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Trilateral Comm Sets US Gasoline at $7 a Gallon. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 21, 2007
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Could the oil rig explsion in the Gulf have been planned as a leverage point to raise us Gasoline prices? Is that why it took BP 41 days to cut the bent pipe? Is that why the US Coast Guard still has no CO2 or Nitrogen tankers, standing by for extinguishing further oil rig fires?

The Trilateral commission met recently. TC is short for Trilateral Commission.

"Raise gas costs in the United States. Europeans now pay $10 a gallon, Americans about $3. The TCers say Americans must pay $7.

Oil is being produced at only 81 percent of capacity to increase demand and, thus, prices. Many of the members were born to oil wealth.

They celebrate the healthcare legislation, which they believe will dramatically increase costs and reduce services. It is European style, and Obama is their boy. They look forward to the day when Americans pay at least 50 percent of their income in federal taxes, as is prevalent in Europe."

Trilateral Commission Member Spills The Beans On Plans For World Government.

My Link to the source for $7 gasoline has stopped working,

Here is another article on the recent TC meeting in Ireland, 2010.


"Alex Jones appeared on Russia Today to expose how major oil companies are driving up the price of gasoline by reducing refinery capacity, a familiar ploy that was exposed by Senator Ron Wyden’s 2001 investigation which published leaked oil company documents proving collusion between oil cartels to manufacture artificial scarcity. "

Big Oil Conspires To Jack Up Gasoline Prices Via Artificial Scarcity

not sure why Godlike productions forums turned up banned. The link in the first post can be found by googling the title posted.

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Methane from methane hydrate blew the BP Oil Rig. Heat from the cement curing process arund the base of he blow out preventer may have heated up Methane Hydrate, and released Methane into the pipe going up to the oil rig.

From Dr. Durham work (1999) and what BP didn't say.

"Methane hydrate was discovered only a few decades ago, and little research has been done on it until recently. By some estimates, the energy locked up in methane hydrate deposits is more than twice the global reserves of all conventional gas, oil, and coal deposits combined. But no one has yet figured out how to pull out the gas inexpensively, and no one knows how much is actually recoverable. Because methane is also a greenhouse gas, release of even a small percentage of total deposits could have a serious effect on Earth's atmosphere.

As scientists around the world learn more about this material, new concerns surface. For example, ocean-based oil-drilling operations sometimes encounter methane hydrate deposits. As a drill spins through the hydrate, the process can cause it to dissociate.

The freed gas may explode, causing the drilling crew to lose control of the well. Another concern is that unstable hydrate layers could give way beneath oil platforms or, on a larger scale, even cause tsunamis.

Methane Hydrates Dissociate rapidly after depressurization

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"BP contracted Schlumberger (SLB) to run the Cement Bond Log (CBL) test that was the final test on the plug that was skipped. The people testifying have been very coy about mentioning this, and you’ll see why.

SLB is an extremely highly regarded (and incredibly expensive) service company. They place a high standard on safety and train their workers to shut down unsafe operations.

SLB gets out to the Deepwater Horizon to run the CBL, and they find the well still
kicking heavily, which it should not be that late in the operation. SLB orders the
“company man” (BP’s man on the scene that runs the operation) to dump kill fluid down the well and shut-in the well. The company man refuses. SLB in the very next sentence asks for a helo to take all SLB personel back to shore. The company man says there are no more helo’s scheduled for the rest of the week (translation: you’re here to do a job, now do it). SLB gets on the horn to shore, calls SLB’s corporate HQ, and gets a helo flown out there at SLB’s expense and takes all SLB personel to shore.


Are the Brittish jealous of the Gulf of Mexico, and more concerned with their pension losses that with the devestation of US beauty and natural resources?

“Pretty much every pension fund in the country owns a bit of BP and it has now fallen some £45billion in value.” Mr Smith added that with the markets expected to struggle, pension funds were likely to sink even further"

"there? When the Piper Alpha rig exploded in the North Sea in July, 1988, no fewer than 167 workers died and environmental damage pushed insured losses to £1.7bn. It was the worst offshore oil disaster in the world at that time and feelings ran high in Aberdeen, where many families suffered bereavement and financial loss."

BP Disaster Sinks British Pensions | zero hedge

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I really didn't think so at first, but the more and more information comes out about this explosion, the more it seems 'too good to be true' for people with 'mainstream' agenda's.

I also heard that goldman sachs sold off their stocks of BP, but no other oil company stock, a mere 3 days before the explosion... don't have the link for that one, but if it can be found. We're talking a sale that had they waited untill the next week would have cost them around 100 million dollars in the difference.
"According to regulatory filings, RawStory.com has found that Goldman Sachs sold 4,680,822 shares of BP in the first quarter of 2010. Goldman's sales were the largest of any firm during that time. Goldman would have pocketed slightly more than $266 million if their holdings were sold at the average price of BP's stock during the quarter.

If Goldman had sold these shares today, their investment would have lost 36 percent its value, or $96 million. The share sales represented 44 percent of Goldman's holdings -- meaning that Goldman's remaining holdings have still lost tens of millions in value."

Goldman Sachs sold $250 million of BP stock before spill | Raw Story

"PLC said Sunday that a containment cap placed on its ruptured oil well a mile deep in the Gulf of Mexico collected 10,500 barrels of oil Saturday, marking a success after a string of failures in reducing the oil contaminating the Gulf."

"Scientists led by the U.S. Geological Survey have estimated 12,000 to 19,000 barrels of oil a day, at a minimum, were gushing into the Gulf."

"Another BP spokesman said engineers were working on slowly closing vents on the top of the containment device that are designed to prevent the rapid buildup of hydrates.

"Closing those vents should minimize the amount of oil that will leak out," the spokesman said, adding the drill ship collecting the oil on the sea's surface, Transocean's Discoverer Enterprise, can process as much as 15,000 barrels a day. The ship can hold as much as 137,000 barrels of oil."

BP Cap Collects 10,500 Barrels a Day - WSJ.com

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"Senate Democrats brought up legislation yesterday coupling a fivefold increase in the tax that oil companies pay into a spill liability fund with help for the jobless, doctors and cash-starved states.

The sprawling, 364-page bill contains many provisions long overdue for completion by Congress, including the renewal of dozens of popular but expired tax breaks for individuals and businesses.

"unveiled yesterday would raise the tax on oil produced offshore from 8 cents to 41 cents per barrel. That’s 7 cents higher than legislation that passed the House last month. The move to increase the tax would raise $15 billion over the coming decade as Congress seeks to shore up the fund in the wake of the catastrophic spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

But it’s also being used to ease a tax hike passed by the House on investment fund managers and to help pay for other tax cuts.

Mississippi Business Journal » Blog Archive » Lawmakers want increase in oil-spill tax
"Senate Democrats brought up legislation yesterday coupling a fivefold increase in the tax that oil companies pay into a spill liability fund with help for the jobless, doctors and cash-starved states.

The sprawling, 364-page bill contains many provisions long overdue for completion by Congress, including the renewal of dozens of popular but expired tax breaks for individuals and businesses.

"unveiled yesterday would raise the tax on oil produced offshore from 8 cents to 41 cents per barrel. That’s 7 cents higher than legislation that passed the House last month. The move to increase the tax would raise $15 billion over the coming decade as Congress seeks to shore up the fund in the wake of the catastrophic spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

But it’s also being used to ease a tax hike passed by the House on investment fund managers and to help pay for other tax cuts.

Mississippi Business Journal » Blog Archive » Lawmakers want increase in oil-spill tax

And of course that will show the oil companies when that cost gets passed on to the consumer.

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