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Trump asks Pakistan PM for help with Afghan peace talks (1 Viewer)

TU Curmudgeon

B.A. (Sarc), LLb. (Lex Sarcasus), PhD (Sarc.)
DP Veteran
Mar 7, 2018
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Lower Mainland of BC
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From Reuters

Trump asks Pakistan PM for help with Afghan peace talks

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan said on Monday U.S. President Donald Trump has sought its help with faltering Afghan peace talks, part of intensifying efforts by Trump to end one of America’s longest wars.

Trump, in a letter to new Prime Minister Imran Khan, asked for Pakistan’s “support and facilitation” in negotiating an end to the war and offered to renew the strained relationship, Pakistan’s foreign ministry said.

The overture to Khan represents a sea change from Trump’s normally harsh rhetoric toward Pakistan, and will add to growing speculation that the United States is planning to pull out of Afghanistan in the near future.


The usual "usually reliable sources" have indicated that the Pakistani government will be more than happy to help out Mr. Trump (right after the cheque clears [oh yes, and Mr. Trump does a bit of "kissy-butt"]).
Trump better not ***** out and restart pakistani aid.
Trump better not ***** out and restart pakistani aid.

He's not going to get one hell of a lot of "cooperation" out of the Pakistani government if he doesn't.

Besides, the Pakistanis will use that aid to "Buy American" and that's good for the economy. Well, isn't it?

And look at the money that people made (not to even mention the jobs created) in rebuilding the WTC and Pentagon and upping military procurement. Are you saying that those profits and jobs were bad for the economy?
He's not going to get one hell of a lot of "cooperation" out of the Pakistani government if he doesn't.

Besides, the Pakistanis will use that aid to "Buy American" and that's good for the economy. Well, isn't it?

And look at the money that people made (not to even mention the jobs created) in rebuilding the WTC and Pentagon and upping military procurement. Are you saying that those profits and jobs were bad for the economy?

No they will use that money to prepare for war with india. Oh how naive you are.
No they will use that money to prepare for war with india. Oh how naive you are.

But they'll fight that war with **A*M*E*R*I*C*A*N** weapons manufactured by **A*M*E*R*I*C*A*N** companies for the benefit of **A*M*E*R*I*C*A*N** owners, so that war will be just part of the campaign to "Make America Great Again" (especially since no Americans will be involved in the fighting).

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