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Trump’s ‘12 more years’ shout shows what he has in common with autocrats (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Trump’s ‘12 more years’ shout shows what he has in common with autocrats


When delegates to the shrunken Republican National Convention started shouting the traditional “four more years” on Monday after nominating President Trump for a second term, he made it clear that wasn’t good enough. “If you want to really drive them crazy,” Trump told his supporters, you say ’12 more years.’ ” Dutifully, some delegates started chanting for two presidential terms beyond the constitutionally prescribed limit. It should drive all of us crazy that the friend of authoritarians and despots currently occupying the White House not only wants to be our president forever, but also immediately flipped into groundless attacks against his political opponents. “We caught them doing some really bad things in 2016,” Trump said. “Let’s see what happens.” In Trump’s world, political opponents are more than an opposition. They’re the enemy. Thus, in the opening hours of the first day of the GOP convention, the president ratified the dire warnings that former president Barack Obama offered at the Democrats’ conclave last week. Obama spoke of “how a democracy withers until it’s no democracy at all,” and told the country: “Don’t let them take away your democracy.” Over its long history, the Republican Party had often engaged in spirited battles over ideas, even at the risk of losing elections. Big tax cuts for the rich are not my idea of great policy. But no one could claim that the Republicans didn’t tell the voters exactly what they had in mind (in 2016).

Those who fear Trump’s authoritarianism are not alarmists, nor are they paranoid. And it’s not just his “12 more years” shout. He has something larger in common with autocrats, who typically either create one-person parties of their own. The Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan has done this to itself. Formally. The day before the convention opened, the Republican National Committee (RNC) approved a resolution announcing there would be no new party platform until 2024. In place of a platform, the committee voted Trump a blank policy check. Putin and other strongmen around the world must have smiled at this endorsement of one-man politics by a political party that once prided itself on being principled. I don’t blame the Republicans for being so defensive. It’s embarrassing for a party to go to the voters with nothing to say. Who really wants anyone noting that your party has placed its fate entirely into the hands of a man who leads crowds in affirming his desire to stay in office indefinitely? You really hope your timidity won’t be compared to the boldness of your forebears. “Having thus set forth our distinctive principles and views, we invite the co-operation of all citizens,” the 1860 Republican platform gallantly concluded. The only thing 2020 Republicans have set forth is their blind and absolute loyalty to Donald Trump.

What is the Republican party platform for 2020? Turns out it is whatever Donald Trump says it is. Depending on his mood on any given day of course. Is this how we want our government to function? On whims?

But more than that, remember the the Republican Party, the Grand Old Party of yesteryear, exists today in name only. What we have today is truly the Party of Trump. His enablers and facilitators.

Related: As Adopted by the Republican National Committee - Resolution Regarding The Republican Party Platform
The idea of anyone wanting 12 more years of this devastation is really something.
Trump hasn't got 12 more years. Frankly, I'm surprised his chunky ass is still around.
The idea of anyone wanting 12 more years of this devastation is really something.

They feel it's only fair after they were all murdered in the FEMA concentration camps, when all guns were confiscated, all income was taken in taxes, and all their kids were indoctrinated into homosexuality. Worst of all their graves were ruled over by a NON WHITE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!

Come on, show some decency for their plight, my god are you even human? :roll:
Somewhere along the line that was intended to mean 12 years.Not exactly 12 MORE years.
We had us 12yrs. of Republican Presidents { 8 under Reagan and 4 under Bush 41 }.
Trump has governed quite historically prior to this Virus.
That is why you hear " Promises Kept "
Somewhere along the line that was intended to mean 12 years.Not exactly 12 MORE years.
We had us 12yrs. of Republican Presidents { 8 under Reagan and 4 under Bush 41 }.
Trump has governed quite historically prior to this Virus.
That is why you hear " Promises Kept "

The man said "12 more years."
Trump’s ‘12 more years’ shout shows what he has in common with autocrats


What is the Republican party platform for 2020? Turns out it is whatever Donald Trump says it is. Depending on his mood on any given day of course. Is this how we want our government to function? On whims?

But more than that, remember the the Republican Party, the Grand Old Party of yesteryear, exists today in name only. What we have today is truly the Party of Trump. His enablers and facilitators.

Related: As Adopted by the Republican National Committee - Resolution Regarding The Republican Party Platform

Trump’s wet dream. He likes pee, too.
The idea of anyone wanting 12 more years of this devastation is really something.

What devastation are you referring to? Certainly things have been bad in the past few months with the pandemic and the Floyd riots, but the first 3 years of his presidency saw the foreign wars winding down and the economy winding up, so I don't see any devastation. I think the only thing that was devastated by Trump's presidency was the devastation of the credibility of CNN and MSNBC and left wing politicians and pundits whose comparisons of Trump to Hitler and conspiracy theories about Russiagate both turned out to be empty.
What devastation, there’s only 180k dead Americans?

What devastation, there’s only 11% unemployment with millions of jobs never returning?

What devastation, the virus is over. Didn’t you see the Rose Garden ceremony last night?
They feel it's only fair after they were all murdered in the FEMA concentration camps, when all guns were confiscated, all income was taken in taxes, and all their kids were indoctrinated into homosexuality. Worst of all their graves were ruled over by a NON WHITE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!

Come on, show some decency for their plight, my god are you even human? :roll:

And don't forget, if it wasn't for Trump MS-13 would be moving in 'next door' to you! Terrifying if you're a low-information type; in other words a Trump supporter.

Double Wide (country Version) - YouTube
And don't forget, if it wasn't for Trump MS-13 would be moving in 'next door' to you! Terrifying if you're a low-information type; in other words a Trump supporter.

Double Wide (country Version) - YouTube

They are going to FORCE elderly people to live next door to MS13 drug houses, that are run by democrat politicians and protected by owned police!!!!!!!!!!! It's True!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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