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Today on the threat down: (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
We can't stop here this is bat country!
Political Leaning
Very Conservative

You have a rabbit problem?
We like rabbits, they taste like chicken...hmmmmm

Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Cuteness . . . . un-bearable . . . must, look, away, meh.

Cuteness?..We have much to learn.....:lol:

Have you ever seen just how Weimaraners like to play with small animals and birds?

Before I moveed it to the front yard they use to sit near the bird feeder and wait for a winged snack.

Feral cat population before we got the dogs---About 8
Feral cat population after the dogs---Zero.

And last….one summer afternoon they decided “Hey lets jump the fence get the, neighbors' cat, bring it back over here and pull it apart then toss it into the air like a rag doll.”
cherokee said:
Cuteness?..We have much to learn.....:lol:

Have you ever seen just how Weimaraners like to play with small animals and birds?

Before I moveed it to the front yard they use to sit near the bird feeder and wait for a winged snack.

Feral cat population before we got the dogs---About 8
Feral cat population after the dogs---Zero.

And last….one summer afternoon they decided “Hey lets jump the fence get the, neighbors' cat, bring it back over here and pull it apart then toss it into the air like a rag doll.”

Well I hate cats so in actuality that's an endearing quality.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Well I hate cats so in actuality that's an endearing quality.

They wanted me to tell you this...

We like Cats , they taste like chicken.

Bring it girls, he's ready...........................:lol:

Hey boys come look...the kitty has a hat you can chew up...
cherokee said:
Hey boys come look...the kitty has a hat you can chew up...

Oh.....he is meaner then he looks, believe it!:lol:

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