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Trump attacks the FDA (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Political Leaning
Trump attacked the FDA on vaccine timing just days after a top official pledged to resign if the administration rushes out an unproven immunization

There is no evidence that the FDA is delaying treatments or vaccines for COVID-19.


A few days after a top Food and Drug Administration official said he would resign if the Trump administration released a COVID-19 vaccine that was "unsafe or ineffective," the president took to Twitter to attack the agency on its timeline for testing immunizations. "The deep state, or whoever, over at the FDA is making it very difficult for drug companies to get people in order to test the vaccines and therapeutics. Obviously, they are hoping to delay the answer until after November 3rd. Must focus on speed, and saving lives!," Trump tweeted. Trump has repeatedly used the term "deep state" to suggest that employees in government agencies are working against his interests or policy goals. There is no evidence that the FDA is delaying treatments or vaccines for COVID-19.

Members of the scientific community have expressed concerns that the Trump administration, which has said it could have a vaccine available around the time of the November 3 election, would consider releasing an unproven vaccine to meet that timeline, according to Reuters. Peter Marks, director of the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, told Reuters that he "could not stand by and see something that was unsafe or ineffective that was being put through." "You have to decide where your red line is, and that's my red line," he said. "I would feel obligated (to resign) because in doing so, I would indicate to the American public that there's something wrong," he said.

With Trump, everything is about him. He needs to win the election or face criminal indictments that can't be served as long as he remains president.

To that end, Trump wants to cut safety corners to speed up vaccine R&D. He believes release of a vaccine [good or bad] before the election increases his chances of election victory.
My take away from the Tweet was that the FDA is making things difficult to get two-legged lab rats to test the vaccine trials on,
An interesting claim by President of the United States of America Donald Trump.

If he wishes me to give it any credence whatever, documented facts will have to be presented.

Regards, stay safe 'n well. Remember the Big 3: masks, hand washing and physical distancing.
Trump attacked the FDA on vaccine timing just days after a top official pledged to resign if the administration rushes out an unproven immunization

There is no evidence that the FDA is delaying treatments or vaccines for COVID-19.


With Trump, everything is about him. He needs to win the election or face criminal indictments that can't be served as long as he remains president.

To that end, Trump wants to cut safety corners to speed up vaccine R&D. He believes release of a vaccine [good or bad] before the election increases his chances of election victory.

No vaccine should be approved without being tested.
No vaccine should be approved without being tested.

Less than a year to develop & test a safe & effective vaccine? Some, like Putin, have made the claim but where is the evidence? Remember 40+ years & we still ave no vaccine against HIV.
Less than a year to develop & test a safe & effective vaccine? Some, like Putin, have made the claim but where is the evidence? Remember 40+ years & we still ave no vaccine against HIV.

Expect the October surprise to be a miracle vaccine.
"Deep state"? Is he going after the Qanon vote? Silly question; they thrive on this lunacy. (It's actually the Lizard People but don't say a word).
Trump attacked the FDA on vaccine timing just days after a top official pledged to resign if the administration rushes out an unproven immunization

There is no evidence that the FDA is delaying treatments or vaccines for COVID-19.


With Trump, everything is about him. He needs to win the election or face criminal indictments that can't be served as long as he remains president.

To that end, Trump wants to cut safety corners to speed up vaccine R&D. He believes release of a vaccine [good or bad] before the election increases his chances of election victory.

Just like Putin did!
oh yeah.

it'll be a huge lie.

I'll have you know that RIGHT NOW the drug "Panacamycin" (developed by TRUMP Pharmaceuticals) is undergoing extensive trials and the successful conclusion of those trials will be announced no later than early October 2020.
Trump attacked the FDA on vaccine timing just days after a top official pledged to resign if the administration rushes out an unproven immunization

There is no evidence that the FDA is delaying treatments or vaccines for COVID-19.


With Trump, everything is about him. He needs to win the election or face criminal indictments that can't be served as long as he remains president.

To that end, Trump wants to cut safety corners to speed up vaccine R&D. He believes release of a vaccine [good or bad] before the election increases his chances of election victory.

Mr. Trump has to deal with

20-08-23 B1 - COVID vs Other Causes.jpg

and the fact that (unless something changes) the "psychologically significant number" of 250,000 deaths from COVID-19 will occur less than a week prior to election day.

Since there has already been a "Presidential Finding" that Mr. Trump has absolutely no responsibility for those facts, it is incumbent upon him to find out who is to blame as soon as possible.

And if it turns out that that person isn't really to blame, then to point the finger at the person who is really to blame.

And if it turns out that that person isn't really to blame, then to point the finger at the person who is really really to blame.

And if it turns out that that person isn't really to blame, then to point the finger at the person who is really really really to blame.

And if it turns out that that person isn't really to blame, then to point the finger at the person who is really really really really really to blame.

And if it turns out that that person isn't really to blame, then to point the finger at the person who is really really really really really really to blame.

And if it turns out that that person isn't really to blame, then to point the finger at the person who is really really really really really really really to blame.

And if it turns out that that person isn't really to blame, then to point the finger at the person who is really really really really really really really really to blame.

And if it turns out that that person isn't really to blame, then to point the finger at the person who is really really really really really really really really really to blame.

20-08-25 A1 - G8 + CHINA COVID.jpg

20-08-25 Z6 - Current Daily Death Ratios.jpg

20-08-25 B3 - Death by Ability to Pay.jpg

20-08-25 A3 - Comparison of Ratios.jpg

all give an indication of who well the US is doing against areas of roughly comparable economic status.

In eight of the other ten listed areas, a randomly selected person has a LOWER chance of dying from COVID-19 than a randomly selected person in the US does. IF the current conditions do not change, THEN in one of the two remaining areas (Italy) that person is likely to have a LOWER chance of dying from COVID-19 than a randomly selected person in the US does within ONE week of today and in the other (the UK) that time span is TWO weeks.

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