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Trump blames FDA for holding up vaccine until after the election? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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Political Leaning
I just heard that Trump has complained that the FDA is holding up approval of a vaccine until after the election to hurt his chances. Every time I think Trump has said or done the stupidest thing ever, he does one better. I guess he would be okay with being the first to take an untried vaccine, no, I don't think so. We have enough stupid anti-vaxxers without giving them a real reason to mistrust being vaccinated. Even if it takes until next year at the earliest as most experts say, it will still be one of the fastest vaccines ever produced. Just so you know, I suggest you not take the Russian vaccine.
Trump is totally insane. This is just the latest incident which indicates severe mental impairment.
I just heard that Trump has complained that the FDA is holding up approval of a vaccine until after the election to hurt his chances. Every time I think Trump has said or done the stupidest thing ever, he does one better. I guess he would be okay with being the first to take an untried vaccine, no, I don't think so. We have enough stupid anti-vaxxers without giving them a real reason to mistrust being vaccinated. Even if it takes until next year at the earliest as most experts say, it will still be one of the fastest vaccines ever produced. Just so you know, I suggest you not take the Russian vaccine.

A daily clorox enema has kept me safe so far. Fingers crossed.

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