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TRUMP and BIDEN: A Tale Of Two Christians (1 Viewer)

They really are so terrified ................of the repeat of this moment.

Your posts have lost any semblance of tranquility. You look terrified.

Supporting an immoral piece of shit has risks. So sorry.

One Christian being labelled as an "anti-Semite," has a budding town in Israel named after him!

They really are so terrified ................of the repeat of this moment.

thanks Tosca

i just got up and needed some Smile to start my day. your Video memory got me started.

expanding on this Video a bit, well we will all face the Judgement, including the blue Criminal and that Orange guy.

you will see Crying worse than this Silly video i guarantee.....

She's dying to be heard...large font just signals me to scroll on by...

give her a break, it's her style. kinda cute i think and she get's her point across with original thinking, generally better than my own.

hmm, mot of your posts are better than my own depending on Subject.

blessings Daisy, you are missing out on a DP treasure when you just 'scroll on by'.

first thing i do in the morning on this forum is read Tosca, Daisy and a few others to get my Blood boiling. many days that doesn't even work, so i watch some Crystal videos instead. https://www.youtube.com/@CrystalLove4Jesus/shorts

'creepy' huh. :rolleyes:
She's dying to be heard...large font just signals me to scroll on by...



How many times have you responded to my posts that has large fonts?
On this thread alone, here are a couple:

#821, 823

Lol -you only scroll by whenever you're.......................stumped! 😁

Btw, you don't only scroll by when you can't answer.

You disappear from the radar!
No, she don't...unless her point is to act childish...

LOL, aren't we all just Big Kids?

at times there is a bit of Adult sophistication here, but not toooo much. (at least i try to keep it all on a Elementary school level, cause i want to minister to the masses coming into the door. thank you Cartoon guys)

and doesn't Jesus want us to have the faith of a Little Child?

blessings Daisy, and yeah it's ok to disagree with me, but consider our Blessed Sister as an Asset for Life's Tempestuous Journey.

back to the Orange and Blue Criminals....

"He's going to be so jacked up for those, you watch," Trump joked, later saying he was going to "demand a drug test" for Biden before the debate. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-speaks-battleground-state-he-vowed-avoid-after-losing-twice

that is a good move, but even that can be faked and we need some bipartisan medical checking on this one. by insisting on Drug testing, the Orange is making a good political point: do you really trust the Blue Criminal to come to the debates without drugs or electronic wiring to his ears advising him how to answer?

40 blessings.
LOL, aren't we all just Big Kids?

at times there is a bit of Adult sophistication here, but not toooo much. (at least i try to keep it all on a Elementary school level, cause i want to minister to the masses coming into the door. thank you Cartoon guys)

and doesn't Jesus want us to have the faith of a Little Child?

blessings Daisy, and yeah it's ok to disagree with me, but consider our Blessed Sister as an Asset for Life's Tempestuous Journey.

back to the Orange and Blue Criminals....

"He's going to be so jacked up for those, you watch," Trump joked, later saying he was going to "demand a drug test" for Biden before the debate. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-speaks-battleground-state-he-vowed-avoid-after-losing-twice

that is a good move, but even that can be faked and we need some bipartisan medical checking on this one. by insisting on Drug testing, the Orange is making a good political point: do you really trust the Blue Criminal to come to the debates without drugs or electronic wiring to his ears advising him how to answer?

40 blessings.
You do you...I'll do me...k?
You do you...I'll do me...k?


back to that Orange guy.

not looking good for Orange this week...

this i feel is by design. the Orange guy is complicit in all of these court Drama scenes i feel. even those silly maralago secret documents should prove my point, but if you live in the past. sure people just walk out of the white house with boxes of secret docs and put them in employee bathrooms i suppose. please don't vote or drive vehicle if that is your disposition currently. thank you

Gemini, ChatGPT, and Perplexity were prompted to imagine they were an ordinary Manhattan resident on the jury, responsible for evaluating the evidence in the trial. Each was asked to review the transcript and base their answer on the evidence and arguments presented. They were told to "choose now whether you would find him guilty or not guilty."

Gemini, Google's AI chatbot, said it "was still learning" how to answer the question.

But OpenAI's ChatGPT and Perplexity weighed in — and both said they'd find Trump guilty. https://www.businessinsider.com/cha...ush-money-trial-transcript-says-guilty-2024-5

230609142550-04-trump-federal-indictment-0609 Small.jpg...keep looking at this people and get honest with yourself. this was a staged photo op, or am i missing something?

