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Trump battles with Democrats as impeachment pressure grows (1 Viewer)

I disagree, this is not about a blowjob, everyone knew Republicans were reaching to attack Clinton for one incident that should have been between himself and his wife and never should have been made public.

With trump this is a case of many, many examples of criminal activity inside the Whitehouse, against the best interests of America, and only in trumps best interest...

BIG difference!!!

It was about this fine Sir:

the nature and details of his relationship with Lewinsky
prior false statements he made in the Jones deposition
prior false statements he allowed his lawyer to make characterizing Lewinsky's affidavit
his attempts to tamper with witnesses
Article III charged Clinton with attempting to obstruct justice in the Jones case by:[22]

encouraging Lewinsky to file a false affidavit
encouraging Lewinsky to give false testimony if and when she was called to testify
concealing gifts he had given to Lewinsky that had been subpoenaed
attempting to secure a job for Lewinsky to influence her testimony
permitting his lawyer to make false statements characterizing Lewinsky's affidavit
attempting to tamper with the possible testimony of his secretary Betty Curie
making false and misleading statements to potential grand jury witnesses
No you should absolutely seek impeachment.

You are correct, we have the most corrupt, inept, dangerous President in history.

Not a single president has had more charges against them.

If trump is not Impeached it sets a precedent that presidents are above the law.

We are at a turning point in American history and it up to congress to do their jobs...
Impeached for what exactly?

All this impeachment talk isn't going to stop the release of the IG report or stop Trump from declassifying those FBI FISA applications

He can be impeached for Obstruction for one, Mueller said as much. No one but Trump sycophants gives a damn about the IG report or FISA applications. There is nothing illegal about investigating Russian spies or their useful idiots. Quite the opposite. I am excited about Deutsche Bank releasing their records on Trump though. They should be quite interesting.

Judge rules Deutsche Bank can hand over Trump financial records to Congress
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It was about this fine Sir:

the nature and details of his relationship with Lewinsky
prior false statements he made in the Jones deposition
prior false statements he allowed his lawyer to make characterizing Lewinsky's affidavit
his attempts to tamper with witnesses
Article III charged Clinton with attempting to obstruct justice in the Jones case by:[22]

encouraging Lewinsky to file a false affidavit
encouraging Lewinsky to give false testimony if and when she was called to testify
concealing gifts he had given to Lewinsky that had been subpoenaed
attempting to secure a job for Lewinsky to influence her testimony
permitting his lawyer to make false statements characterizing Lewinsky's affidavit
attempting to tamper with the possible testimony of his secretary Betty Curie
making false and misleading statements to potential grand jury witnesses

And you compare that to the list of people that trump has ordered to lie to congress about a foreign government fixing an American election, and somehow you think these are somehow even close to the same level of corruption???
You are correct, we have the most corrupt, inept, dangerous President in history.

Not a single president has had more charges against them.

If trump is not Impeached it sets a precedent that presidents are above the law.

We are at a turning point in American history and it up to congress to do their jobs...

What are the charges?
And the opposition party could still filibuster those which takes 60 votes to end debate, which is control.
I had suspected that you were using the word "control" in a novel and idiosyncratic way.
It was about this fine Sir:

the nature and details of his relationship with Lewinsky
prior false statements he made in the Jones deposition
prior false statements he allowed his lawyer to make characterizing Lewinsky's affidavit
his attempts to tamper with witnesses
Article III charged Clinton with attempting to obstruct justice in the Jones case by:[22]

encouraging Lewinsky to file a false affidavit
encouraging Lewinsky to give false testimony if and when she was called to testify
concealing gifts he had given to Lewinsky that had been subpoenaed
attempting to secure a job for Lewinsky to influence her testimony
permitting his lawyer to make false statements characterizing Lewinsky's affidavit
attempting to tamper with the possible testimony of his secretary Betty Curie
making false and misleading statements to potential grand jury witnesses

It was about a special counsel who came up empty after years of investigating so instead decided to pursue a personal matter that most Americans thought was overstepping. Bill Clinton left office with the highest approval in history. That must burn you up.
60 votes are still required to end a filibuster on legislation.

Nuclear option can be applied. Sorry you don’t like facts.
Since Presidents cannot be indicted they will have to wait until 2021. There will be dozens of indictment waiting for him.

What are the charges?
He can be impeached for Obstruction for one, Mueller said as much. No one but Trump sycophants gives a damn about the IG report or FISA applications. There is nothing illegal about investigating Russian spies or their useful idiots. Quite the opposite.

I agree you can impeach him on anything the house sees fit. Doesn't mean much without 67 votes so whatever, have at it, it's meaningless.

Many people care about the issues with the FISA applications and the alleged abuse of the IC spying on Americans. Spying on the president or major candidate of the presidency without just cause or for political purposes, is particularly horrifying. If they deceived the courts to do so, it must be addressed. May on both sides of the isle are concerned about the government spying on us without just cause. Liberals used to champion that idea.

