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Trump demand that asylum seekers wait in Mexico may turn on legal clause (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s unprecedented proposal to keep migrants waiting in Mexico while seeking U.S. asylum will likely face challenges that it endangers refugees and denies them due process, and may be decided by an obscure provision of U.S. immigration law.

Last week, Trump said that migrants who seek asylum at the U.S.-Mexican border would stay in Mexico until their claims were individually approved in U.S. courts, although Mexico’s incoming government denied they had struck any deal.
It has become increasingly apparent that Trump doesn't like brown people regardless of their native language. With no agreement with the new Mexican government, this autocratic stance could turn into a nasty mess just south of San Diego.
My personal opinion is it is pathetic that someone seeking asylum gets to pick and choose which country to apply for asylum. Seems Mexico is safer than their home. They could have applied for asylum in Mexico.

Want to bet that many of the asylum seekers figure they would eventually get better benefits/charity in the US. How about those favoring the US taking in all of these "seekers" open up their checkbooks and pay the tab. It is a bill that will just keep on coming.

How many of the asylum seekers will get jobs within the first 30 days?
How many of the asylum seekers have enough money to care for themselves till they do have job?
If they can't support themselves, who should pick up the tab?
My personal opinion is it is pathetic that someone seeking asylum gets to pick and choose which country to apply for asylum. Seems Mexico is safer than their home. They could have applied for asylum in Mexico.

Want to bet that many of the asylum seekers figure they would eventually get better benefits/charity in the US. How about those favoring the US taking in all of these "seekers" open up their checkbooks and pay the tab. It is a bill that will just keep on coming.

How many of the asylum seekers will get jobs within the first 30 days?
How many of the asylum seekers have enough money to care for themselves till they do have job?
If they can't support themselves, who should pick up the tab?

Wages in Mexico are a fraction of those in the U.S. only a few miles away.

(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s unprecedented proposal to keep migrants waiting in Mexico while seeking U.S. asylum will likely face challenges that it endangers refugees and denies them due process, and may be decided by an obscure provision of U.S. immigration law.

Last week, Trump said that migrants who seek asylum at the U.S.-Mexican border would stay in Mexico until their claims were individually approved in U.S. courts, although Mexico’s incoming government denied they had struck any deal.
It has become increasingly apparent that Trump doesn't like brown people regardless of their native language. With no agreement with the new Mexican government, this autocratic stance could turn into a nasty mess just south of San Diego.

You played the "brown people" card right out the gate. Typical.

Anyway, the upside of this decision by Trump is that Mexico stands to gain some very good people who will probably get jobs, pay taxes and...who knows...maybe decide to stay in Mexico.
Wages in Mexico are a fraction of those in the U.S. only a few miles away.

Not a few miles away from where the asylum seekers came from.
So you support the idea that asylum seekers can pick and choose the country they want to apply for asylum?

Figured you would not attempt to address the other questions asked.

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