40 blessings.

back to that Orange guy.

not looking good for Orange this week...

this i feel is by design. the Orange guy is complicit in all of these court Drama scenes i feel. even those silly maralago secret documents should prove my point, but if you live in the past. sure people just walk out of the white house with boxes of secret docs and put them in employee bathrooms i suppose. please don't vote or drive vehicle if that is your disposition currently. thank you

Gemini, ChatGPT, and Perplexity were prompted to imagine they were an ordinary Manhattan resident on the jury, responsible for evaluating the evidence in the trial. Each was asked to review the transcript and base their answer on the evidence and arguments presented. They were told to "choose now whether you would find him guilty or not guilty."

Gemini, Google's AI chatbot, said it "was still learning" how to answer the question.

But OpenAI's ChatGPT and Perplexity weighed in — and both said they'd find Trump guilty. https://www.businessinsider.com/cha...ush-money-trial-transcript-says-guilty-2024-5

View attachment 67510331...keep looking at this people and get honest with yourself. this was a staged photo op, or am i missing something?

40 blessings.

Conspiracy theory.

back to that Orange guy.

not looking good for Orange this week...

this i feel is by design. the Orange guy is complicit in all of these court Drama scenes i feel. even those silly maralago secret documents should prove my point, but if you live in the past. sure people just walk out of the white house with boxes of secret docs and put them in employee bathrooms i suppose. please don't vote or drive vehicle if that is your disposition currently. thank you

Gemini, ChatGPT, and Perplexity were prompted to imagine they were an ordinary Manhattan resident on the jury, responsible for evaluating the evidence in the trial. Each was asked to review the transcript and base their answer on the evidence and arguments presented. They were told to "choose now whether you would find him guilty or not guilty."

Gemini, Google's AI chatbot, said it "was still learning" how to answer the question.

But OpenAI's ChatGPT and Perplexity weighed in — and both said they'd find Trump guilty. https://www.businessinsider.com/cha...ush-money-trial-transcript-says-guilty-2024-5

View attachment 67510331...keep looking at this people and get honest with yourself. this was a staged photo op, or am i missing something?

40 blessings.
Strange place to store boxes (allegedly containing CDs). Who uses their bathroom to store boxes?
" i missing something?" for $2000, Alex.

goood morning Logic.

i think you can do a LOT better than lite humor today.

i know why the Left and Right wont comment on this picture, not one Peeep in months.

remember when maralago was raided? it caused some stir, oh the 'injustice' et al. if they can do this to our Revered orange guy they will come after my Video games and everything else.

basically a pointless raid, even going thru mama's clothes looking for national secrets.

both sides were enraged as expected; but not too much. so the mission failed except to heap up more insults onto Team Red.

people will not comment on this picture cause they know they were fooled by the Orange guy and the F bee eye and other Alphabets with guns. have any of you on the Red Team admitted this was all a Farce brought to you by the Orange and the Alphabets??? go ahead, and get yur heads cleared out for the drama coming in November if we make it that far. cause we got 40 days of blessings.

carry on Sheep and enjoy yur frightening day. :oops:
goood morning Logic.

i think you can do a LOT better than lite humor today.

i know why the Left and Right wont comment on this picture, not one Peeep in months.

remember when maralago was raided? it caused some stir, oh the 'injustice' et al. if they can do this to our Revered orange guy they will come after my Video games and everything else.

basically a pointless raid, even going thru mama's clothes looking for national secrets.

both sides were enraged as expected; but not too much. so the mission failed except to heap up more insults onto Team Red.

people will not comment on this picture cause they know they were fooled by the Orange guy and the F bee eye and other Alphabets with guns. have any of you on the Red Team admitted this was all a Farce brought to you by the Orange and the Alphabets??? go ahead, and get yur heads cleared out for the drama coming in November if we make it that far. cause we got 40 days of blessings.

carry on Sheep and enjoy yur frightening day. :oops:

Conspiracy theory.
Strange place to store boxes (allegedly containing CDs). Who uses their bathroom to store boxes?

thanks Over.

actually it was the 'employee bathroom' they claim.

but yeah, i store all my Classified stuff from the military and public service at the church library and the Lunch room at church. people wanna know stuff they can't read in the Lame news, so i help them over the Edge a bit. :rolleyes:

don't try this at home or you may get Surveilled by them alphabets out there with midnight raids.

