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Tom Coburn Rumored to run against Trump at 2016 Convention (1 Viewer)


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Jan 21, 2013
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Heard through the conservative blogosphere, rumors are swirling that there is a draft by the never-trump Republican movement to elect Tom Coburn in Trump's place. Looks like Romney and Kristol finally found their unicorn, will it be successful? Probably not.

Word is quickly spreading among convention delegates that former Senator from Oklahoma Tom Coburn will challenge Trump if they can get his name in nomination. Quin Hillyer a veteran political pundit put this on his blog today,

BREAKING NEWS–Tom Coburn Willing to Challenge Trump for the Nomination – The Bull Elephant

Trump not yet nominee; Tom Coburn would accept a draft

BREAKING: Tom Coburn is Willing to Challenge Trump for Nomination | The Resurgent

Could Senator Tom Coburn really challenge Trump at the #RNCinCLE? – twitchy.com
Heard through the conservative blogosphere, rumors are swirling that there is a draft by the never-trump Republican movement to elect Tom Coburn in Trump's place. Looks like Romney and Kristol finally found their unicorn, will it be successful? Probably not.

BREAKING NEWS–Tom Coburn Willing to Challenge Trump for the Nomination – The Bull Elephant

Trump not yet nominee; Tom Coburn would accept a draft

BREAKING: Tom Coburn is Willing to Challenge Trump for Nomination | The Resurgent

Could Senator Tom Coburn really challenge Trump at the #RNCinCLE? – twitchy.com

The rules committee already decided that the delegates cannot be unbound, this is probably just blogosphere bluster.
The rules committee already decided that the delegates cannot be unbound, this is probably just blogosphere bluster.

I saw them trying to gather the unbound delegates. However, Ohio and Florida have pledged their support for Trump this morning on CNN. Though Rubio and Kasich will get to keep their bound delegates. Trump still has way more than he needs even.
I can't imagine this working.
not going to happen.
Heard through the conservative blogosphere, rumors are swirling that there is a draft by the never-trump Republican movement to elect Tom Coburn in Trump's place. Looks like Romney and Kristol finally found their unicorn, will it be successful? Probably not.

BREAKING NEWS–Tom Coburn Willing to Challenge Trump for the Nomination – The Bull Elephant

Trump not yet nominee; Tom Coburn would accept a draft

BREAKING: Tom Coburn is Willing to Challenge Trump for Nomination | The Resurgent

Could Senator Tom Coburn really challenge Trump at the #RNCinCLE? – twitchy.com
I predicted a nascent, abortive attempt that generates a little noise, but which is squashed. We got some of that on the rules committee. Maybe this ties into that.

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