- Joined
- Sep 5, 2005
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- 143
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- Slightly Liberal
10. Theocratic Tendencies- Pushing for things like compulsory school prayer, using tax dollars to pay for Christian religious displays and to fund "faith-based" charities who use the money for 'recruitment' in addition to any legitimate charitable causes. Just because it's the majority religion doesn't make it the "official state religion". The founding fathers realized the importance of keeping the state out of religion and vice versa, why can't you?
9. Inability to tolerate opposing viewpoints- This amounts to: Agree with us or you're "irresponsible", "un-American", a "traitor", and so forth. Why not debate your positions on their merits rather than simply dodge all argument by seeking to dismiss the positions of others without review? Perhaps if the GOP platform had any merit to stand on they wouldn't have to resort to name-calling and personal attacks to get their points across, hmmm?
8. Fiscal Retardation- If it isn't clear to absolutely everyone by now that the GOP is completely incapable of adhering to any sort of fiscal restraint, then you're ignoring the facts. Despite record revenues, the executive and legislative bodies of government, held by the Republicans, have been unable to hold back from spending every penny, plus the social security surplus, PLUS another $300b-$400b on top of that, adding to our national debt. Fiscal conservatives my ass.
7. Corporate Favoritism- They let the big energy companies write our country's energy policy, they've rolled back important safety and health regulations (How much insect matter and hair do YOU think should be allowed in your peanut butter??), they've directly and blatantly passed legislation which favors business and puts the screws to the individual and the worker... The list just goes on and on.
6. Inability to Respond to a Crisis in a Timely Manner- The response to Hurricane Katrina, particularly after spending billions upon billions of dollars on increased preparedness in the event of a terrorist attack was deeply troubling. It wasn't until they saw people on the news outside the Superdome holding up signs that said, "HELP US", that any sort of mobilization even began. It speaks volumes as to their ability to manage, well... Anything.
5. Bumbling in Iraq- Many leadership mistakes were made in Iraq and even the current administration admits to that. Perhaps if he'd sought out advice from those outside his circle of cronies three years ago instead of waiting until a week ago, some of these mistakes could have been avoided and the troops could be home by now.
4. Inability to Win the Hearts and Minds of Those Our Enemies Want to Recruit- Bush stubbornly clinging to his 'right' to order agents of the US to use torture during interrogation of enemy suspects certainly sends a clear message to these people, doesn't it? If you can put yourself in the position of a middle-easterner for a second, what's the difference between being tortured by Americans and being tortured by Saddam? No wonder 80% of Iraqis want us to withdraw and a majority of them think it's 'ok' to attack Americans.
3. Spying on American Citizens Without a Warrant- Despite any technical legality of it that may or may not exist, this just ranks right up there with internment camps. It is plainly a scar on Bush's presidency, and an open, festering wound on the core principles of freedom.
2. Pat Robertson & the Rest of the Evangelical Outrage Gang- Well Tinky-winky and Spongebob are gay and trying to recruit your children into their "lifestyle", we should assasinate Chavez, and Sharon's stroke was a punishment from God. Need I say more?
1. THEY'RE FOR SALE!- Most of us knew that from the start, but now thanks to Abramoff it's all coming into the spotlight. Now that some of their dirty conversations have been taped (Thanks, Duke!!!), the American people will get to know the GOP for what they really are (again), and have been since the 1970's... A bunch of crooks, con-men and cronies.
9. Inability to tolerate opposing viewpoints- This amounts to: Agree with us or you're "irresponsible", "un-American", a "traitor", and so forth. Why not debate your positions on their merits rather than simply dodge all argument by seeking to dismiss the positions of others without review? Perhaps if the GOP platform had any merit to stand on they wouldn't have to resort to name-calling and personal attacks to get their points across, hmmm?
8. Fiscal Retardation- If it isn't clear to absolutely everyone by now that the GOP is completely incapable of adhering to any sort of fiscal restraint, then you're ignoring the facts. Despite record revenues, the executive and legislative bodies of government, held by the Republicans, have been unable to hold back from spending every penny, plus the social security surplus, PLUS another $300b-$400b on top of that, adding to our national debt. Fiscal conservatives my ass.
7. Corporate Favoritism- They let the big energy companies write our country's energy policy, they've rolled back important safety and health regulations (How much insect matter and hair do YOU think should be allowed in your peanut butter??), they've directly and blatantly passed legislation which favors business and puts the screws to the individual and the worker... The list just goes on and on.
6. Inability to Respond to a Crisis in a Timely Manner- The response to Hurricane Katrina, particularly after spending billions upon billions of dollars on increased preparedness in the event of a terrorist attack was deeply troubling. It wasn't until they saw people on the news outside the Superdome holding up signs that said, "HELP US", that any sort of mobilization even began. It speaks volumes as to their ability to manage, well... Anything.
5. Bumbling in Iraq- Many leadership mistakes were made in Iraq and even the current administration admits to that. Perhaps if he'd sought out advice from those outside his circle of cronies three years ago instead of waiting until a week ago, some of these mistakes could have been avoided and the troops could be home by now.
4. Inability to Win the Hearts and Minds of Those Our Enemies Want to Recruit- Bush stubbornly clinging to his 'right' to order agents of the US to use torture during interrogation of enemy suspects certainly sends a clear message to these people, doesn't it? If you can put yourself in the position of a middle-easterner for a second, what's the difference between being tortured by Americans and being tortured by Saddam? No wonder 80% of Iraqis want us to withdraw and a majority of them think it's 'ok' to attack Americans.
3. Spying on American Citizens Without a Warrant- Despite any technical legality of it that may or may not exist, this just ranks right up there with internment camps. It is plainly a scar on Bush's presidency, and an open, festering wound on the core principles of freedom.
2. Pat Robertson & the Rest of the Evangelical Outrage Gang- Well Tinky-winky and Spongebob are gay and trying to recruit your children into their "lifestyle", we should assasinate Chavez, and Sharon's stroke was a punishment from God. Need I say more?
1. THEY'RE FOR SALE!- Most of us knew that from the start, but now thanks to Abramoff it's all coming into the spotlight. Now that some of their dirty conversations have been taped (Thanks, Duke!!!), the American people will get to know the GOP for what they really are (again), and have been since the 1970's... A bunch of crooks, con-men and cronies.