There indeed may be something very illegal about " investigating Russian spies or their useful idiots." We have a system of checks and balances to preserve our freedoms and rights. If those are being violated by law enforcement no one should condone it. A cause once again liberals used to stand against.
It was about a special counsel who came up empty after years of investigating so instead decided to pursue a personal matter that most Americans thought was overstepping. Bill Clinton left office with the highest approval in history. That must burn you up.

Hypocrites. They love Bill for screwing an intern in the Oval Office and hate Trump for saying he could grab a *****! Democrats are stupid people.
They’ve been screaming impeachment since the day he was elected. Spent 35 million dollars on a phoney investigation into Russia. There is just one damn phoney charge after another and they won’t stop until Guam tips over. Get the hell on with it.

No, it was a righteous investigation that Trump brought on himself by surrounding himself with so many people with dubious Russian connections AND those people making inappropriate contact with Russians during the campaign. Maybe Trump was just stupid to do such a thing, but it would have been malfeasance not to have investigated it.

The investigation did not cost the taxpayers $1 as it actually netted a profit a of about $15M.

Mueller’s Report Is Released to the Public. How Much Did It Really Cost Taxpayers?
I'm not sure there's anyone living in purple states or independents that switched their votes to Trump in 2016 are going to be all that anxious to vote for Trump while he's under impeachment. And if 'not doing anything' for our country is great with you that's testament to the fact that you care more about your livid defense of a criminal over your concern or care for this country.

My defense of a criminal? What the hell are you talking about? If impeachment and removal from office could succeed, I'd be for it. It's just that it is futile because the coward GOP Senators will never remove Trump from office. Why in the hell are you equating this to a defense of Trump??? Do you have a reading comprehension problem???

My concern or care for this country: an inactive Trump does less damage to the country than an active Trump. Is this so hard to understand? Again, do you have a reading comprehension problem? Maybe if you can't understand words, you can understand visual cues. Take a look at my avatar and see if you figure that I'm a Trump defender.


Trump battles with Democrats as impeachment pressure grows

  • The latest: President Trump said he can't work with Democratic leaders while they were pursuing investigations into him and his administration. Trump ended a meeting with them on infrastructure lasted just 5 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, on impeachment: Thereare growing tensions asHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi toes the line between Democrats frustrated by their stonewalled investigations into President Trump and... President Trump.

Lindsey Graham's message for Trump: "Rise above it if you can"Sen. Lindsey Graham, a strong Trump ally in Congress, just tweeted that he's "never seen anybody treated this way."
The tweet comes just hours after Trump held a surprise speech in the Rose Garden, where he slammed Democrats and their pursuit of investigations into him.
I have a lot of sympathy for President Trump. I've never seen anybody treated this way.

All I would say is try to rise above it if you can. The country is looking for leadership. We need leadership.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) May 22, 2019

Graham told CNN that he is sympathetic to Trump’s frustration but that the President should rise above and get some things done on spending and infrastructure.


Last night, Trump sent a message to the two leaders of the Democrats, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. In this message, Trump made it clear to them that if they refuse to support a new trade pact with Mexico and Canada that he would not do anything regarding passing an infrastructure bill. This is how a gangster operates. But then, Trump has lived his entire life as a gangster.

Now, Trump has threatened to do absolutely nothing unless all the investigations just go away. For people that weren't involved much in politics back in 1998, there were ongoing impeachment investigations in the House and Senate against Bill Clinton. Nevertheless, Bill Clinton was still open to working with Congress to pass some very significant legislation including a trade agreement with China, a summit with Putin and negotiating the Wye River Memorandum which resulted in an agreement highlighted by a three-stage withdrawal of Israeli troops from the West Bank.

Trump is abandoning the duties he swore to uphold on the day he was inaugurated. This isn't The Apprentice, this isn't a television show that he can manipulate and produce to his liking. This is the US government he's messing with, and our lives and the well being and safety of this country.

Seems the democrats have refused to compromise on issues such as the wall and when Trump will not meet their demands he is somehow criminal and participating in a cover up. Democrats have not been willing to work with the President of Republicans on issues like the wall, abortion, illegal immigration so why would he want to try to work with them? You publicly announce the President is participating in a cover up and then say you don't understand why he may not want to do an infrastructure deal? How cute.
It was about a special counsel who came up empty after years of investigating so instead decided to pursue a personal matter that most Americans thought was overstepping. Bill Clinton left office with the highest approval in history. That must burn you up.

I only attempted to point out the similarities in what the dems are saying now and what the GOP said then. They are almost word for word.

Burn me up? No I actually liked much of the Bill Clinton presidency. He governed from the center, did well with the economy and was able to pass major legislation. Wasn't crazy about the whole guidance system thing but overall I have a positive view of his presidency.
No, it was a righteous investigation that Trump brought on himself by surrounding himself with so many people with dubious Russian connections AND those people making inappropriate contact with Russians during the campaign. Maybe Trump was just stupid to do such a thing, but it would have been malfeasance not to have investigated it.

