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Tom DeLay and my flight to Houston (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I went to Houston this weekend for my college reunion. As we (my husband and I) entered the plane, who is sitting in the first row of first class but Tom DeLay. Next to Tom DeLay was Sheila Jackson Lee.

Ha ha ha ha ha

Oh, and they were on the left side of the plane. ;)
That is very unfortunate. I think I would have walked off the plane.:lol:
Old and wise said:
That is very unfortunate. I think I would have walked off the plane.:lol:
Try it when your halfway to your destination sometime...:2wave:
I'm sure he had a connecting flight in Houston for his final destination in Hell. (Did he get the kosher meal? Oy!)
cnredd said:
Try it when your halfway to your destination sometime...:2wave:

aps said 'when we entered the plane'. Why don't you try it half way through a flight?:rofl
Old and wise said:
aps said 'when we entered the plane'. Why don't you try it half way through a flight?:rofl

Excellent observation about my terminology.

Hiya cnredd. I think you do a very nice job moderating. Just wanted to let you know.
aps said:
Excellent observation about my terminology.

Hiya cnredd. I think you do a very nice job moderating. Just wanted to let you know.
Thanks...spread the word....

We got a few whiners here who think Moderation is done by political affiliation...far from the truth...

I could "drop the hammer" on 10 straight Cons and then 1 Lib...The Lib will start crying bias...happens with one in particular here...Every couple of weeks he goes on the rag and cries for attention....
cnredd said:
Thanks...spread the word....

We got a few whiners here who think Moderation is done by political affiliation...far from the truth...

I could "drop the hammer" on 10 straight Cons and then 1 Lib...The Lib will start crying bias...happens with one in particular here...Every couple of weeks he goes on the rag and cries for attention....

Hmmm whom could that be? Is it afriamerican? :rofl

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