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Today's Heroes - Pro Labor Republicans (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
A group of Republicans met with President Bush and pressured him into reinstating Federal Wage laws in regard to the Katrina cleanup in New Orleans. Bush is not an idealogue like most of the Neocons, but a pragmatist. Down on his luck, Bush is now beginning to do things from his pragmatist side. He has no choice in the matter now. The grip of the Neocons is beginning to fade.

While the Republican party in general is about to take some very hard knocks over unethical conduct, dont forget that there are some very good Congressmen and Senators in the party. Dont group them with the Bushneviks. Many Republicans are still worth voting for, and those are also a better choice than Democrats. When the party has rid itself of the Neocon parasites, these lawmakers will be at the forefront to steer the GOP back to its Conservative roots, which is the real grass roots of America. Keep in mind that Neoconservatism is NOT Conservatism.

It wont be too much longer before there there a new GOP, well, actually the old GOP returning to its senses.

Article is here.
danarhea said:
A group of Republicans met with President Bush and pressured him into reinstating Federal Wage laws in regard to the Katrina cleanup in New Orleans. Bush is not an idealogue like most of the Neocons, but a pragmatist. Down on his luck, Bush is now beginning to do things from his pragmatist side. He has no choice in the matter now. The grip of the Neocons is beginning to fade.

While the Republican party in general is about to take some very hard knocks over unethical conduct, dont forget that there are some very good Congressmen and Senators in the party. Dont group them with the Bushneviks. Many Republicans are still worth voting for, and those are also a better choice than Democrats. When the party has rid itself of the Neocon parasites, these lawmakers will be at the forefront to steer the GOP back to its Conservative roots, which is the real grass roots of America. Keep in mind that Neoconservatism is NOT Conservatism.

It wont be too much longer before there there a new GOP, well, actually the old GOP returning to its senses.

Article is here.

How is hiring labor at higher and pointless union-scale wages a practical thing for the country?

If they're going to implement that stupid Davis-Bacon crap, they should also insist on bidding every job with a minimum of three independent bidders, with full review process and everything.

Bush's move is nothing but more proof, not that any was ever needed, that he's a Democrat, too.
danarhea said:
A group of Republicans met with President Bush and pressured him into reinstating Federal Wage laws in regard to the Katrina cleanup in New Orleans. Bush is not an idealogue like most of the Neocons, but a pragmatist. Down on his luck, Bush is now beginning to do things from his pragmatist side. He has no choice in the matter now. The grip of the Neocons is beginning to fade.

While the Republican party in general is about to take some very hard knocks over unethical conduct, dont forget that there are some very good Congressmen and Senators in the party. Dont group them with the Bushneviks. Many Republicans are still worth voting for, and those are also a better choice than Democrats. When the party has rid itself of the Neocon parasites, these lawmakers will be at the forefront to steer the GOP back to its Conservative roots, which is the real grass roots of America. Keep in mind that Neoconservatism is NOT Conservatism.

It wont be too much longer before there there a new GOP, well, actually the old GOP returning to its senses.

Article is here.

Oh come now, don't make this sound like it's some kind of principled stand that everyone regardless of party should embrace. Anyone who supports these idiotic wage laws during a national crisis (or any other time for that matter) is a reactionary parasite because they are taking advantage of our bloated government during the time when it needs to conserve money the most. There's nothing "pragmatic" about this, aside from the fact that it might buy the GOP a few more votes.
Kandahar said:
Oh come now, don't make this sound like it's some kind of principled stand that everyone regardless of party should embrace. Anyone who supports these idiotic wage laws during a national crisis (or any other time for that matter) is a reactionary parasite because they are taking advantage of our bloated government during the time when it needs to conserve money the most. There's nothing "pragmatic" about this, aside from the fact that it might buy the GOP a few more votes.

That is quite a generalization, and also quite untrue. There are 2 types of Republicans, Neocons and Conservatives. Conservatives believe quite differently than Neocons on wage issues. While Neocons want wages supressed, Conservatives generally feel that the Federal government has no business there, but are treating Bacon-Davis as settled law in this case. Should I make a statement that Democrats are all pro war because most of them supported the Vietnam War during the Johnson administration?
danarhea said:
That is quite a generalization, and also quite untrue. There are 2 types of Republicans, Neocons and Conservatives. Conservatives believe quite differently than Neocons on wage issues. While Neocons want wages supressed, Conservatives generally feel that the Federal government has no business there,

No one wants "wages suppressed," that's ridiculous. Conservatives are against the government paying artificially high wages, especially during times of national emergency. Any Republicans who support this are not being "pragmatic," they're just being socialists.

danarhea said:
but are treating Bacon-Davis as settled law in this case.

We aren't talking about the Supreme Court here. Who cares what is "settled law"? Congress' JOB is to change the law.

danarhea said:
Should I make a statement that Democrats are all pro war because most of them supported the Vietnam War during the Johnson administration?

Thankfully someone regained their senses and reinstated the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931.

Why would you want 'cut-rate' wages to be paid to workers rebuilding disaster areas? That only encourages 'cut-rate' workmanship by non or low skilled workers.

I don't think paying working men and women prevailing wages is being a reactionary parasite or taking advantage of our bloated government. The wage earners aren't taking advantage of anyone or anything, they just want a fair wage for comparable work.

If you think contractors doing work for the government are going to pass wage savings on to the government, then I don't believe you have been around very many construction contracts.

I do believe that bids should be let, just as they should be let in Iraq.
BWG said:
Thankfully someone regained their senses and reinstated the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931.

Why would you want 'cut-rate' wages to be paid to workers rebuilding disaster areas? That only encourages 'cut-rate' workmanship by non or low skilled workers.

I don't think paying working men and women prevailing wages is being a reactionary parasite or taking advantage of our bloated government. The wage earners aren't taking advantage of anyone or anything, they just want a fair wage for comparable work.

If you think contractors doing work for the government are going to pass wage savings on to the government, then I don't believe you have been around very many construction contracts.

I do believe that bids should be let, just as they should be let in Iraq.

"Prevailing wages" sounds nice, but it has come to mean exactly the opposite in government contracts. What the government is ACTUALLY doing is paying workers considerably MORE than the prevailing wages, because they tend to be unionized (or at least in heavily-unionized industries). If the government would simply pay workers the REAL prevailing wage, the job would get done and save the taxpayers some money.

They weren't being paid "cut-rate" wages, because if they were they wouldn't have taken that job in the first place.
Davis Bacon was based on racism. Northern construction firms didn't like being undercut by black labor from the south that was migrating north during the depression. First republicans got a version of it passed under hoover-a few years later the dem dominated FDR administration and its amen congress strengthed it

It violates the constitution
danarhea said:
A group of Republicans met with President Bush and pressured him into reinstating Federal Wage laws in regard to the Katrina cleanup in New Orleans. Bush is not an idealogue like most of the Neocons, but a pragmatist.
Article is here.

"Rep. Steven LaTourette, R-Ohio, who founded the pro-labor caucus with Rep. Frank LoBiondo of New Jersey earlier this year, said the Bush administration was not receptive to the initial letter."

And those two Senators must wonder why they are losing jobs in their states. workers don't want to be shut out due to such arcaic laws like prevailing wages, wages should be open to comptetion just like everything else.

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