galenrox said:
Dude, you're talking about my senator, and he is well loved here in Iowa. And unless there's a left wing equivalent being offered to the soldiers too, then I fully understand why he's opposed to Limbaugh being played over there, sending them into war and then forcing them to listen to propaganda, christ, have you lost your damn mind? Oh wait, my bad, dumb question.
He is a great representative of this state, which is not a leftist state, which would raise the question to your logic that if he's such a leftist, how come he was elected in Iowa? I mean, we're the same place that elected Chuck Grassley, a far right wing republican, as our other senator (and he's a fantastic one too, although his campaigns are pure bullshit, but he's really there for the workers).
And I must say, I believe we as a whole are a frickin ton smarter than you.
You humor me Galen..Huh huh:smile: ! Listen, IF our soldiers do not want to listen to Limbaugh then LET them exercize their right by not TUNING into his radio show.
Now..that wasn't too hard to figure out,.. now was it?
WE KNOW the REAL reason that Harkin, ..your beloved liberal democratic senator does not want our soldiers to have access to Limbaugh, & It is because Limbaugh tells them what in the hell is REALLY going on in the political world, & THAT is precisely as to why Harkin does NOT WANT them to have access to to the soldiers.
Harkin probably prefers the soldiers to "believe" the horsecrap that the war in Iraq was based on a lie by the Bush administration, ...just like the senate democrats WANT everybody to believe.
Huh huh, ..sorry but the majority of service people do tune in to Limbaugh, & DESPISE the way the media is reporting on the war in Iraq, ..& many of them also despise the way the democrats are characterizing the whole war.
This should not surprise you, sure as hell does not surprise me either; ..afteral it was the Kerry people who tried like hell to NOT allow overseas military ballots to be counted during the 04' election!
Most american service people DO support their president, just sounds to me that Harkin simply just does not like it, ..& blames Rush Limbaugh for it!
I think its great that Harkin has lashed out against Limbaugh; only proves Limbaugh correct on so many things.
It also sounds to me that Harkin wants censorship for our soldiers. Oops, ..I mean to say he wants "conservative" censorship.
Our soldiers have tons of access to liberal websites, ..the mentality types of the "move on dot orgs, & the Ted Soros crapola that "they" spew is much more acceptable to Harkin, I would suppose, ..& the rest of the leftists sites that have little good to say about our military, ..IF they are not condemning them first for being like Ghengis Khans as Mr. Kerry had said about our servicemen in Viet-nam!
Our service people KNOW who really support them, ..& it sure as hell is NOT the liberal media, or the democratic party leadership at large, ..either!
And Harkin knows that the military knows it too; ..& is probably bitter that our military personnel do not hate Bush, or Limbaugh as much as the democrats WANT them to!:smile:
Geezus Galen, ..even a blind person does not need "braille" to see what all the fuss was about with Harkin lashing out against Limbaugh.
Huh is as evident as yeast in dough!:2razz: