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Today's LAFF-O-THE-DAY (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 2, 2013
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Political Leaning

She's always a gold mine for the daily chuckle!!!


And what will Hershal Walker be able to claim? That he's an expert at paying for abortions.

You're attempting to point out stupid, I guess. Well, I just one upped you.
View attachment 67416902

She's always a gold mine for the daily chuckle!!!

View attachment 67416903


OMG! Alex is wearing the t shirt I gave her!!84878266.jpeg

The commies responding here


Remember-laughter is the best medicine!!
No, no - it's a LAFF riot. Which is a laugh riot by people who can't spell.
....Actually-it's one word.
LAFFRIOT. I've submitted it to WEbster's as a new word to be added to the lexicon. ( fingers crossed)
Your specialty.

Yet shows zero understanding of economics. There has been considerable comment upon it.

Just because you don't understand doesn't mean she doesn't. Of course you think Trump was a good President, so you probably don't understand much.
And what will Hershal Walker be able to claim? That he's an expert at paying for abortions.

You're attempting to point out stupid, I guess. Well, I just one upped you.
You can't fix stoopid. Once stoopid, always stupid.

Herchel is Einstein compared tro AOC.
You can't fix stoopid. Once stoopid, always stupid.

Herchel is Einstein compared tro AOC.

The only thing *Herschel* Walker exceeds in is lying about everything he possibly can.
Isn't that supposed to be Taylor-Greene and Boebert?
It's Jawja. Greene and Walker. Fighting the evil democrat plot to exterminate the apes with space lasers thus indoctrinating our children with marxist evolution.

The FSM eats gazpacho for lunch.
You must not have seen AOC babble like a teenager then.

I sure saw her as a teen in that video of her dancing heh heh heh heh heh.
BODACIOUS set of ta - tas!!!

And she's a Socialist to boot!! :love::love:😘🥰😍💘💝

I would WRECK that chick!

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