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Trump admin slaps solar, wind operators with retroactive rent bills (1 Viewer)

Aside from the crazy cost problem plaguing the DOD biodiesel program. Funny how much more costly it is compared to commercial biodiesel.

Funny how much more expensive fuel bought from haliburton during the Iraq war was as well...
Ya know, they also cause cancer. Bwahahahahahahaha! Jeeezzus H Keeerist the cult is thick.

Strawman much?

I dont know but I doubt it.

With the Interior Department in the Trump regime entirely in the hand of openly corrupt oil and coal lobbyists, I doubt it.

Similarly, under cover of the COVID relief legislation, the Treasury Department has shifted money to the oil industry, particularly the flagging fracking business. Free Federal money so that the frackers could prop up the payments on the junk bonds that finance their business.

The Trump policy is essentially the same as the Harding Adminstrations. It gives away Federal land at bargain basement prices for oil and coal companies. That is one thing that the Trump regime has in common with the Bush and Reagan Administrations.

But times are different now. The rapidly falling cost of solar power generation, and electricity storage are changing the business model of the electric power industry. Which is a direct threat to coal and oil.

Rather than embrace the future, as our global competitors do, the Trump regime fights a well funded rear guard action to keep the fossil fuel industry subsidized and competitive.

Wall Street knows better. The money isnt going into big oil as it once did. Its going into technology.

Just another example of the way the Trump regimes obsession with their outdated vision of the future.

Your biased opinion is meaningless, especially since the facts say otherwise.
Funny how much more expensive fuel bought from haliburton during the Iraq war was as well...

Was it? Do you know how many Haliburton employees died trying to deliver it? Guess all lives do not matter to some people.
Was it? Do you know how many Haliburton employees died trying to deliver it? Guess all lives do not matter to some people.

Almost certainly none.

Halliburton subcontracted fuel deliveries.

You could make $100,000 in a matter of months by volunteering to drive a Halliburton fuel truck.

The drivers referred to KBR as Kill em, bury en and Replace em.

There were no death befits, no recognition, no pension. They just forgot them and replaced them.
Almost certainly none.

Halliburton subcontracted fuel deliveries.

You could make $100,000 in a matter of months by volunteering to drive a Halliburton fuel truck.

The drivers referred to KBR as Kill em, bury en and Replace em.

There were no death befits, no recognition, no pension. They just forgot them and replaced them.

They are still sub-contractors delivering for Halliburton.
They are still sub-contractors delivering for Halliburton.

Like I said. Kill em, bury em, and replace them. That’s what they thought of Halliburton, because they all know just how much Halliburton cared about them!

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