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Top Republican staffer on January 6 committee leaving (1 Viewer)


Air Muscle
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2020
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Appreciation goes out to (R) Rep Riggleman for his duty as a staff member to the 1/6 Committee and his upcoming work involving Ukraine. (y)

(CNN)Former GOP Rep. Denver Riggleman of Virginia, who has served as a staff member to the January 6 select committee, will leave that position in the coming weeks to begin work with a nonprofit organization in Ukraine.

Two sources familiar with the move told CNN that Riggleman's upcoming exit was "amicable." Riggleman sent the chairman and vice chairwoman a letter informing them of his decision. In the letter, obtained by CNN, he writes that his "initial work has been completed" for the committee.

"It is my sincerest hope that this committee can produce a facts-based report on those responsible for January 6th, and identify processes and polices to prevent such activities in the future," he wrote. "The importance of the committee cannot be overstated."
Appreciation goes out to (R) Rep Riggleman for his duty as a staff member to the 1/6 Committee and his upcoming work involving Ukraine. (y)

(CNN)Former GOP Rep. Denver Riggleman of Virginia, who has served as a staff member to the January 6 select committee, will leave that position in the coming weeks to begin work with a nonprofit organization in Ukraine.

Two sources familiar with the move told CNN that Riggleman's upcoming exit was "amicable." Riggleman sent the chairman and vice chairwoman a letter informing them of his decision. In the letter, obtained by CNN, he writes that his "initial work has been completed" for the committee.

"It is my sincerest hope that this committee can produce a facts-based report on those responsible for January 6th, and identify processes and polices to prevent such activities in the future," he wrote. "The importance of the committee cannot be overstated."
Looks likes he's leaving to do some important work as well. Thanks for the effort Rep. Riggleman.
Guess he better be careful, you know how Clinton does...
Tip of the cap
Guess he better be careful, you know how Clinton does...
I'm afraid that you have me at a disadvantage. Please explain briefly what Clinton (which one?) would do.

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