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Trudeau says Canada trying to end arms contract with Saudi Arabia (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Sunday said Canada is looking into ending sales of armored vehicles to Saudi Arabia as pressure builds following the murder of U.S.-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

"We are engaged with the export permits to try and see if there is a way of no longer exporting these vehicles to Saudi Arabia,” Trudeau told Canadian television network CTV, according to The Globe and Mail.

Trudeau's comments come after he said in October that he was unlikely to cancel the sales.
Good for him. It's refreshing to find a national leader with a spine instead of a comb-over.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Sunday said Canada is looking into ending sales of armored vehicles to Saudi Arabia as pressure builds following the murder of U.S.-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

"We are engaged with the export permits to try and see if there is a way of no longer exporting these vehicles to Saudi Arabia,” Trudeau told Canadian television network CTV, according to The Globe and Mail.

Trudeau's comments come after he said in October that he was unlikely to cancel the sales.
Good for him. It's refreshing to find a national leader with a spine instead of a comb-over.

Eventually enough is enough... This took too long, in my opinion. Jobs only count for so much.
Canadian interests in the Middle East are no where near what ours are, why would you assume all of a sudden it would line up?

(Appreciate that coming from someone with zero respect for Trump or Saudi Arabia, our hypocritical and confusing foreign policy for the greater Middle East region, our military engagements over there and the costs associated with them, our handling of this issue specifically on the killing of Jamal Khashoggi's, etc.)

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Sunday said Canada is looking into ending sales of armored vehicles to Saudi Arabia as pressure builds following the murder of U.S.-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

"We are engaged with the export permits to try and see if there is a way of no longer exporting these vehicles to Saudi Arabia,” Trudeau told Canadian television network CTV, according to The Globe and Mail.

Trudeau's comments come after he said in October that he was unlikely to cancel the sales.
Good for him. It's refreshing to find a national leader with a spine instead of a comb-over.

Not honoring contracts is a bad thing in the long run, as contracts become useless civilization declines.

TO a great degree civilization runs on trust.
Not honoring contracts is a bad thing in the long run, as contracts become useless civilization declines.

TO a great degree civilization runs on trust.

Trust as in applying tariffs against a nation you have a free-trade agreement with? Trust as in threatening more tariffs during trade negotiations? That kind of trust? Trust like saying a Chinese national arrested for fraud at your request might be used as leverage in other trade negotiations? Trust like that?
Trust as in applying tariffs against a nation you have a free-trade agreement with? Trust as in threatening more tariffs during trade negotiations? That kind of trust? Trust like saying a Chinese national arrested for fraud at your request might be used as leverage in other trade negotiations? Trust like that?

Trust is collapsing all over.

You should be worried.
Not honoring contracts is a bad thing in the long run, as contracts become useless civilization declines.

TO a great degree civilization runs on trust.

Then maybe Saudi Arabia should not be executing dissidents, they don't give us much of a choice.
I am so sick of blaming others for what we do.

That is literally the point, they did something that we can no longer tolerate and we must punish them. That is the whole point.
That is literally the point, they did something that we can no longer tolerate and we must punish them. That is the whole point.

We are crawling with sadists now....."YOU MUST BE HURT!".


In civilized country contracts are honored, if there is no morality clause in this contract as it appears there is not that is Canada's fault....you honor your word.
We are crawling with sadists now....."YOU MUST BE HURT!".


In civilized country contracts are honored, if there is no morality clause in this contract as it appears there is not that is Canada's fault....you honor your word.

So you endorse Saudi Arabia's murder of dissidents? Why exactly is breaking a contract over the murder of innocent people not acceptable to you?

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