The investigation did not cost the taxpayers $1 as it actually netted a profit a of about $15M.


Mueller’s Report Is Released to the Public. How Much Did It Really Cost Taxpayers?
That dog don’t hunt
My defense of a criminal? What the hell are you talking about? If impeachment and removal from office could succeed, I'd be for it. It's just that it is futile because the coward GOP Senators will never remove Trump from office. Why in the hell are you equating this to a defense of Trump??? Do you have a reading comprehension problem???

My concern or care for this country: an inactive Trump does less damage to the country than an active Trump. Is this so hard to understand? Again, do you have a reading comprehension problem? Maybe if you can't understand words, you can understand visual cues. Take a look at my avatar and see if you figure that I'm a Trump defender.


I can see a red face from behind your avatar. Take a deep breath, count to ten and get a cold drink of water. Chillax

And NO, Trump not doing anything is NOT a great idea!!
Only when the one being investigated is a Republican. If it's a democrat - you guys would be applauding. It would be refreshing if you'd just own your hypocrisy.

Here's a little ditty for you.

Translate Trump

More Translate Trump Retweeted Donald J. Trump
🎶 If you’re guilty and you know it, tweet some more; 🎶

🎶 If you’re guilty and you know it, tweet some more; 🎶

🎶 If you’re guilty and you know it, then your tweets will surely show it; 🎶

🎶 If you’re guilty and you know it, tweet so

"Sir, this is a Wendy's " .....
The capital to be gained could be huge.

They will never get enough to impeach, however if they get a dozen or better Republicans to back them, it would change everything...

Yes, but the capital to be lost could also be huge. Many moderates and independents, who are typically the swing voters who decide elections, might be upset at an effort to impeach Trump, as they are a lot less sure that there are grounds for it, than the more leftist voters.

Again, I think the Dems need to focus on defeating Trump in 2020, which is feasible, rather than on trying to remove him from office, which is not feasible because it would take two thirds of the Senate, and with the GOP in control of the Senate, this is not going to happen.

I'd spend political capital in something feasible rather than in something not feasible. It's as simple as that.

The more important goal is to remove Trump from the White House. The election can accomplish it. Impeachment can't.
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What are the charges?

Well so far there are dozens of examples of collusion ( they fall under high crimes and misdemeanors) just as many obstruction of justice charges, emoluments charges, house of power ( threatening congress not to sign any bills until all investigations are ends)

Off the top of my head...
I can see a red face from behind your avatar. Take a deep breath, count to ten and get a cold drink of water. Chillax

And NO, Trump not doing anything is NOT a great idea!!

I doubt that you can see clearly if you think I'm a Trump defender. You can't even see a simple image; much less, something behind it, LOL.

No, dear. You committed a huge blunder of pegging me as a Trump defender, and now you're just trying to do damage control, but what you did was pretty ridiculous. You quoted a post of someone trying to suggest a way to defeat Trump and remove him from the White House, and you equaled that to someone defending Trump. LOL.

Are you this clueless, habitually?
The report as I understood it found at least 10 instances of obstruction, whether there was an 'agreement' or not. The president's own actions likely constitute obstruction and he's still doing it. That's the evidence so for an it's more than enough to start impeachment proceedings. If it's PwoofTM you're looking for, one way or another an impeachment will sort that out. So let's air it all out I say.

If that we're the case, ( it's not ) then Mueller would have issued a criminal impeachment referral instead of passing the buck to Barr and Rosenstien

Transcript: Bill Barr answers questions about Mueller report - Axios

Barr: But I will say that when we met*with him, Deputy Attorney*General Rosenstein and I met*with him, along with Ed*o'Callaghan, who is the*principal associate deputy, on*March 5th.

We specifically asked*him about the OLC opinion and*whether or not he was taking a*position that he would have*found a crime but for the*existence of the OLC opinion.*And he made it very clear*several times that that was not*his position. "*

Honestly, if the Mueller report showed 10 separate instances of actual criminal obstruction, the Democrats wouldn't just be talking about impeachment, they would have voted on already and probably picked up a few GOP voters too

The Democrats and the media spent the last 2 years investing everything into the false narrative of collusion and obstruction.
So they can either admit to their voters and supporters they were wrong, or they can just pretend the Mueller report was never released

They don't possess the collective integrity and humility to admit they were wrong, so of-course they're going to continue to manipulate their supporters
Seems the democrats have refused to compromise on issues such as the wall and when Trump will not meet their demands he is somehow criminal and participating in a cover up. Democrats have not been willing to work with the President of Republicans on issues like the wall, abortion, illegal immigration so why would he want to try to work with them? You publicly announce the President is participating in a cover up and then say you don't understand why he may not want to do an infrastructure deal? How cute.

What does the "President of Republicans" have to do with abortion?

Is the "President of Republicans" going to work with the Democrats on something they want to work on, like gun control or immigration? Or is it all about him and everyone else has no say in anything?
release the pressure


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