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Trans Restroom backlash (1 Viewer)


May 10, 2016
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I am hearing this will be an bigger issue in the election than anyone thought. Hillary and Bernie are strangely silent on the Obama dictum to all the school districts in the US on how to deal with transgender students. Personalty I think this has the potential to become a "prayer in school" level rallying point for the far right.:(
I am hearing this will be an bigger issue in the election than anyone thought. Hillary and Bernie are strangely silent on the Obama dictum to all the school districts in the US on how to deal with transgender students. Personalty I think this has the potential to become a "prayer in school" level rallying point for the far right.:(

This is not freedom and too dangerous to apply to schools
In my mind, this issue is a total set-up by the Ruling Class .....

Prior to Obama making "Transgender" an issue in this election season, the topic of concern was the economy and economic disssusion is "Dead Meat" to the Ruling Class.

The Ruling Class needed to bring this election back to "Morals" and "Values" rather than "Revolutionary Economics".

Obama and The Clowns had to have known that this "Transgender" issue would stir the base of the Republican Party, just as what happened with Bush in 2004 with "Morals not Mammon" campaign.

I am hearing this will be an bigger issue in the election than anyone thought. Hillary and Bernie are strangely silent on the Obama dictum to all the school districts in the US on how to deal with transgender students. Personalty I think this has the potential to become a "prayer in school" level rallying point for the far right.:(

An unforced error or Obama's part. Saying that biological reality is in fact reality should not be that revolutionary, but it is these days.

Conservatives have started to go Alinski on Obama. They have brought out survivors of rape who say that sharing a public bathroom with a man is an extremely traumatic experience for them, and why don't people have any compassion for victims of sexual assault? In a polity where victimhood is paramount it should be an effective campaign. Seeing SJWs hoisted by their own petard is rich with the shadenfreunde.

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