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Thousands of additional Chechen government forces being deployed (1 Viewer)


Supporting Member
Feb 25, 2022
Reaction score
Anti-Populism, Pro-NATO
Political Leaning
In between some fake videos that were filmed earlier than stated it appears though the news is true from Chechnya.

This is from Neil Hauer, journalist.

"Another video from Grozny, Chechnya sent to me by local source today. Thousands of additional Chechen government forces being deployed to Ukraine as part of Russia's occupation force."

"Note that one of the primary utilities of Chechen forces for Putin is that Russian public will care much less if they are killed (than ethnic Russians). Much greater political tolerance for casualties."

You can find the real video on his Twitter account.
In between some fake videos that were filmed earlier than stated it appears though the news is true from Chechnya.

This is from Neil Hauer, journalist.

"Another video from Grozny, Chechnya sent to me by local source today. Thousands of additional Chechen government forces being deployed to Ukraine as part of Russia's occupation force."

"Note that one of the primary utilities of Chechen forces for Putin is that Russian public will care much less if they are killed (than ethnic Russians). Much greater political tolerance for casualties."

You can find the real video on his Twitter account.
Cannon fodder.
inb4 "russians are racist". 😂
In between some fake videos that were filmed earlier than stated it appears though the news is true from Chechnya.

This is from Neil Hauer, journalist.

"Another video from Grozny, Chechnya sent to me by local source today. Thousands of additional Chechen government forces being deployed to Ukraine as part of Russia's occupation force."

"Note that one of the primary utilities of Chechen forces for Putin is that Russian public will care much less if they are killed (than ethnic Russians). Much greater political tolerance for casualties."

You can find the real video on his Twitter account.

RTFM before you post?
RTFM before you post?
Alright read it, so no Twitter including the ones with the blue checkmarks and the source is needed.

Hope the powers that be have mercy on me this one time. Is like in soccer. I get a yellow card before a red.
Alright read it, so no Twitter including the ones with the blue checkmarks and the source is needed.

Hope the powers that be have mercy on me this one time. Is like in soccer. I get a yellow card before a red.
You have fouls to give, it should only be a warning for a rook. Be careful in Breaking News, you need to dot ”i”s and cross “t” s.
Read the guidelines and follow them, you’ll be fine.
One source: https://www.euroweeklynews.com/2022/02/25/chechen-kill-squads-kyiv/

Other european sources from Croatia and Czech Republic also are reporting on it. https://www.telegram.hr/politika-kr...tisuce-boraca-krecu-u-ukrajinu-pomoci-rusima/

The picture in the article is from the real video, but the actual video at the bottom posted is filmed earlier that this journalist, Neil Hauer did not even post. Is taken from another person :ROFLMAO:

What a world we live in, soon it will be like the "Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth."
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Cannon fodder.


Or, alternatively: Goon squad.

These are Islamic militants who will have no moral qualms with the concept of raping and pilaging.

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