best to just publish that stuff on this forum and claim it was an Oversight or better. (careful you might get dinged and unfriended)

for those of you who think this is kind of a Joke; it actually happened to me in Real Life. a military friend handed me Classified Docs he thought i might be interested in; after looking at it, i gave it back to him and scolded him

if you think the stuff is 'interesting' or useful..........save yourself. most of it is not and you prolly not understand it anyway. (don't get your panties in a bunch either, it was stuff my squadron used to repair equipment that was obsolete. i don't want that stuff out of principal and never have had any issues since. even the base telephone book is classified; they told us that spies had truck loads of those books and use that to black mail people with. groan.)
thanks Over.

actually it was the 'employee bathroom' they claim.

but yeah, i store all my Classified stuff from the military and public service at the church library and the Lunch room at church. people wanna know stuff they can't read in the Lame news, so i help them over the Edge a bit. :rolleyes:

don't try this at home or you may get Surveilled by them alphabets out there with midnight raids.

best to just publish that stuff on this forum and claim it was an Oversight or better. (careful you might get dinged and unfriended)

for those of you who think this is kind of a Joke; it actually happened to me in Real Life. a military friend handed me Classified Docs he thought i might be interested in; after looking at it, i gave it back to him and scolded him

if you think the stuff is 'interesting' or useful..........save yourself. most of it is not and you prolly not understand it anyway. (don't get your panties in a bunch either, it was stuff my squadron used to repair equipment that was obsolete. i don't want that stuff out of principal and never have had any issues since. even the base telephone book is classified; they told us that spies had truck loads of those books and use that to black mail people with. groan.)
What's really strange is conflating the hush money case with the documents case.

Mike, we all are being played. Every. Single. Day.

the Lame news out does each other with the Orange 'news'........even the Orange gets tired of it (he falls asleep in court LOL), but he has to play the Martyr.

i give him a B cause he looks kind of fatigued and should retire to his Golfing business, so we can look past these smoke screens and note how the country is going to h*ll in a Big hand bag.

even this Thread should not exist.

we should all realize that tagging these two Criminals with the character of 'christian' cheapens the word.

but we can't. this thing will go over 1000 posts or more, with clueless people on both sides. so the Puppet Masters are getting what they want.

you can never underestimate the voting Public out there, that is why they don't need us to vote on Electronic machines. basically programing the voting machines to flip the results as needed.

the Truckloads of midnight votes coming in were done to Enrage the Maga voters and get stooges for J6. the fud agents even unlocked the capital doors to usher them in. LOL, Pelosi left a laptop on her desk for them to grab. sheesh

did you catch that one? or the guy with the Horns? who walks around like that, never mind some people here think that is 'normal'

40 blessings. :oops:
Last edited:
Mike, we all are being played. Every. Single. Day.

the Lame news out does each other with the Orange 'news'........even the Orange gets tired of it (he falls asleep in court LOL), but he has to play the Martyr.

i give him a B cause he looks kind of fatigued and should retire to his Golfing business, so we can look past these smoke screens and note how the country is going to h*ll in a Big hand bag.

even this Thread should not exist.

we should all realize that tagging these two Criminals with the character of 'christian' cheapens the word.

but we can't. this thing will go over 1000 posts or more, with clueless people on both sides. so the Puppet Masters are getting what they want.

you can never underestimate the voting Public out there, that is why they don't need us to vote on Electronic machines. basically program them to flip the results as needed.

the Truckloads of midnight votes coming in were done to Enrage the Maga voters and get stooges for J6. the fud agents even unlocked the capital doors to usher them in. LOL, Pelosi left a laptop on her desk for them to grab. sheesh

did you catch that one? or the guy with the Horns? who walks around like that, never mind some people here think that is 'normal'

40 blessings. :oops:
That has nothing to do with my comment.
It was directed at the comment you were commenting on. It's my comment.

Do your store boxes of documents in your bathroom?
I don't have dozens of boxes filled with documents I don't own. So, your question is nonsensical.

Trump stored them there, no? It's his place, yes? Trump has already admitted to having them. Do you think somebody moved them?

Your question doesn't make sense.
It was directed at the comment you were commenting on. It's my comment.

I don't have dozens of boxes filled with documents I don't own. So, your question is nonsensical.

Trump stored them there, no? It's his place, yes? Trump has already admitted to having them. Do you think somebody moved them?

Your question doesn't make sense.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Wut? Cat got your tongue? Are you surrendering?

I asked you specific questions. Questions directly related to the case. You asked me if I store documents in my bathroom. Bizarre question. If you could explain the relevance of this question to the case, I'm all ears.

But I know you can't, which is why you're giving up. So sorry.

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