds like a demand to me. All caps, exclamation point, etc.
From one of Trump's lunatic tweets this week:


Sounds like a demand to me. All caps, exclamation point, etc.

Should = Demand, not where I come from. You remind me of all the activist judges you lefties love to have as judges. Anything you say they will rule in your favor. Your honor he said SHOULD that is the same as he DEMANDS he get death.

All caps and the word "SHOULD" = "DEMAND", shows me your really not up on English.
Did you miss nuclear apocalyptic trump's tweets today, the gospel according to Bannon/Miller? Aren't you glad NAt has now prejudiced whatever jury will be seated ???

Please show me.

It doesn't mess up the prosecutors case any more than reporting on the news does... He was caught red handed and it was broadcasted all over the international news.

And consistent how? Many people feel that terrorists should get the DP and that ordinary murderers shouldn't, for instance. It is obvious that you have a real hatred of the president and it is equally obvious that this is blinding you from reaching a logical conclusion.

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