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Toyota Halts All Shipments To Iraqi (1 Viewer)

Bad decision. More Toyotas in Iran means more accidents, more death, and more mayhem. Send the damn cars to them. :mrgreen:

That's a very novel way of looking at it. :)
Bad decision. More Toyotas in Iran means more accidents, more death, and more mayhem. Send the damn cars to them. :mrgreen:

Make sure they get the right....uh, wrong mats. :lol:
Bad decision. More Toyotas in Iran means more accidents, more death, and more mayhem. Send the damn cars to them. :mrgreen:

What the hell's wrong with Toyotas?
I think they're excellent cars. Very reliable. I plan to get another, when mine break down.
I've never had a single problem with them. :confused:

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